import streamlit as st import nltk import spacy import pandas as pd import base64, random import time, datetime from pyresparser import ResumeParser from pdfminer3.layout import LAParams, LTTextBox from pdfminer3.pdfpage import PDFPage from pdfminer3.pdfinterp import PDFResourceManager from pdfminer3.pdfinterp import PDFPageInterpreter from pdfminer3.converter import TextConverter import io, random from streamlit_tags import st_tags from PIL import Image import pymysql from Courses import ds_course, web_course, android_course, ios_course, uiux_course, resume_videos, interview_videos import pafy import as px import youtube_dl'punkt')'stopwords') spacy.load("en_core_web_trf") def fetch_yt_video(link): video = return video.title def get_table_download_link(df, filename, text): """Generates a link allowing the data in a given panda dataframe to be downloaded in: dataframe out: href string """ csv = df.to_csv(index=False) b64 = base64.b64encode(csv.encode()).decode() # some strings <-> bytes conversions necessary here # href = f'Download Report' href = f'{text}' return href def pdf_reader(file): resource_manager = PDFResourceManager() fake_file_handle = io.StringIO() converter = TextConverter(resource_manager, fake_file_handle, laparams=LAParams()) page_interpreter = PDFPageInterpreter(resource_manager, converter) with open(file, 'rb') as fh: for page in PDFPage.get_pages(fh, caching=True, check_extractable=True): page_interpreter.process_page(page) print(page) text = fake_file_handle.getvalue() # close open handles converter.close() fake_file_handle.close() return text def show_pdf(file_path): with open(file_path, "rb") as f: base64_pdf = base64.b64encode('utf-8') # pdf_display = f'' pdf_display = F'' st.markdown(pdf_display, unsafe_allow_html=True) def course_recommender(course_list): st.subheader("**Courses & Certificates🎓 Recommendations**") c = 0 rec_course = [] no_of_reco = st.slider('Choose Number of Course Recommendations:', 1, 10, 4) random.shuffle(course_list) for c_name, c_link in course_list: c += 1 st.markdown(f"({c}) [{c_name}]({c_link})") rec_course.append(c_name) if c == no_of_reco: break return rec_course # connection = pymysql.connect(host='localhost', user='root', password='') # # cursor = connection.# cursor() def insert_data(name, email, res_score, timestamp, no_of_pages, reco_field, cand_level, skills, recommended_skills, courses): DB_table_name = 'user_data' insert_sql = "insert into " + DB_table_name + """ values (0,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)""" rec_values = ( name, email, str(res_score), timestamp, str(no_of_pages), reco_field, cand_level, skills, recommended_skills, courses) # cursor.execute(insert_sql, rec_values) connection.commit() st.set_page_config( page_title="Smart CV Analyzer", # page_icon='./Logo/SRA_Logo.ico', ) def run(): st.title("Smart Resume Analyser") st.sidebar.markdown("# Choose User") activities = ["Normal User", "Admin"] choice = st.sidebar.selectbox("Choose among the given options:", activities) # link = '[©Developed by Spidy20](' # st.sidebar.markdown(link, unsafe_allow_html=True) img ='./Logo/SRA_Logo.jpg') img = img.resize((250, 250)) st.image(img) # Create the DB db_sql = """CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS SRA;""" # # cursor.execute(db_sql) # connection.select_db("sra") # Create table DB_table_name = 'user_data' table_sql = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS " + DB_table_name + """ (ID INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, Name varchar(100) NOT NULL, Email_ID VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, resume_score VARCHAR(8) NOT NULL, Timestamp VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, Page_no VARCHAR(5) NOT NULL, Predicted_Field VARCHAR(25) NOT NULL, User_level VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL, Actual_skills VARCHAR(300) NOT NULL, Recommended_skills VARCHAR(300) NOT NULL, Recommended_courses VARCHAR(600) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (ID)); """ # cursor.execute(table_sql) if choice == 'Normal User': # st.markdown('''

* Upload your resume, and get smart recommendation based on it."

''', # unsafe_allow_html=True) pdf_file = st.file_uploader("Choose your Resume", type=["pdf"]) if pdf_file is not None: # with st.spinner('Uploading your Resume....'): # time.sleep(4) save_image_path = './Uploaded_Resumes/' + with open(save_image_path, "wb") as f: f.write(pdf_file.getbuffer()) show_pdf(save_image_path) resume_data = ResumeParser(save_image_path).get_extracted_data() if resume_data: ## Get the whole resume data resume_text = pdf_reader(save_image_path) st.header("**Resume Analysis**") st.success("Hello " + resume_data['name']) st.subheader("**Your Basic info**") try: st.text('Name: ' + resume_data['name']) st.text('Email: ' + resume_data['email']) st.text('Contact: ' + resume_data['mobile_number']) st.text('Resume pages: ' + str(resume_data['no_of_pages'])) except: pass cand_level = '' if resume_data['no_of_pages'] == 1: cand_level = "Fresher" st.markdown('''

You are looking Fresher.

''', unsafe_allow_html=True) elif resume_data['no_of_pages'] == 2: cand_level = "Intermediate" st.markdown('''

You are at intermediate level!

