import json from multiprocessing import Pool import os import string import subprocess import random class DotDict(dict): """dot.notation access to dictionary attributes""" __getattr__ = dict.get __setattr__ = dict.__setitem__ __delattr__ = dict.__delitem__ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) if len(args) > 0 and isinstance(args[0], dict): for key, value in self.items(): if isinstance(value, dict): self.__setitem__(key, DotDict(value)) def _generate_equation(size_left, depth_left, latex, tokens): if size_left <= 0: return "" equation = "" pairs, scopes, special = latex.pairs, latex.scopes, latex.special weights = [3, depth_left > 0, depth_left > 0] group, = random.choices([tokens, pairs, scopes], weights=weights) if group is tokens: equation += ' '.join([ random.choice(tokens), _generate_equation(size_left - 1, depth_left, latex, tokens) ]) return equation post_scope_size = round(abs(random.gauss(0, size_left / 2))) size_left -= post_scope_size + 1 if group is pairs: pair = random.choice(pairs) equation += ' '.join([ pair[0], _generate_equation(size_left, depth_left - 1, latex, tokens), pair[1], _generate_equation(post_scope_size, depth_left, latex, tokens) ]) return equation elif group is scopes: scope_type, scope_group = random.choice(list(scopes.items())) scope_operator = random.choice(scope_group) equation += scope_operator if scope_type == 'single': equation += ' '.join([ special.left_bracket, _generate_equation(size_left, depth_left - 1, latex, tokens) ]) elif scope_type == 'double_no_delimiters': equation += ' '.join([ special.left_bracket, _generate_equation(size_left // 2, depth_left - 1, latex, tokens), special.right_bracket + special.left_bracket, _generate_equation(size_left // 2, depth_left - 1, latex, tokens) ]) elif scope_type == 'double_with_delimiters': equation += ' '.join([ special.caret, special.left_bracket, _generate_equation(size_left // 2, depth_left - 1, latex, tokens), special.right_bracket, special.underscore, special.left_bracket, _generate_equation(size_left // 2, depth_left - 1, latex, tokens) ]) equation += ' '.join([ special.right_bracket, _generate_equation(post_scope_size, depth_left, latex, tokens) ]) return equation def generate_equation(latex: DotDict, size, depth=3): """ Generates a random latex equation ------- params: :latex: -- dict with tokens to generate equation from :size: -- approximate size of equation :depth: -- max brackets and scope depth """ tokens = [token for group in ['chars', 'greek', 'functions', 'operators', 'spaces'] for token in latex[group]] equation = _generate_equation(size, depth, latex, tokens) return equation def generate_image(directory: str, latex_path: str, filename: str, max_length=20): """ Generates a random tex file and corresponding image ------- params: :directory: -- dir where to save files :latex_dir: -- path to latex json :filename: -- name for the generated files :max_length: -- max size of equation """ # TODO ARGPARSE, path parse filepath = directory + filename with open(latex_path) as file: latex = json.load(file) latex = DotDict(latex) template = string.Template(latex.template) font, font_options = random.choice(latex.fonts) font_option = random.choice([''] + font_options) fontsize = random.choice(latex.fontsizes) equation = generate_equation(latex, max_length) tex = template.substitute(font=font, font_option=font_option, fontsize=fontsize, equation=equation) files_before = set(os.listdir(directory)) with open(f"{filepath}.tex", mode='w') as file: file.write(tex) pr1 = f"pdflatex -output-directory={directory} {filepath}.tex".split(), stderr=subprocess.PIPE, ) files_after = set(os.listdir(directory)) if pr1.returncode != 0: files_to_delete = files_after - files_before if files_to_delete:['rm'] + [directory + file for file in files_to_delete]) print(pr1.stderr.decode(), tex) return pr2 = f"gs -sDEVICE=png16m -dTextAlphaBits=4 -r200 -dSAFER -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -o {filepath}.png {filepath}.pdf".split(), stderr=subprocess.PIPE, ) files_to_delete = files_after - files_before - {filename + '.png', filename + '.tex'} if files_to_delete:['rm'] + [directory + file for file in files_to_delete]) assert (pr2.returncode == 0) def generate_dataset( filenames: iter(str), directory: str = "/external2/dkkoshman/repos/ML2TransformerApp/data/", latex_path: str = "/external2/dkkoshman/repos/ML2TransformerApp/resources/latex.json", overwrite: bool = False ) -> None: """ Generates a latex dataset in given directory ------- params: :filenames: - iterable of filenames to create, without extension :directory: - where to create :latex_path: - full path to latex json :overwrite: - whether to overwrite existing files """ filenames = set(filenames) if not overwrite: existing = set(file.split('.')[0] for file in os.listdir(directory) if file.endswith('.png')) filenames -= existing while filenames: with Pool() as pool: pool.starmap(generate_image, ((directory, latex_path, name) for name in filenames)) existing = set(file.split('.')[0] for file in os.listdir(directory) if file.endswith('.png')) filenames -= existing