from tasks.train.instruction_data import * # ========================= data ========================== # train_corpus = "videochat2_instruction" train_corpus = "videochat2_instruction_full" train_file = "${available_corpus[${train_corpus}]}" # for lazy evaluation test_file = dict() test_types = [] num_workers = 8 save_steps=10000 ckpt_steps=1000 stop_key = None deepspeed=False highres=None # ========================= input ========================== num_frames = 16 num_frames_test = 1 batch_size = 1 gradient_accumulation_steps=16 max_txt_l = 512 max_train_steps=None pre_text = False gradient_checkpointing=False inputs = dict( image_res=336, video_input=dict( num_frames="${num_frames}", sample_type="rand", num_frames_test="${num_frames_test}", sample_type_test="middle", random_aug=False, ), max_txt_l=dict(image="${max_txt_l}", video="${max_txt_l}"), batch_size=dict(image="${batch_size}", video="${batch_size}"), batch_size_test=dict(image="${batch_size}", video="${batch_size}"), ) model = dict( repo_id="llava-hf/llava-1.5-7b-hf", pretrained_path=None, load_from_origin=False, origin_vision="", origin_llm="", vision_encoder=dict( name="vit_l14", # somehow need this to tell the dataset the mean std of pretrained model ), torch_dtype='bfloat16', freeze_projector=False, freeze_lm=True, freeze_vision_tower=True, lora_target_modules=["q_proj", "v_proj"], # for llama/mistral/gemma use_lora=True, lora_r=128, lora_alpha=32, lora_dropout=0.05, num_frames="${num_frames}", pooling_method='avg', use_pooling=True, frame_shape=(24,24), pooling_shape=(16,8,8), ) preprocess = dict( system="", mm_alone=True, image_token_index=64002, random_shuffle=True, add_second_msg=True, roles=['<|im_start|>user\n', '<|im_start|>assistant\n'], end_signal=('<|im_end|>\n', '<|im_end|>\n'), begin_signal='', dataset_image_placeholder='', dataset_video_placeholder='', max_txt_l = "${max_txt_l}", ignore_index=-100, # same as torch softmax ignore index center_pad=False, longest_edge=762, shortest_edge=336, clip_transform=False, num_frames="${num_frames}", ) optimizer = dict( opt="adamW", lr=2e-5, opt_betas=[0.9, 0.999], # default weight_decay=0.02, max_grad_norm=-1, # requires a positive float, use -1 to disable # use a different lr for some modules, e.g., larger lr for new modules different_lr=dict(enable=False, module_names=[], lr=1e-3), ) # scheduler = dict(sched="cosine", epochs=3, min_lr_multi=0.25, warmup_epochs=0.6) # scheduler = dict(sched="cosine", epochs=3, min_lr_multi=0.25, warmup_epochs=0.6) scheduler = dict( is_videochat2_custom=False, sched="cosine", epochs=2, warmup_ratio=0.2, min_lr_multi=0.25) evaluate = False deep_fusion = False evaluation = dict( eval_frame_ensemble="concat", # [concat, max, mean, lse] eval_x_only=False, k_test=128, eval_offload=True, # offload gpu tensors to cpu to save memory. ) fp16 = True gradient_checkpointing = True # ========================= wandb ========================== wandb = dict( enable=False, entity="user", # username or team name to store the runs, see project="videochat2", # setup in your command line ) dist_url = "env://" device = "cuda" mode = "it" # ========================= others ========================== output_dir = None # output dir resume = False # if True, load optimizer and scheduler states as well debug = False log_freq = 5 metric_window_size=10 # window size for metric seed = 42 report_to='tensorboard' save_latest = True auto_resume = True pretrained_path = "" # path to pretrained model weights, for resume only?