from transformers import TFAutoModelForCausalLM, AutoTokenizer import tensorflow as tf import gradio as gr import spacy from spacy import displacy from transformers import TFAutoModelForSequenceClassification from transformers import AutoTokenizer from scipy.special import softmax import as px import as pio # configuration params pio.templates.default = "plotly_dark" # setting up the text in the page TITLE = "

Talk with an AI

This application allows you to talk with a machine/robot with state-of-the-art technology!!
In the back-end is using the GPT2 model from OpenAI. One of the best models in text generation and comprehension
The AI thinks he is a human, so please treat him as such. Else he migh get angry!
Language processing is done using RoBERTa for sentiment-analysis and spaCy for named-entity recognition and dependency plotting.
For more info you can also see the ArXiv paper
""" EXAMPLES = [ ["What is your favorite videogame?"], ["What do you do for work?"], ["What are your hobbies?"], ["What is your favorite food?"], ] ARTICLE = r"""
Done by dr. Gabriel Lopez
For more please visit: My Page
""" # Loading necessary NLP models # dialog checkpoint = "microsoft/DialoGPT-medium" # tf model_gtp2 = TFAutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained(checkpoint) tokenizer_gtp2 = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(checkpoint) # sentiment checkpoint = f"cardiffnlp/twitter-roberta-base-emotion" model_roberta = TFAutoModelForSequenceClassification.from_pretrained(checkpoint) tokenizer_roberta = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(checkpoint) # NER & Dependency nlp = spacy.load("en_core_web_sm") # test-to-test : chatting function -- GPT2 def chat_with_bot(user_input, chat_history_and_input=[]): """Text generation using GPT2""" emb_user_input = tokenizer_gtp2.encode( user_input + tokenizer_gtp2.eos_token, return_tensors="tf" ) if chat_history_and_input == []: bot_input_ids = emb_user_input # first iteration else: bot_input_ids = tf.concat( [chat_history_and_input, emb_user_input], axis=-1 ) # other iterations chat_history_and_input = model_gtp2.generate( bot_input_ids, max_length=1000, pad_token_id=tokenizer_gtp2.eos_token_id ).numpy() # print bot_response = tokenizer_gtp2.decode( chat_history_and_input[:, bot_input_ids.shape[-1] :][0], skip_special_tokens=True, ) return bot_response, chat_history_and_input # text-to-sentiment def text_to_sentiment(text_input): """Sentiment analysis using RoBERTa""" labels = ["anger", "joy", "optimism", "sadness"] encoded_input = tokenizer_roberta(text_input, return_tensors="tf") output = model_roberta(encoded_input) scores = output[0][0].numpy() scores = softmax(scores) return px.histogram(x=labels, y=scores, height=200) # text_to_semantics def text_to_semantics(text_input): """NER and Dependency plot using Spacy""" processed_text = nlp(text_input) # Dependency html_dep = displacy.render( processed_text, style="dep", options={"compact": True, "color": "white", "bg": "light-black"}, page=False, ) html_dep = "" + html_dep + "" # NER pos_tokens = [] for token in processed_text: pos_tokens.extend([(token.text, token.pos_), (" ", None)]) # html_ner = ("" + html_ner + "")s return pos_tokens, html_dep # gradio interface blocks = gr.Blocks() with blocks: # physical elements session_state = gr.State([]) gr.Markdown(TITLE) gr.Markdown(DESCRIPTION) with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(): in_text = gr.Textbox(value="How was the class?", label="Start chatting!") submit_button = gr.Button("Submit") gr.Examples(inputs=in_text, examples=EXAMPLES) with gr.Column(): response_text = gr.Textbox(value="", label="GPT2 response:") sentiment_plot = gr.Plot( label="How is GPT2 feeling about your conversation?:", visible=True ) ner_response = gr.Highlight( label="Named Entity Recognition (NER) over response" ) dependency_plot = gr.HTML(label="Dependency plot of response") gr.Markdown(ARTICLE) # event listeners inputs=[in_text, session_state], outputs=[response_text, session_state], fn=chat_with_bot, ) response_text.change( inputs=response_text, outputs=sentiment_plot, fn=text_to_sentiment ) response_text.change( inputs=response_text, outputs=[ner_response, dependency_plot], fn=text_to_semantics, ) blocks.launch()