## Important configuration for [inference.py](../inference.py): ### 1. General configs | Configuration | Default Value | Explanation | |:----------------- |:--------------- |:-------------------------------------------------------- | | `--video_path` | `None` | Input video file path | | `--out_dir` | `./experiments/`| Output directory | | `--device` | `cuda:0` | The device to use (e.g., CPU or GPU) | | `--exp_name` | `None` | Experiment name, defaults to video file name | | `--seed` | `43` | Random seed for reproducibility | | `--video_length` | `49` | Length of the video frames (number of frames) | | `--fps` | `10` | fps for saved video | | `--stride` | `1` | Sampling stride for input video (frame interval) | | `--server_name` | `None` | Server IP address for gradio | ### 2. Point cloud render configs | Configuration | Default Value | Explanation | |:----------------- |:--------------- |:-------------------------------------------------------- | | `--radius_scale` | `1.0` | Scale factor for the spherical radius | | `--camera` | `traj` | Camera pose type, either 'traj' or 'target' | | `--mode` | `gradual` | Mode of operation, 'gradual', 'bullet', or 'direct' | | `--mask` | `False` | Clean the point cloud data if true | | `--target_pose` | `None` | Required for 'target' camera pose type, specifies a relative camera pose sequece (theta, phi, r, x, y). +theta (theta<50) rotates camera upward, +phi (phi<50) rotates camera to right, +r (r<0.6) moves camera forward, +x (x<4) pans the camera to right, +y (y<4) pans the camera upward | | `--traj_txt` | `None` | Required for 'traj' camera pose type, a txt file specifying a complex camera trajectory ([examples](../test/trajs/loop1.txt)). The fist line is the theta sequence, the second line the phi sequence, and the last line the r sequence | | `--near` | `0.0001` | Near clipping plane distance | | `--far` | `10000.0` | Far clipping plane distance | | `--anchor_idx` | `0` | One GT frame for anchor frame |