import torch from torchvision import transforms from torchvision.transforms import Compose from PIL import Image class ToTensor(transforms.ToTensor): def __call__(self, input): if not isinstance(input, dict): return super().__call__(input) assert 'image' in input input['image'] = super().__call__(input['image']) return input class Normalize(transforms.Normalize): def __call__(self, input): if not isinstance(input, dict): return super().__call__(input) assert 'image' in input input['image'] = super().__call__(input['image']) return input class NormalizeBoxCoords(transforms.ToTensor): def __call__(self, input): if not isinstance(input, dict): return super().__call__(input) assert 'image' in input and 'bbox' in input _, H, W = input['image'].size() input['bbox'][:, (0, 2)] /= W input['bbox'][:, (1, 3)] /= H if 'tr_param' not in input: input['tr_param'] = [] input['tr_param'].append({'normalize_box_coords': (H, W)}) return input class SquarePad(torch.nn.Module): def __call__(self, input): if isinstance(input, Image.Image): raise NotImplementedError('put the SquarePad transform after ToTensor') assert 'image' in input _, h, w = input['image'].size() max_wh = max(w, h) xp = int(0.5 * (max_wh - w)) yp = int(0.5 * (max_wh - h)) padding = (xp, yp, (max_wh-xp)-w, (max_wh-yp)-h) input['image'] = transforms.functional.pad( input['image'], padding, fill=0, padding_mode='constant' ) # input['image'] = transforms.functional.pad( # input['image'], padding, padding_mode='edge' # ) if 'mask' in input: input['mask'] = transforms.functional.pad( input['mask'], padding, fill=0, padding_mode='constant' ) if 'bbox' in input: input['bbox'][:, (0, 2)] += xp input['bbox'][:, (1, 3)] += yp if 'tr_param' not in input: input['tr_param'] = [] input['tr_param'].append({'square_pad': padding}) return input class Resize(transforms.Resize): def __call__(self, input): if not isinstance(input, dict): return super().__call__(input) assert 'image' in input if not torch.is_tensor(input['image']): raise NotImplementedError('put the Resize transform after ToTensor') _, img_h, img_w = input['image'].size() if isinstance(self.size, int): dst_h = self.size if img_h < img_w else int(self.size * img_h / img_w) dst_w = self.size if img_w < img_h else int(self.size * img_w / img_h) else: dst_h, dst_w = self.size input['image'] = super().__call__(input['image']) if 'mask' in input: input['mask'] = super().__call__(input['mask']) sx, sy = dst_w / img_w, dst_h / img_h if 'bbox' in input: input['bbox'][:, (0, 2)] *= sx input['bbox'][:, (1, 3)] *= sy if 'tr_param' not in input: input['tr_param'] = [] input['tr_param'].append({'resize': (sx, sy)}) return input class RandomHorizontalFlip(transforms.RandomHorizontalFlip): def __call__(self, input): if not isinstance(input, dict): return super().__call__(input) assert 'image' in input if not torch.is_tensor(input['image']): raise NotImplementedError('use Resize after ToTensor') result = super().__call__(input['image']) if result is input['image']: # not flipped return input input['image'] = result if 'mask' in input: input['mask'] = torch.flip(input['mask'], dims=(-1,)) img_w = input['image'].size(2) if 'bbox' in input: input['bbox'][:, (0, 2)] = img_w - input['bbox'][:, (2, 0)] if 'expr' in input: input['expr'] = input['expr'].replace('left', '').replace('right', 'left').replace('', 'right') return input class RandomAffine(transforms.RandomAffine): def get_params(self, *args, **kwargs): self.params = super().get_params(*args, **kwargs) return self.params def __call__(self, input): if not isinstance(input, dict): return super().__call__(input) assert 'image' in input if not torch.is_tensor(input['image']): raise NotImplementedError('put the Resize transform after ToTensor') #self.fill = input['image'].mean((1,2)) # set fill value to the mean pixel value result = super().__call__(input['image']) if result is input['image']: # not transformed return input input['image'] = result _, img_h, img_w = input['image'].size() angle, translate, scale, shear = self.params center = (img_w * 0.5, img_h * 0.5) matrix = transforms.functional._get_inverse_affine_matrix(center, angle, translate, scale, shear) matrix = torch.FloatTensor([matrix[:3], matrix[3:], [0, 0, 1]]) matrix = torch.linalg.inv(matrix) if 'mask' in input: input['mask'] = transforms.functional.affine( input['mask'], *self.params, self.interpolation, self.fill ) if 'bbox' in input: for i, (x1, y1, x2, y2) in enumerate(input['bbox']): pt = matrix @ torch.FloatTensor([ [x1, y1, 1], [x2, y1, 1], [x2, y2, 1], [x1, y2, 1] ]).T x_min, y_min, _ = pt.min(dim=1).values x_max, y_max, _ = pt.max(dim=1).values input['bbox'][i, :] = torch.FloatTensor([x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max]) # if 'tr_param' not in input: # input['tr_param'] = [] # input['tr_param'].append({'random_affine': matrix[:2, :].tolist()}) return input class ColorJitter(transforms.ColorJitter): def __call__(self, input): if not isinstance(input, dict): return super().__call__(input) assert 'image' in input input['image'] = super().__call__(input['image']) return input def get_transform(split, input_size=512): mean = [0.485, 0.456, 0.406] sdev = [0.229, 0.224, 0.225] if split in ('train', 'trainval'): transform = Compose([ # ColorJitter(brightness=0.5, saturation=0.5), # before normalization ToTensor(), Normalize(mean, sdev), # first normalize so that the mean is ~0 SquarePad(), # zero pad (approx mean pixel value) Resize(size=(input_size, input_size)), # RandomHorizontalFlip(p=0.5), RandomAffine(degrees=5, translate=(0.1, 0.1), scale=(0.9, 1.1)), NormalizeBoxCoords(), ]) elif split in ('val', 'test', 'testA', 'testB', 'testC'): transform = Compose([ ToTensor(), Normalize(mean, sdev), SquarePad(), Resize(size=(input_size, input_size)), NormalizeBoxCoords(), ]) elif split in ('visu',): transform = Compose([ ToTensor(), SquarePad(), Resize(size=(input_size, input_size)), NormalizeBoxCoords(), ]) else: raise ValueError(f'\'{split}\' is not a valid data split') return transform def denormalize(img): mean = [0.485, 0.456, 0.406] sdev = [0.229, 0.224, 0.225] return Normalize( mean=[-m/s for m, s in zip(mean, sdev)], std=[1./s for s in sdev] )(img) def undo_box_transforms(bbox, tr_param): # undo validation mode transformations bbox = bbox.clone() for tr in tr_param[::-1]: if 'resize' in tr: sx, sy = tr['resize'] bbox[:, (0, 2)] /= sx bbox[:, (1, 3)] /= sy elif 'square_pad' in tr: px, py, _, _ = tr['square_pad'] bbox[:, (0, 2)] -= px bbox[:, (1, 3)] -= py elif 'normalize_box_coords' in tr: img_h, img_w = tr['normalize_box_coords'] bbox[:, (0, 2)] *= img_w bbox[:, (1, 3)] *= img_h else: continue return bbox def undo_box_transforms_batch(bbox, tr_param): output = [] for i in range(bbox.size(0)): bb = undo_box_transforms(torch.atleast_2d(bbox[i]), tr_param[i]) output.append(bb) return, dim=0)