''', unsafe_allow_html=True) elif resume_data['no_of_pages'] >= 3: cand_level = "Experienced" st.markdown('''

You are at experience level!''', unsafe_allow_html=True) st.subheader("**Skills Recommendation💡**") ## Skill shows keywords = st_tags(label='### Skills that you have', text='See our skills recommendation', value=resume_data['skills'], key='1') ## recommendation ds_keyword = ['tensorflow', 'keras', 'pytorch', 'machine learning', 'deep Learning', 'flask', 'streamlit'] web_keyword = ['react', 'django', 'node jS', 'react js', 'php', 'laravel', 'magento', 'wordpress', 'javascript', 'angular js', 'c#', 'flask'] android_keyword = ['android', 'android development', 'flutter', 'kotlin', 'xml', 'kivy'] ios_keyword = ['ios', 'ios development', 'swift', 'cocoa', 'cocoa touch', 'xcode'] uiux_keyword = ['ux', 'adobe xd', 'figma', 'zeplin', 'balsamiq', 'ui', 'prototyping', 'wireframes', 'storyframes', 'adobe photoshop', 'photoshop', 'editing', 'adobe illustrator', 'illustrator', 'adobe after effects', 'after effects', 'adobe premier pro', 'premier pro', 'adobe indesign', 'indesign', 'wireframe', 'solid', 'grasp', 'user research', 'user experience'] recommended_skills = [] reco_field = '' rec_course = '' ## Courses recommendation for i in resume_data['skills']: ## Data science recommendation if i.lower() in ds_keyword: print(i.lower()) reco_field = 'Data Science' st.success("** Our analysis says you are looking for Data Science Jobs.**") recommended_skills = ['Data Visualization', 'Predictive Analysis', 'Statistical Modeling', 'Data Mining', 'Clustering & Classification', 'Data Analytics', 'Quantitative Analysis', 'Web Scraping', 'ML Algorithms', 'Keras', 'Pytorch', 'Probability', 'Scikit-learn', 'Tensorflow', "Flask", 'Streamlit'] recommended_keywords = st_tags(label='### Recommended skills for you.', text='Recommended skills generated from System', value=recommended_skills, key='2') st.markdown( '''

Adding this skills to resume will boost🚀 the chances of getting a Job💼

''', unsafe_allow_html=True) rec_course = course_recommender(ds_course) break ## Web development recommendation elif i.lower() in web_keyword: print(i.lower()) reco_field = 'Web Development' st.success("** Our analysis says you are looking for Web Development Jobs **") recommended_skills = ['React', 'Django', 'Node JS', 'React JS', 'php', 'laravel', 'Magento', 'wordpress', 'Javascript', 'Angular JS', 'c#', 'Flask', 'SDK'] recommended_keywords = st_tags(label='### Recommended skills for you.', text='Recommended skills generated from System', value=recommended_skills, key='3') st.markdown( '''

Adding this skills to resume will boost🚀 the chances of getting a Job💼

''', unsafe_allow_html=True) rec_course = course_recommender(web_course) break ## Android App Development elif i.lower() in android_keyword: print(i.lower()) reco_field = 'Android Development' st.success("** Our analysis says you are looking for Android App Development Jobs **") recommended_skills = ['Android', 'Android development', 'Flutter', 'Kotlin', 'XML', 'Java', 'Kivy', 'GIT', 'SDK', 'SQLite'] recommended_keywords = st_tags(label='### Recommended skills for you.', text='Recommended skills generated from System', value=recommended_skills, key='4') st.markdown( '''

Adding this skills to resume will boost🚀 the chances of getting a Job💼

''', unsafe_allow_html=True) rec_course = course_recommender(android_course) break ## IOS App Development elif i.lower() in ios_keyword: print(i.lower()) reco_field = 'IOS Development' st.success("** Our analysis says you are looking for IOS App Development Jobs **") recommended_skills = ['IOS', 'IOS Development', 'Swift', 'Cocoa', 'Cocoa Touch', 'Xcode', 'Objective-C', 'SQLite', 'Plist', 'StoreKit', "UI-Kit", 'AV Foundation', 'Auto-Layout'] recommended_keywords = st_tags(label='### Recommended skills for you.', text='Recommended skills generated from System', value=recommended_skills, key='5') st.markdown( '''

Adding this skills to resume will boost🚀 the chances of getting a Job💼

''', unsafe_allow_html=True) rec_course = course_recommender(ios_course) break ## Ui-UX Recommendation elif i.lower() in uiux_keyword: print(i.lower()) reco_field = 'UI-UX Development' st.success("** Our analysis says you are looking for UI-UX Development Jobs **") recommended_skills = ['UI', 'User Experience', 'Adobe XD', 'Figma', 'Zeplin', 'Balsamiq', 'Prototyping', 'Wireframes', 'Storyframes', 'Adobe Photoshop', 'Editing', 'Illustrator', 'After Effects', 'Premier Pro', 'Indesign', 'Wireframe', 'Solid', 'Grasp', 'User Research'] recommended_keywords = st_tags(label='### Recommended skills for you.', text='Recommended skills generated from System', value=recommended_skills, key='6') st.markdown( '''

