1. ~~include graphs/charts~~ 2. include tables 3. fix viz insights section 4. Allow users to download the report as PDF or TXT. 5. split the code into functional modules: - data_loader.py → Handles dataset loading (CSV, Hugging Face) - sql_tools.py → Contains SQL-related tools and database setup - agents.py → Defines agents and their goals - app.py → 6. tab 1 -- Answer to the query + visualization specific to the query asked; tab 2 -- all the visualizations for the uploaded CSV/dataset. final report should consist of: overview, [yearly salary trends, location + remote work impact, company size consideration] + visual insights, conclusion) ------ # Agent for generating the main report (without Conclusion) report_writer = Agent( role="Technical Report Writer", goal="Summarize the analysis into a structured report with Introduction, Key Insights, and Analysis. DO NOT include any conclusion or summary.", backstory="Markdown report excluding Conclusion and Summary.", llm=llm, ) # agent for generating ONLY the Conclusion conclusion_writer = Agent( role="Conclusion Specialist", goal="Summarize findings into a clear and concise Conclusion/Summary section.", backstory="An expert in crafting well-structured and insightful conclusions.", llm=llm, )