import copy import os import modules.scripts as scripts import modules.images import gradio as gr import numpy as np import tempfile import importlib from PIL import Image, ImageSequence from modules.processing import Processed, process_images from modules.shared import opts, state, sd_upscalers with open(os.path.join(scripts.basedir(), "instructions.txt"), 'r') as file: mkd_inst = #Rudimentary interpolation def interp(gif, iframes, dur): try: working_images, resframes = [], [] pilgif = for frame in ImageSequence.Iterator(pilgif): converted = frame.convert('RGBA') working_images.append(converted) resframes.append(working_images[0]) #Seed the first frame alphas = np.linspace(0, 1, iframes+2)[1:] for i in range(1, len(working_images), 1): for a in range(len(alphas)): intermediate_image = Image.blend(working_images[i-1],working_images[i],alphas[a]) resframes.append(intermediate_image) resframes[0].save(gif, save_all = True, append_images = resframes[1:], loop = 0, optimize = False, duration = dur, format='GIF') return gif except: return False #Get num closest to 8 def cl8(num): rem = num % 8 if rem <= 4: return round(num - rem) else: return round(num + (8 - rem)) def upscale(image, upscaler_name, upscale_mode, upscale_by, upscale_to_width, upscale_to_height, upscale_crop): if upscale_mode == 1: upscale_by = max(upscale_to_width/image.width, upscale_to_height/image.height) upscaler = next(iter([x for x in sd_upscalers if == upscaler_name]), None) assert upscaler or (upscaler_name is None), f'could not find upscaler named {upscaler_name}' image = upscaler.scaler.upscale(image, upscale_by, upscaler.data_path) if upscale_mode == 1 and upscale_crop: cropped ="RGB", (upscale_to_width, upscale_to_height)) cropped.paste(image, box=(upscale_to_width // 2 - image.width // 2, upscale_to_height // 2 - image.height // 2)) image = cropped return image def blend_images(images): sizes = [img.size for img in images] min_width, min_height = min(sizes, key=lambda s: s[0]*s[1]) blended_img ='RGB', (min_width, min_height)) for x in range(min_width): for y in range(min_height): colors = [img.getpixel((x, y)) for img in images] avg_color = tuple(int(sum(c[i] for c in colors) / len(colors)) for i in range(3)) blended_img.putpixel((x, y), avg_color) return blended_img class Script(scripts.Script): def __init__(self): self.gif_name = str() self.gif_frames = [] self.orig_fps = 0 self.orig_duration = 0 self.orig_total_seconds = 0 self.orig_n_frames = 0 self.orig_dimensions = (0,0) self.ready = False self.desired_fps = 0 self.desired_interp = 0 self.desired_duration = 0 self.desired_total_seconds = 0 self.slowmo = False self.gif2gifdir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() self.img2img_component = gr.Image() self.img2img_inpaint_component = gr.Image() self.img2img_gallery = gr.Gallery() self.img2img_w_slider = gr.Slider() self.img2img_h_slider = gr.Slider() return None def title(self): return "gif2gif" def show(self, is_img2img): return is_img2img def ui(self, is_img2img): #Controls with gr.Column(): upload_gif = gr.File(label="Upload GIF", visible=True, file_types = ['.gif','.webp','.plc'], file_count = "single") with gr.Tabs(): with gr.Tab("Settings"): with gr.Column(): with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(): with gr.Box(): fps_slider = gr.Slider(1, 50, step = 1, label = "Desired FPS", elem_id="harbl") interp_slider = gr.Slider(label = "Interpolation frames", value = 0) gif_resize = gr.Checkbox(value = True, label="Resize result back to original dimensions") gif_clear_frames = gr.Checkbox(value = True, label="Delete intermediate frames after GIF generation") gif_common_seed = gr.Checkbox(value = True, label="For -1 seed, all frames in a GIF have common seed") with gr.Column(): with gr.Row(): with gr.Box(): with gr.Column(): fps_actual = gr.Textbox(value="", interactive = False, label = "Actual FPS") seconds_actual = gr.Textbox(value="", interactive = False, label = "Actual total duration") frames_actual = gr.Textbox(value="", interactive = False, label = "Actual total frames") with gr.Box(): with gr.Column(): fps_original = gr.Textbox(value="", interactive = False, label = "Original FPS") seconds_original = gr.Textbox(value="", interactive = False, label = "Original total duration") frames_original = gr.Textbox(value="", interactive = False, label = "Original total frames") with gr.Tab("Loopback"): loop_backs = gr.Slider(0, 50, step = 1, label = "Generation loopbacks", value = 0) loop_denoise = gr.Slider(0.01, 1, step = 0.01, value=0.10, interactive = True, label = "Loopback denoise strength") loop_decay = gr.Slider(0, 2, step = 0.05, value=1.0, interactive = True, label = "Loopback decay") with