import random import time import gradio as gr from create_query_engine import * logo_filepath = 'Readable.png' robot_filepath = 'Robot.png' custom_css = """ .column { align-items: center; } .column_el { flex-grow: 1; } """ def respond(message, chat_history, query_engine, sql_engine): response = query_engine.query(message) bot_message = response.response chat_history.append((message, bot_message)) time.sleep(2) return "", chat_history, display_question_and_answer(chat_history), query(sql_engine, response.metadata['sql_query']), response.metadata['sql_query'] def display_question_and_answer(tuple_list): qa_history = "" for i, (q, a) in enumerate(tuple_list): qa_history += f"
Q: {q}

A: {a}

" return qa_history with gr.Blocks(css=custom_css) as demo: with gr.Tab("Home"): with gr.Row(variant='compact'): with gr.Column(scale=1, elem_classes='column'): logo = gr.Image(value=logo_filepath, type='pil', show_label=False, show_download_button=False, container=False, elem_classes='column_el') agent = gr.State() file = gr.File(file_types=['pdf'], file_count='single', show_label=False, elem_classes='column_el', height=75) SQLidx = gr.State() sql_engine = gr.State() # Connect to database + give context pane with gr.Accordion("Command String Details"): gr.Markdown("Enter command string details here") with gr.Row(): user = gr.Textbox(value='postgres', label="Username") password = gr.Textbox(value='aimfall23',label="Password") with gr.Row(): host = gr.Textbox(value='',label="Host") port = gr.Textbox(value='5432', label="Port") myDB = gr.Textbox(value='sample_db', label="mydatabase") upload_status = gr.Textbox(value="Database not connected yet", label="Connect Status") submit_SQL_btn = gr.Button("Submit postgres details"), inputs = [file, user, password, host, port, myDB], outputs=[SQLidx, sql_engine, upload_status]) robot = gr.Image(value=robot_filepath, type='pil', show_label=False, show_download_button=False, container=False, width=125, height=125, elem_classes='column_el') with gr.Column(scale=3, elem_classes='column'): df = gr.Dataframe() chatbot = gr.Chatbot(elem_classes='column_el') msg = gr.Textbox(show_label=False, elem_classes='column_el') with gr.Accordion("Executed SQL Query"): sql_statement = gr.Textbox(label="", lines=5) with gr.Tab("Chat History"): history = gr.HTML() msg.submit(respond, [msg, chatbot, SQLidx, sql_engine], [msg, chatbot, history, df, sql_statement]) demo.launch()