import gradio as gr from llama_cpp import Llama def llama_cpp_chat(gguf_model, prompt:str, messages:str = ''): prompt_templated = f'{messages}\n ### HUMAN:\n{prompt} \n ### ASSISTANT:' output = gguf_model( prompt_templated, # Prompt max_tokens=512, stop=["### HUMAN:\n", " ### ASSISTANT:"], # Stop generating just before the model would generate a new question echo=True # Echo the prompt back in the output ) # Generate a completion, can also call create_completion print(output) return output['choices'][0]['text'] llm = Llama( model_path="llama3_8b_chat_brainstorm.Q2_K.gguf", # n_gpu_layers=-1, # Uncomment to use GPU acceleration # seed=1337, # Uncomment to set a specific seed # n_ctx=2048, # Uncomment to increase the context window ) def chatty(prompt, messages): print(prompt) print(f'messages: {messages}') past_messages = '' if len(messages) > 0: for idx, message in enumerate(messages): print(f'idx: {idx}, message: {message}') past_messages += f'\n### HUMAN: {message[0]}' past_messages += f'\n### ASSISTANT: {message[1]}' # past_messages = messages[0][0] print(f'past_messages: {past_messages}') messages = llama_cpp_chat(llm, prompt, past_messages) return messages.split('### ASSISTANT:')[-1] demo = gr.ChatInterface( fn=chatty, title="Brainstorm on CPU with llama.cpp", description="Please note that CPU prediction will very slow - but this can run on the Free Tier :)" ) if __name__ == "__main__": demo.launch()