gr.Tab("Upscaling"): with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(): with gr.Box(): ups_upscaler = gr.Dropdown(value = "None", interactive = True, choices = [ for x in sd_upscalers], label = "Upscaler") ups_only_upscale = gr.Checkbox(value = False, label = "Skip generation, only upscale") with gr.Column(): with gr.Tabs(): with gr.Tab("Scale by") as tab_scale_by: with gr.Box(): ups_scale_by = gr.Slider(1, 8, step = 0.1, value=2, interactive = True, label = "Factor") with gr.Tab("Scale to") as tab_scale_to: with gr.Box(): with gr.Column(): ups_scale_to_w = gr.Slider(0, 8000, step = 8, value=512, interactive = True, label = "Target width") ups_scale_to_h = gr.Slider(0, 8000, step = 8, value=512, interactive = True, label = "Target height") ups_scale_to_crop = gr.Checkbox(value = False, label = "Crop to fit") with gr.Tab("Inpainting", open = False): with gr.Column(): make_blend = gr.Button("Send blended image to img2img Inpainting tab") with gr.Tab("Readme", open = False): gr.Markdown(mkd_inst) with gr.Column(): display_gif = gr.Image(label = "Preview GIF", Source="Upload", visible=False, interactive=True, type="filepath") def processgif(file): try: pimg = ImageSequence.Iterator([0] except: print("Could not load GIF.") #Make no changes return gr.Image.update(), gr.Image.update(), gr.Image.update(), gr.Slider.update(), gr.Textbox.update(), gr.Textbox.update(), gr.Textbox.update() init_gif = self.gif_name = self.orig_dimensions = init_gif.size self.orig_duration =["duration"] self.orig_n_frames = init_gif.n_frames self.orig_total_seconds = round((self.orig_duration * self.orig_n_frames)/1000, 2) self.orig_fps = round(1000 / int(["duration"]), 2) #Need to also put images in img2img/inpainting windows (ui will not run without) #Gradio painting tools act weird with smaller images.. resize to 480 if smaller self.gif_frames = [] for frame in ImageSequence.Iterator(init_gif): if frame.height < 480: converted = frame.resize((round(480*frame.width/frame.height), 480), Image.Resampling.LANCZOS).convert('RGBA') else: converted = frame.convert('RGBA') self.gif_frames.append(converted) self.ready = True self.img2img_gallery.update([]) return self.gif_frames[0], self.gif_frames[0], cl8(pimg.width), cl8(pimg.height), gr.File.update(visible=False), gr.Image.update(, visible=True), self.orig_fps, self.orig_fps, (f"{self.orig_total_seconds} seconds"), self.orig_n_frames def clear_gif(gif): if gif == None: return None, None, gr.File.update(value=None, visible=True), gr.Image.update(visible=False) else: return gr.Image.update(), gr.Image.update(), gr.File.update(), gr.Image.update() def fpsupdate(fps, interp_frames): if (self.ready and fps and (interp_frames != None)): self.desired_fps = fps self.desired_interp = interp_frames total_n_frames = self.orig_n_frames + ((self.orig_n_frames -1) * self.desired_interp) calcdur = (1000 / fps) / (total_n_frames/self.orig_n_frames) if calcdur < 20: calcdur = 20 self.slowmo = True self.desired_duration = calcdur self.desired_total_seconds = round((self.desired_duration * total_n_frames)/1000, 2) gifbuffer = (f"{}/previewgif.gif") self.gif_frames[0].save(gifbuffer, save_all = True, append_images = self.gif_frames[1:], loop = 0, optimize = False, duration = self.desired_duration) return gifbuffer, round(1000/self.desired_duration, 2), f"{self.desired_total_seconds} seconds", total_n_frames def send_blend(): if self.gif_frames == None: print("No loaded; cannot blend") return gr.Image.update() blend = blend_images(self.gif_frames) return blend #Control change events fps_slider.change(fn=fpsupdate, inputs = [fps_slider, interp_slider], outputs = [display_gif, fps_actual, seconds_actual, frames_actual]) interp_slider.change(fn=fpsupdate, inputs = [fps_slider, interp_slider], outputs = [display_gif, fps_actual, seconds_actual, frames_actual]) ups_scale_mode = gr.State(value = 0) 0, inputs=[], outputs=[ups_scale_mode]) 1, inputs=[], outputs=[ups_scale_mode]) upload_gif.upload(fn=processgif, inputs = upload_gif, outputs = [self.img2img_component, self.img2img_inpaint_component, self.img2img_w_slider, self.img2img_h_slider, upload_gif, display_gif, fps_slider, fps_original, seconds_original, frames_original]) display_gif.change(fn=clear_gif, inputs=display_gif, outputs=[self.img2img_component, self.img2img_inpaint_component, upload_gif, display_gif]), inputs=None, outputs=[self.img2img_inpaint_component]) return [gif_resize, gif_clear_frames, gif_common_seed, loop_backs, loop_denoise, loop_decay, ups_upscaler, ups_only_upscale, ups_scale_mode, ups_scale_by, ups_scale_to_w, ups_scale_to_h, ups_scale_to_crop] #Grab the img2img image components for update later #Maybe there's a better way to do this? def after_component(self, component, **kwargs): if component.elem_id == "img2img_image": self.img2img_component = component return self.img2img_component if component.elem_id == "img2maskimg": self.img2img_inpaint_component = component return self.img2img_inpaint_component if component.elem_id == "img2img_width": self.img2img_w_slider = component return self.img2img_w_slider if component.elem_id == "img2img_height": self.img2img_h_slider = component return self.img2img_h_slider #Main run def run(self, p, gif_resize, gif_clear_frames, gif_common_seed, loop_backs, loop_denoise, loop_decay, ups_upscaler, ups_only_upscale, ups_scale_mode, ups_scale_by, ups_scale_to_w, ups_scale_to_h, ups_scale_to_crop): cnet_present = False try: cnet = importlib.import_module('', 'external_code') cn_layers = cnet.get_all_units_in_processing(p) target_layer_indices = [] for i in range(len(cn_layers)): if (cn_layers[i].image == None) and (cn_layers[i].enabled == True): target_layer_indices.append(i) if len(target_layer_indices) >0: cnet_present = True except: pass orig_p = copy.copy(p) try: inc_frames = self.gif_frames except: print("Something went wrong with GIF. Processing still from img2img.") proc = process_images(p) return proc outpath = os.path.join(p.outpath_samples, "gif2gif") #Handle upscaling if (ups_upscaler != "None"): inc_frames = [upscale(frame, ups_upscaler, ups_scale_mode, ups_scale_by, ups_scale_to_w, ups_scale_to_h, ups_scale_to_crop) for frame in inc_frames] if ups_only_upscale: gif_filename = (modules.images.save_image(inc_frames[0], outpath, "gif2gif", extension = 'gif')[0]) print(f"gif2gif: Generating GIF to {gif_filename}..") inc_frames[0].save(gif_filename, save_all = True, append_images = inc_frames[1:], loop = 0, optimize = False, duration = self.desired_duration) return Processed(p, inc_frames) #Fix/setup vars return_images, all_prompts, infotexts, inter_images = [], [], [], [] state.job_count = self.orig_n_frames * p.n_iter * (loop_backs+1) p.do_not_save_grid = True p.do_not_save_samples = gif_clear_frames gif_n_iter = p.n_iter p.n_iter = 1 #Iterate batch count print(f"Will process {gif_n_iter} GIF(s) with {state.job_count * p.batch_size} total generations.") for x in range(gif_n_iter): if state.skipped: state.skipped = False if state.interrupted: break color_correction = [modules.processing.setup_color_correction(p.init_images[0])] if(gif_common_seed and (p.seed == -1)): modules.processing.fix_seed(p) #Iterate frames for frame in inc_frames: if state.skipped: state.skipped = False if state.interrupted: break p.denoising_strength = orig_p.denoising_strength #reset denoise frame_loop_denoise = loop_denoise state.job = f"{state.job_no + 1} out of {state.job_count}" p.init_images = [frame] * p.batch_size #inject current frame #Handle controlnets if cnet_present: new_layers = [] for i in range(len(cn_layers)): if i in target_layer_indices: nimg = np.array(frame.convert("RGB")) bimg = np.zeros((frame.width, frame.height, 3), dtype = np.uint8) cn_layers[i].image = [{"image" : nimg, "mask" : bimg}] new_layers.append(cn_layers[i]) cnet.update_cn_script_in_processing(p, new_layers) #Process proc = process_images(p) #process #Do loopbacks for _ in range(loop_backs): p.init_images = [proc.images[0].convert("RGB")] * p.batch_size p.color_corrections = color_correction p.denoising_strength = frame_loop_denoise proc = process_images(p) frame_loop_denoise = round(frame_loop_denoise*loop_decay, 2) #Handle batches proc_batch = [] for pi in proc.images: if type(pi) is Image.Image: proc_batch.append(pi) if len(proc_batch) > 1 and p.batch_size > 1: inter_images.append(blend_images(proc_batch)) else: inter_images.append(proc_batch[0]) all_prompts += proc.all_prompts infotexts += proc.infotexts #Resize and make gif if(gif_resize): for i in range(len(inter_images)): inter_images[i] = inter_images[i].resize(self.orig_dimensions) #First make temporary file via save_images, then save actual gif over it. First index returns path. gif_filename = (modules.images.save_image(inc_frames[0], outpath, "gif2gif", extension = 'gif')[0]) #Handle infotext embedding gif_info="" if opts.enable_pnginfo and infotexts[0] is not None: gif_info = infotexts[0].replace('\n', ', ') #Generate animation print(f"gif2gif: Generating GIF to {gif_filename}..") inter_images[0].save(gif_filename, save_all = True, append_images = inter_images[1:], loop = 0, optimize = False, duration = self.desired_duration, comment=gif_info) if(self.desired_interp > 0): print(f"gif2gif: Interpolating {gif_filename}..") interp(gif_filename, self.desired_interp, self.desired_duration) #Returns return_images.append(gif_filename) if not gif_clear_frames: return_images.extend(inter_images) return Processed(p, return_images, p.seed, "", all_prompts=all_prompts, infotexts=infotexts)