import requests import streamlit as st ACCESS_TOKEN = st.secrets["ACCESS_TOKEN"] API_for_caption = "" API_for_semantic = "" headers = {"Authorization": ACCESS_TOKEN} def semantic_generator(filename): response =, headers=headers, data=filename) semantic = response.json() print(f"semantic: {semantic[0]['generated_text']}") return semantic[0]['generated_text'] def caption_generator(semantic): prompt = { "inputs": f"write a facebook caption for following text semantic for my image.Do not include the semantic in the answer.just give the answer.make sure to add emojis and hashtags" f"semantic:{semantic} \ Answer:",} response =, headers=headers, json=prompt) caption_raw = response.json() caption = caption_raw[0]['generated_text'].split('Answer:') print(f"caption: {caption}") return caption[1] st.title('Caption Generator') image = st.file_uploader(label='Add an image',type=['jpg','png','webp']) if image: col1,col2 = st.columns(2) with col1: st.image(image) with col2: st.subheader('Semantic:') with st.spinner('Generating semantic'): semantic = semantic_generator(image) st.markdown(semantic) st.subheader('Caption:') with st.spinner('Generating caption'): caption = caption_generator(semantic) st.markdown(caption)