Adding this skills to resume will boost🚀 the chances of getting a Job💼

''', unsafe_allow_html=True) rec_course = course_recommender(uiux_course) break # ## Insert into table ts = time.time() cur_date = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(ts).strftime('%Y-%m-%d') cur_time = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(ts).strftime('%H:%M:%S') timestamp = str(cur_date + '_' + cur_time) ### Resume writing recommendation st.subheader("**Resume Tips & Ideas💡**") resume_score = 0 if 'Objective' in resume_text: resume_score = resume_score + 20 st.markdown( '''

[+] Awesome! You have added Objective

''', unsafe_allow_html=True) else: st.markdown( '''

[-] According to our recommendation please add your career objective, it will give your career intension to the Recruiters.

''', unsafe_allow_html=True) if 'Declaration' in resume_text: resume_score = resume_score + 20 st.markdown( '''

[+] Awesome! You have added Delcaration✍/h4>''', unsafe_allow_html=True) else: st.markdown( '''

[-] According to our recommendation please add Declaration✍. It will give the assurance that everything written on your resume is true and fully acknowledged by you

''', unsafe_allow_html=True) if 'Hobbies' or 'Interests' in resume_text: resume_score = resume_score + 20 st.markdown( '''

[+] Awesome! You have added your Hobbies⚽

''', unsafe_allow_html=True) else: st.markdown( '''

[-] According to our recommendation please add Hobbies⚽. It will show your persnality to the Recruiters and give the assurance that you are fit for this role or not.

''', unsafe_allow_html=True) if 'Achievements' in resume_text: resume_score = resume_score + 20 st.markdown( '''

[+] Awesome! You have added your Achievements🏅

''', unsafe_allow_html=True) else: st.markdown( '''

[-] According to our recommendation please add Achievements🏅. It will show that you are capable for the required position.

''', unsafe_allow_html=True) if 'Projects' in resume_text: resume_score = resume_score + 20 st.markdown( '''

[+] Awesome! You have added your Projects👨‍💻

''', unsafe_allow_html=True) else: st.markdown( '''

[-] According to our recommendation please add Projects👨‍💻. It will show that you have done work related the required position or not.

''', unsafe_allow_html=True) st.subheader("**Resume Score📝**") st.markdown( """ """, unsafe_allow_html=True, ) my_bar = st.progress(0) score = 0 for percent_complete in range(resume_score): score += 1 time.sleep(0.1) my_bar.progress(percent_complete + 1) st.success('** Your Resume Writing Score: ' + str(score) + '**') st.warning( "** Note: This score is calculated based on the content that you have added in your Resume. **") st.balloons() insert_data(resume_data['name'], resume_data['email'], str(resume_score), timestamp, str(resume_data['no_of_pages']), reco_field, cand_level, str(resume_data['skills']), str(recommended_skills), str(rec_course)) ## Resume writing video st.header("**Bonus Video for Resume Writing Tips💡**") resume_vid = random.choice(resume_videos) res_vid_title = fetch_yt_video(resume_vid) st.subheader("✅ **" + res_vid_title + "**") ## Interview Preparation Video st.header("**Bonus Video for Interview👨‍💼 Tips💡**") interview_vid = random.choice(interview_videos) int_vid_title = fetch_yt_video(interview_vid) st.subheader("✅ **" + int_vid_title + "**") connection.commit() else: st.error('Something went wrong..') else: ## Admin Side st.success('Welcome to Admin Side') # st.sidebar.subheader('**ID / Password Required!**') ad_user = st.text_input("Username") ad_password = st.text_input("Password", type='password') if st.button('Login'): if ad_user == 'machine_learning_hub' and ad_password == 'mlhub123': st.success("Welcome Kushal") # Display Data # cursor.execute('''SELECT*FROM user_data''') ## data = # cursor.fetchall() st.header("**User's👨‍💻 Data**") df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=['ID', 'Name', 'Email', 'Resume Score', 'Timestamp', 'Total Page', 'Predicted Field', 'User Level', 'Actual Skills', 'Recommended Skills', 'Recommended Course']) st.dataframe(df) st.markdown(get_table_download_link(df, 'User_Data.csv', 'Download Report'), unsafe_allow_html=True) ## Admin Side Data query = 'select * from user_data;' plot_data = pd.read_sql(query, connection) ## Pie chart for predicted field recommendations labels = plot_data.Predicted_Field.unique() print(labels) values = plot_data.Predicted_Field.value_counts() print(values) st.subheader("📈 **Pie-Chart for Predicted Field Recommendations**") fig = px.pie(df, values=values, names=labels, title='Predicted Field according to the Skills') st.plotly_chart(fig) ### Pie chart for User's👨‍💻 Experienced Level labels = plot_data.User_level.unique() values = plot_data.User_level.value_counts() st.subheader("📈 ** Pie-Chart for User's👨‍💻 Experienced Level**") fig = px.pie(df, values=values, names=labels, title="Pie-Chart📈 for User's👨‍💻 Experienced Level") st.plotly_chart(fig) else: st.error("Wrong ID & Password Provided") run()