import fitz from docx import Document from reportlab.pdfgen import canvas from reportlab.lib.pagesizes import letter import pandas as pd from Exceptions.FileTypeIsNotAcceptedException import FileTypeIsNotAcceptedException from googletrans import Translator import PyPDF2 from io import BytesIO class Service_File: def __init__(self): pass def file_for_string(self, file): translator = Translator() if'.docx'): print("File is a docx") string = self.word_to_string(file) elif'.pdf'): print("File is a pdf") string = self.pdf_to_string(file) elif'.xlsx'): print("File is an .xlsx") string = self.excel_to_string(file) elif'.csv'): print("File is a .csv") string = self.csv_to_string(file) else: raise FileTypeIsNotAcceptedException('File type is not accepted. Please upload a .docx, .pdf, .xlsx or .csv file.') string = string.replace('\n', ' ').replace('\t', ' ').replace('"', ' ').replace("'", ' ') split = self.split_text(string) print(len(split)) translate = "" for i in range(len(split)): print(i) language = translator.detect(str(split[i])).lang.upper() # Verify the language of the prompt if split[i] != "" or len(split[i]) != 0: if language != "EN": translate = translate + translator.translate(str(split[i]), src=language, dest="EN").text else: translate = translate + split[i] print("translate: ", translate) return translate def split_text(self, text, max_chars=1500): if len(text) <= max_chars: return [text] split_texts = [] current_text = "" words = text.split() for word in words: if len(current_text) + len(word) + 1 <= max_chars: current_text += word + " " else: split_texts.append(current_text) current_text = word + " " split_texts.append(current_text) return split_texts def pdf_to_string(self, file): pdf_data = pdf_document = PyPDF2.PdfReader(BytesIO(pdf_data)) text = "" for page_number in range(len(pdf_document.pages)): text += pdf_document.pages[page_number].extract_text() return text def word_to_string(self, file): doc = Document(file) full_text = [] for para in doc.paragraphs: full_text.append(para.text) return '\n'.join(full_text) def excel_to_string(self, file): df = pd.read_excel(file) return self.dataframe_to_formatted_string(df) def csv_to_string(self, file): df = pd.read_csv(file) return self.dataframe_to_formatted_string(df) def dataframe_to_formatted_string(self, df): formatted_string = ', '.join(df.columns) + '\n' for index, row in df.iterrows(): line_values = [str(value) for value in row] formatted_string += ', '.join(line_values) + '\n' return formatted_string.strip()