import gradio as gr import requests import mimetypes import json, os import asyncio import aiohttp import subprocess def upgrade_pip(): try: subprocess.check_call([os.sys.executable, "-m", "pip", "install", "--upgrade", "pip"]) print("pip 升級成功") except subprocess.CalledProcessError: print("pip 升級失敗") # 呼叫升級函數 upgrade_pip() LLM_API = os.environ.get("LLM_API") LLM_URL = os.environ.get("LLM_URL") USER_ID = "HuggingFace Space" # Placeholder user ID async def send_chat_message(LLM_URL, LLM_API, category, file_id): payload = { "inputs": {}, "query": category, "response_mode": "streaming", "conversation_id": "", "user": USER_ID, "files": [ { "type": "image", "transfer_method": "local_file", "upload_file_id": file_id } ] } print("Sending chat message payload:", payload) # Debug information async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session: async with f"{LLM_URL}/chat-messages", headers={"Authorization": f"Bearer {LLM_API}"}, json=payload ) as response: print("Request URL:", f"{LLM_URL}/chat-messages") print("Response status code:", response.status) if response.status == 404: return "Error: Endpoint not found (404)" last_thought = None async for line in response.content: if line: try: data = json.loads(line.split(b"data: ")[1].decode("utf-8")) if data.get("event") == "agent_thought": last_thought = data.get("thought") except (IndexError, json.JSONDecodeError): continue if last_thought: return last_thought.strip() else: return "Error: No thought found in the response" async def upload_file(LLM_URL, LLM_API, file_path, user_id): if not os.path.exists(file_path): return f"Error: File {file_path} not found" mime_type, _ = mimetypes.guess_type(file_path) with open(file_path, 'rb') as f: async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session: form_data = aiohttp.FormData() form_data.add_field('file', f, filename=file_path, content_type=mime_type) form_data.add_field('user', user_id) async with f"{LLM_URL}/files/upload", headers={"Authorization": f"Bearer {LLM_API}"}, data=form_data ) as response: print("Upload response status code:", response.status) # Debug information if response.status == 404: return "Error: Endpoint not found (404)" response_text = await response.text() print("Raw upload response text:", response_text) # Debug information try: return json.loads(response_text) except json.JSONDecodeError: return "Error: Invalid JSON response" async def handle_input(file_path, category): upload_response = await upload_file(LLM_URL, LLM_API, file_path, USER_ID) print("Upload response:", upload_response) # Debug information if "error" in upload_response: return upload_response file_id = upload_response.get("id") # Extract file ID from the response if not file_id: return "Error: No file ID returned from upload" chat_response = await send_chat_message(LLM_URL, LLM_API, category, file_id) print("Chat response:", chat_response) # Debug information return chat_response # Define Gradio interface file_input = gr.Image(label='圖片上傳', type='filepath') category = gr.Radio(label="Message Category", choices=["機票", "計程車乘車證明", "通行明細 (etag)", "QRCODE發票", "超商高鐵車票", "高鐵車票", "超商台鐵車票", "台鐵車票"]) examples = [ ['DEMO/boarding-pass.png', '機票'], ['DEMO/taxi.jpg', '計程車乘車證明'], ['DEMO/etag.jpg', '通行明細 (etag)'], ["DEMO/qrcode.jpg", 'QRCODE發票'], ['DEMO/mthsr.JPG', '超商高鐵車票'], ['DEMO/thsr.jpg', '高鐵車票'], ['DEMO/mtra.jpg', '超商台鐵車票'], ['DEMO/tra.JPG', '台鐵車票'], ] TITLE = """