import streamlit as st from utils import set_algorithm_name, get_pdf_iframe from menu import display_pages_menu from country_by_country.utils.constants import ( JURIDICTIONS, CURRENCIES, SECTORS, COMPANIES, ) from Levenshtein import distance import sys import logging import pandas as pd import numpy as np import re logging.basicConfig(stream=sys.stdout, level=logging.INFO, format="%(message)s") st.set_page_config(layout="wide", page_title="Report metadata") st.title("Country by Country Tax Reporting analysis : Metadata") st.subheader( "This page will allow you to fill in metadata about the report : company name, headquarter, currency, unit, ...", ) display_pages_menu() if "pdf_after_page_validation" in st.session_state: col1, col2 = st.columns(2) with col1: st.markdown( get_pdf_iframe(st.session_state["pdf_after_page_validation"]), unsafe_allow_html=True, ) with col2: with st.form("metadata_form"): if "metadata" in st.session_state: company_name = st.session_state["metadata"]["company_name"] sector = st.session_state["metadata"]["sector"] year = st.session_state["metadata"]["year"] currency = st.session_state["metadata"]["currency"] unit = st.session_state["metadata"]["unit"] headquarter = st.session_state["metadata"]["headquarter"] decimal_separator = st.session_state["metadata"]["separator"] else: company_name = None sector = None year = "" currency = None unit = None headquarter = "" decimal_separator = "," separator_list = [",", "."] decimal_separator = st.selectbox( "Decimal separator", separator_list, index=separator_list.index(decimal_separator), ) companies = list(COMPANIES.keys()) company_name = st.selectbox( "Company name", companies, index=companies.index(company_name) if company_name else 0, ) sector = st.selectbox( "Sector", SECTORS, index=SECTORS.index(sector) if sector else 0 ) year = st.text_input("Year", value=year) currencies = { ( CURRENCIES[currency]["AlphabeticCode"], CURRENCIES[currency]["Currency"], ) for currency in CURRENCIES } currencies = sorted(currencies, key=lambda x: x[0]) currencies = [f"{currency[0]} - {currency[1]}" for currency in currencies] currency = st.selectbox( "Currency", currencies, index=currencies.index(currency) if currency else currencies.index("EUR - Euro"), ) units = [ "units", "thousands", "millions", "10 millions", "100 millions", "billions", ] unit = st.selectbox("Unit", units, index=units.index(unit) if unit else 0) headquarters = list(JURIDICTIONS.keys()) headquarter = st.selectbox( "Headquarter location", headquarters, index=headquarters.index(headquarter) if headquarter else 0, ) submitted = st.form_submit_button( label="Submit", ) if submitted: st.session_state["metadata"] = { "separator": decimal_separator, "company_name": company_name, "sector": sector, "year": year, "currency": currency, "unit": unit, "headquarter": headquarter, } st.switch_page("pages/")