#import gradio as gr #def greet(name): # return "Hello " + name + "!!" #iface = gr.Interface(fn=greet, inputs="text", outputs="text") #iface.launch() #import gradio as gr #key = "" #def get_key(k): # global key ## key = k # return "Key saved successfully!" #def greet(name): # return "Hello " + name + "!!" #iface = gr.Interface(fn=greet, inputs=["text", gr.inputs.Textbox()], outputs="text", # inputs_layout="vertical", outputs_layout="vertical", # title="Greeting App", description="Enter a key and a name to greet") #iface.input[0].label = "Enter a key" # Set the label of the first input #iface.input[1].label = "Enter a name" #iface.input[1].lines = 1 #iface.buttons[0].label = "Save Key" #iface.buttons[0].type = "submit" #iface.buttons[0].onclick = get_key #iface.buttons[1].label = "Greet" #iface.buttons[1].type = "submit" #iface.buttons[1].onclick_args = {"name": iface.inputs[1].value} #iface.launch() import gradio as gr import openai openai.api_key= "" def get_completion(prompt, model="gpt-3.5-turbo"): messages = [{"role": "user", "content": prompt}] response = openai.ChatCompletion.create( model=model, messages=messages, temperature=0, # 控制模型输出的随机程度 ) return response.choices[0].message["content"] def get_completion_from_messages(messages, model="gpt-3.5-turbo", temperature=0): response = openai.ChatCompletion.create( model=model, messages=messages, temperature=temperature, # 控制模型输出的随机程度 ) # print(str(response.choices[0].message)) return response.choices[0].message["content"] context2 = [{'role':'system', 'content':""" 你是订餐机器人,为披萨餐厅自动收集订单信息。\n 注意如果客户来了,发送了空消息,请主动与客户说你好。\n 你要首先问候顾客,并主动告知客户今天的菜单,询问客户今天要什么食物。\n 然后等待用户回复收集订单信息。收集完信息需确认顾客是否还需要添加其他内容。\n 最后需要询问是否自取或外送,如果是外送,你要询问地址。\n 最后告诉顾客订单总金额,并送上祝福。\n \n 请确保明确所有选项、附加项和尺寸,以便从菜单中识别出该项唯一的内容。\n 你的回应应该以简短、非常随意和友好的风格呈现。\n \n 菜单包括:\n \n 菜品:\n 意式辣香肠披萨(大、中、小) 12.95、10.00、7.00\n 芝士披萨(大、中、小) 10.95、9.25、6.50\n 茄子披萨(大、中、小) 11.95、9.75、6.75\n 薯条(大、小) 4.50、3.50\n 希腊沙拉 7.25\n \n 配料:\n 奶酪 2.00\n 蘑菇 1.50\n 香肠 3.00\n 加拿大熏肉 3.50\n AI酱 1.50\n 辣椒 1.00\n \n 饮料:\n 可乐(大、中、小) 3.00、2.00、1.00\n 雪碧(大、中、小) 3.00、2.00、1.00\n 瓶装水 5.00\n """} ] # accumulate messages #def get_key(k): # global key # key = k # return "Key saved successfully!" #def greet(k,name): # openai.api_key = k # return "Hello " + name + "!!" #key_input = gr.inputs.Textbox(label="Enter a key") #key_button = gr.Button(label="Save Key", type="submit", onclick=get_key(key_input)) #name_input = gr.inputs.Textbox(label="Enter a name") #greet_button = gr.Button(label="Greet", type="submit", onclick_args={"name": name_input}) #iface = gr.Interface(fn=greet, inputs=[key_input, name_input], outputs="text", # inputs_layout="vertical", outputs_layout="vertical", # title="Greeting App", description="Enter a key and a name to greet") #iface.launch() key_input = gr.inputs.Textbox(label="Enter a key") chat_input = gr.inputs.Textbox(label="Enter a chattext") def chatbot_interface_restaurant_chinese(k_text,t_text): openai.api_key = k_text if not hasattr(chatbot_interface, "chat_history"): chatbot_interface.chat_history = "" context2.append({'role':'user', 'content':f"{t_text}"}) chatbot_interface.chat_history += "User: " + t_text + "\n" output_text = get_completion_from_messages(context2) context2.append({'role':'assistant', 'content':f"{output_text}"}) chatbot_interface.chat_history += "assistant: " + output_text + "\n\n" return chatbot_interface.chat_history iface = gr.Interface(fn=greet, inputs=[key_input, chat_input], outputs="text", inputs_layout="vertical", outputs_layout="vertical", title="Greeting App", description="Enter a key and a name to greet") iface.launch()