import streamlit as st import requests import datetime def get_weather_data(city, weather_api_key): base_url = "" complete_url = base_url + "appid=" + weather_api_key + "&q=" + city response = requests.get(complete_url) return response.json() def generate_weather_description(data): try: temperature = data['main']['temp'] - 273.15 description = data['weather'][0]['description'] wind_speed = data['wind']['speed'] breeze = breeze_status(wind_speed) return f"The current weather in your city {description}, {breeze} with a temperature of {temperature:.1f}°C." except Exception as e: return str(e) def breeze_status(wind_speed): if wind_speed < 1: return "Calm" elif wind_speed < 5: return "Light breeze" elif wind_speed < 11: return "Gentle breeze" elif wind_speed < 19: return "Moderate breeze" elif wind_speed < 29: return "Fresh breeze" elif wind_speed < 39: return "Strong breeze" elif wind_speed < 50: return "High wind" elif wind_speed < 62: return "Gale" elif wind_speed < 75: return "Strong gale" else: return "Storm" def get_weekly_forecast(city, weather_api_key): base_url = "" complete_url = base_url + "appid=" + weather_api_key + "&q=" + city response = requests.get(complete_url) return response.json() def display_weekly_forecast(data): try: st.write("Weekly Weather Forecast") displayed_dates = set() c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7 = st.columns(7) with c1: st.metric("","Date") with c2: st.metric("","Temperature") with c3: st.metric("", "Weather Condition") with c4: st.metric("","Precipitation") with c5: st.metric("", "Wind Speed") with c6: st.metric("", "Humidity") with c7: st.metric("", "UV Index") for day in data['list']: date = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(day['dt']).strftime('%A, %B %d') if date not in displayed_dates: displayed_dates.add(date) min_temp = day['main']['temp_min'] - 273.15 max_temp = day['main']['temp_max'] - 273.15 description = day['weather'][0]['description'] main_weather = day['weather'][0]['main'] precipitation = day.get('rain', 'None') if 'rain' in day else day.get('snow', 'None') wind_speed = day['wind'].get('speed', 'Unknown') if 'wind' in day else 'Unknown' humidity = day['main'].get('humidity', 'Unknown') uv_index = day.get('uv_index', 'Unknown') precipitation_label = "None" if precipitation == 'None' else f"{precipitation} mm" wind_speed_label = "Unknown" if wind_speed == 'Unknown' else f"{wind_speed} m/s" humidity_label = "Unknown" if humidity == 'Unknown' else f"{humidity}%" uv_index_label = "Unknown" if uv_index == 'Unknown' else uv_index with c1: st.write(f"{date}") with c2: st.write(f"Min: {min_temp:.1f}°C\nMax: {max_temp:.1f}°C") with c3: st.write(f"{description.capitalize()}") with c4: st.write(f"{precipitation_label}") with c5: st.write(f"{wind_speed_label}") with c6: st.write(f"{humidity_label}") with c7: st.write(f"{uv_index_label}") except Exception as e: st.error("Error in displaying weekly forecast:" + str(e)) def main(): st.sidebar.title("Weather Forecasting with LLM") city = st.sidebar.text_input("Enter city name") weather_api_key = "6ec4c3a3f2fc502d15fdd18a1080a25b" submit = st.sidebar.button("Get weather") if submit: st.title("Weather updates for " + city + " is:") with st.spinner('Fetching weather data..'): weather_data = get_weather_data(city , weather_api_key) if weather_data.get("cod") != 404: col1, col2 = st.columns(2) with col1: st.metric("Temperature ", f"{weather_data['main']['temp'] - 273.5:.2f}°c") st.metric("Humidity", f"{weather_data['main']['humidity']}%") with col2: st.metric("Pressure ", f"{weather_data['main']['pressure']}hPa") st.metric("Wind speed", f"{weather_data['wind']['speed']}m/s") weather_description = generate_weather_description(weather_data) st.write(weather_description) else: st.error("City not found or an error occurred!") weekly_forecast_data = get_weekly_forecast(city, weather_api_key) display_weekly_forecast(weekly_forecast_data) if __name__ == "__main__": main()