# Import libraries and modules # Run pip install gradio and essential_generators in terminal import gradio as gr import pandas as pd from essential_generators import DocumentGenerator from main import generate_dfa # DataFrame conjunctions = [] with open("conjunctions.txt") as file: conjunctions = file.read().splitlines() conjunctions = [word.strip() for word in conjunctions] with open("adverbs.txt") as file: adverbs = file.read().splitlines() adverbs = [word.strip() for word in adverbs] with open("adjectives.txt") as file: adjectives = file.read().splitlines() adjectives = [word.strip() for word in adjectives] df = pd.DataFrame(columns=["Words", "Type"]) for i in conjunctions: df.loc[len(df)] = [i, "Conjunction"] for i in adverbs: df.loc[len(df)] = [i, "Adverb"] for i in adjectives: df.loc[len(df)] = [i, "Adjective"] # DFA function call dfa_conjunctions = generate_dfa(conjunctions) dfa_adverbs = generate_dfa(adverbs) dfa_adjectives = generate_dfa(adjectives) # Generate examples def generateExamples(): gen = DocumentGenerator() examples = [] for i in range(3): examples.append(gen.paragraph()) return examples # Color match function def color_match(text: gr.Textbox): colored_text = [] pointer = 0 # Get the result of the DFA check on the input text match_dict_conj = dfa_conjunctions.check(text) match_dict_adv = dfa_adverbs.check(text) match_dict_adj = dfa_adjectives.check(text) if not match_dict_conj and not match_dict_adv and not match_dict_adj: return ( '
', None, None, ) # Flatten the match_dict into a list of tuples and sort by the start index matches = sorted( [ (start, end, word) for word, indices in match_dict_conj.items() for start, end in indices ] + [ (start, end, word) for word, indices in match_dict_adv.items() for start, end in indices ] + [ (start, end, word) for word, indices in match_dict_adj.items() for start, end in indices ] ) for start, end, word in matches: colored_text.append(text[pointer:start]) # End need to be incremented by 1 to include the last character colored_text.append(f"{text[start:end + 1]}") # Move the pointer to the end of the match pointer = end + 1 # Add remaining text colored_text.append(text[pointer:]) # Combine the strings colored_text = "".join(colored_text) # Create the DataFrame positions_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=["Words", "Type", "Positions", "Occurences"]) for word, positions in match_dict_conj.items(): # Convert the list of tuples to a string positions_str = ", ".join(map(str, positions)) # Store the word and the positions string in the wordPositions dictionary positions_df.loc[len(positions_df)] = [ word, "Conjunction", positions_str, len(positions), ] for word, positions in match_dict_adv.items(): # Convert the list of tuples to a string positions_str = ", ".join(map(str, positions)) # Store the word and the positions string in the wordPositions dictionary positions_df.loc[len(positions_df)] = [ word, "Adverb", positions_str, len(positions), ] for word, positions in match_dict_adj.items(): # Convert the list of tuples to a string positions_str = ", ".join(map(str, positions)) # Store the word and the positions string in the wordPositions dictionary positions_df.loc[len(positions_df)] = [ word, "Adjective", positions_str, len(positions), ] return colored_text, positions_df # Search and display function def search_and_display(search_query): # Filter the DataFrame based on the search query filtered_df = df[df["Words"].str.contains(search_query)] return filtered_df def text_change_search(text: gr.Textbox): if text == "": return gr.update(interactive=False) else: return gr.update(interactive=True) def text_change_test(text: gr.Textbox): if text == "": return gr.update(interactive=False), gr.update(interactive=False) else: return gr.update(interactive=True), gr.update(interactive=True) def remove_output(result, position): return None, None # CSS styling # css = """ # warning {background-color: #FFCCCB} # .feedback textarea {font-size: 24px !important} # """ # Example to apply CSS styling # with gr.Blocks(css=css) as demo: # box1 = gr.Textbox(value="Good Job", elem_classes="feedback") # box2 = gr.Textbox(value="Failure", elem_id="warning", elem_classes="feedback") # Gradio UI with gr.Blocks() as demo: # Title block # Apply CSS styling to the title title = gr.HTML( "

English Conjunctions/Adverb/Adjectives Finder

" ) with gr.Accordion("Accepted Words", open=False): # Search block search = gr.Textbox( label="Search", placeholder="Search accepted words here", lines=1, info="List of acceptable words in DFA", show_copy_button=True, ) with gr.Row(): cancel_btn = gr.ClearButton(search, variant="stop", interactive=False) search_btn = gr.Button(value="Search", variant="primary") resultSearch = gr.Dataframe( df, height=300, col_count=2, headers=["Words", "Type"] ) search.change( text_change_search, inputs=[search], outputs=[cancel_btn], ) search_btn.click( search_and_display, inputs=[search], outputs=[resultSearch], api_name=False ) # Text block for DFA and color match textTitle = gr.HTML("

Try it here!

") description = gr.HTML( "

Enter a text and see the words that are accepted by the DFA highlighted in green.

" ) text = gr.Textbox( autofocus=True, label="Text", placeholder="Enter text here", info="Enter text to check for DFA match", show_copy_button=True, ) # Examples block examples_data = generateExamples() examples = gr.Examples( examples=examples_data, inputs=[text], ) with gr.Row(): cancel_btn = gr.ClearButton([text], variant="stop", interactive=False) submit_btn = gr.Button(value="Submit", variant="primary", interactive=False) text.change( text_change_test, inputs=[text], outputs=[cancel_btn, submit_btn], ) # Result block resultTitle = gr.HTML("


") result = gr.HTML("

") # Position block # positionTitle = gr.HTML("


") position = gr.Dataframe( show_label=True, col_count=4, headers=["Words", "Type", "Positions", "Occurences"], interactive=False, ) submit_btn.click( color_match, inputs=[text], outputs=[result, position], api_name=False, ) cancel_btn.click( remove_output, inputs=[result, position], outputs=[result, position], ) # Launch the app demo.launch()