import logging import os from typing import Any import pandas as pd import streamlit as st from countryinfo import CountryInfo from dotenv import load_dotenv from common import HintType, configs, get_distance from hint import AudioHint, ImageHint, TextHint def setup_models(_cache: Any, configs: dict) -> None: """Setups all hint models. Args: _cache (st.session_state): Streamlit cache object configs (dict): Configurations used by the models """ for model_type in _cache["hint_types"]: if _cache["model"][model_type] is None: if model_type == HintType.TEXT.value: _cache["model"][model_type] = setup_text_hint(configs) elif model_type == HintType.IMAGE.value: _cache["model"][model_type] = setup_image_hint(configs) elif model_type == HintType.AUDIO.value: _cache["model"][model_type] = setup_audio_hint(configs) @st.cache_resource() def setup_text_hint(configs: dict) -> TextHint: """Setups the text hint model. Args: configs (dict): Configurations used by the model Returns: TextHint: Hint model """ with st.spinner("Loading text model..."): model_configs = configs["local"][HintType.TEXT.value.lower()] model_configs["hf_access_token"] = os.environ["HF_ACCESS_TOKEN"] textHint = TextHint(configs=model_configs) textHint.initialize() return textHint @st.cache_resource() def setup_image_hint(configs: dict) -> ImageHint: """Setups the image hint model. Args: configs (dict): Configurations used by the model Returns: ImageHint: Hint model """ with st.spinner("Loading image model..."): model_configs = configs["local"][HintType.IMAGE.value.lower()] imageHint = ImageHint(configs=model_configs) imageHint.initialize() return imageHint @st.cache_resource() def setup_audio_hint(configs: dict) -> AudioHint: """Setups the audio hint model. Args: configs (dict): Configurations used by the model Returns: AudioHint: Hint model """ with st.spinner("Loading audio model..."): model_configs = configs["local"][HintType.AUDIO.value.lower()] audioHint = AudioHint(configs=model_configs) audioHint.initialize() return audioHint @st.cache_resource() def get_country_list() -> pd.DataFrame: """Builds a database of countries and metadata. Returns: pd.DataFrame: Country database """ country_list = list(CountryInfo().all().keys()) country_df = {} for country in country_list: try: area = CountryInfo(country).area() country_df[country] = area except: pass country_df = pd.DataFrame(country_df.items(), columns=["country", "area"]) return country_df def pick_country(country_df: pd.DataFrame) -> str: """Selects a country, the probability of each country is related to its area size. Args: country_df (pd.DataFrame): Database of country and their metadata Returns: str: The selected country """ country = country_df.sample(n=1, weights="area")["country"].iloc[0] return country def reset_cache() -> None: """Reset the Streamlit APP cache.""" country_df = get_country_list() st.session_state["country_list"] = country_df["country"].values.tolist() st.session_state["country"] = pick_country(country_df) st.session_state["hint_types"] = [] st.session_state["n_hints"] = 1 st.session_state["game_started"] = False st.session_state["model"] = { HintType.TEXT.value: None, HintType.IMAGE.value: None, HintType.AUDIO.value: None, } logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) st.set_page_config( page_title="Gen AI GeoGuesser", page_icon="🌎", ) if not st.session_state: load_dotenv() reset_cache() st.title("Generative AI GeoGuesser 🌎") st.markdown("### Guess the country based on hints generated by AI") col1, col2 = st.columns([2, 1]) with col1: st.session_state["hint_types"] = st.multiselect( "Chose which hint types you want", [x.value for x in HintType], default=st.session_state["hint_types"], ) with col2: st.session_state["n_hints"] = st.slider( "Number of hints", min_value=1, max_value=5, value=st.session_state["n_hints"], ) start_btn = st.button("Start game") if start_btn: if not st.session_state["hint_types"]: st.error("Pick at least one hint type") reset_cache() else: print(f'Chosen country "{st.session_state["country"]}"') setup_models(st.session_state, configs) for hint_type in st.session_state["hint_types"]: with st.spinner(f"Generating {hint_type} hint..."): st.session_state["model"][hint_type].generate_hint( st.session_state["country"], st.session_state["n_hints"], ) st.session_state["game_started"] = True if st.session_state["game_started"]: game_col1, game_col2, game_col3 = st.columns([2, 1, 1]) with game_col1: guess = st.selectbox("Country guess", ([""] + st.session_state["country_list"])) with game_col2: guess_btn = st.button("Make a guess") with game_col3: reset_btn = st.button("Reset game") if guess_btn: if st.session_state["country"] == guess: st.success("Correct guess you won!") st.balloons() else: if guess: country_latlong = CountryInfo(st.session_state["country"]).latlng() guess_latlong = CountryInfo(guess).latlng() distance = int(get_distance(country_latlong, guess_latlong)) st.error( f""" Wrong guess, you missed the correct country by {distance} KM. The correct answer was {st.session_state["country"]}. """ ) else: st.error("Pick a country.") if reset_btn: reset_cache() if st.session_state["game_started"]: tabs = st.tabs([f"{x} hint" for x in st.session_state["hint_types"]]) for tab_idx, tab in enumerate(tabs): hint_type = st.session_state["hint_types"][tab_idx] with tab: if st.session_state["model"][hint_type]: for hint_idx, hint in enumerate( st.session_state["model"][hint_type].hints ): st.markdown(f"#### Hint #{hint_idx+1}") if hint_type == HintType.TEXT.value: st.write(hint["text"]) elif hint_type == HintType.IMAGE.value: st.image(hint["image"]) elif hint_type == HintType.AUDIO.value:["audio"], sample_rate=hint["sample_rate"])