import streamlit as st import random import pickle from sentiment import get_sentiment # Load the data novel_list = pickle.load(open('data/novel_list.pkl', 'rb')) novel_list['english_publisher'] = novel_list['english_publisher'].fillna('unknown') name_list = novel_list['name'].values def recommend(novel, slider_start): try: similarity = pickle.load(open('data/similarity.pkl', 'rb')) novel_index = novel_list[novel_list['name'] == novel].index[0] distances = similarity[novel_index] new_novel_list = sorted(list(enumerate(distances)), reverse=True, key=lambda x: x[1])[slider_start:slider_start+9] except IndexError: return None recommend_novel = [{'name': novel_list.iloc[i[0]]['name'], 'image_url': novel_list.iloc[i[0]]['image_url'], 'english_publisher': novel_list.iloc[i[0]]['english_publisher']} for i in new_novel_list] return recommend_novel def main(): st.title("📚 Novel Recommender System") # Input fields and buttons selected_novel_name = st.text_input("🔎 Choose a Novel to get Recommendations", "Mother of Learning") slider_value = st.slider("Slider", 1, 100, 1) col1, col2, col3 = st.columns(3) # Create three columns to place buttons side by side with col1: btn_recommend = st.button("💡 Recommend") with col2: btn_random = st.button("🎲 Random") with col3: btn_analysis = st.button("Analysis") if btn_recommend: recommendations = recommend(selected_novel_name, slider_value) if recommendations: for i in range(0, len(recommendations), 3): # Process 3 recommendations at a time cols = st.columns(3) for j in range(3): if i + j < len(recommendations): novel = recommendations[i + j] with cols[j]: st.image(novel["image_url"], use_column_width=True) st.write(novel["name"]) else: st.warning("Novel not found in our database. Please try another one.") if btn_random: random_novels = random.sample(list(name_list), 9) for i in range(0, len(random_novels), 3): cols = st.columns(3) for j in range(3): if i + j < len(random_novels): novel_name = random_novels[i + j] novel_img = novel_list[novel_list['name'] == novel_name]['image_url'].values[0] with cols[j]: st.image(novel_img, use_column_width=True) st.write(novel_name) if btn_analysis: try: positive, negative, wordcloud = get_sentiment(selected_novel_name) st.write(f"😊 {positive}% Positive") st.write(f"☚ī¸ {negative}% Negative") print(wordcloud) st.image(wordcloud) except Exception as e: st.error("An error occurred during sentiment analysis.") if __name__ == "__main__": main()