# File under the MIT license, see https://github.com/adefossez/julius/LICENSE for details. # Author: adefossez, 2020 # flake8: noqa """ .. image:: ../logo.png Julius contains different Digital Signal Processing algorithms implemented with PyTorch, so that they are differentiable and available on CUDA. Note that all the modules implemented here can be used with TorchScript. For now, I have implemented: - `julius.resample`: fast sinc resampling. - `julius.fftconv`: FFT based convolutions. - `julius.lowpass`: FIR low pass filter banks. - `julius.filters`: FIR high pass and band pass filters. - `julius.bands`: Decomposition of a waveform signal over mel-scale frequency bands. Along that, you might found useful utilities in: - `julius.core`: DSP related functions. - `julius.utils`: Generic utilities. Please checkout [the Github repository](https://github.com/adefossez/julius) for other informations. For a verification of the speed and correctness of Julius, check the benchmark module `bench`. This package is named in this honor of [Julius O. Smith](https://ccrma.stanford.edu/~jos/), whose books and website were a gold mine of information for me to learn about DSP. Go checkout his website if you want to learn more about DSP. """ from .bands import SplitBands, split_bands from .fftconv import fft_conv1d, FFTConv1d from .filters import bandpass_filter, BandPassFilter from .filters import highpass_filter, highpass_filters, HighPassFilter, HighPassFilters from .lowpass import lowpass_filter, lowpass_filters, LowPassFilters, LowPassFilter from .resample import resample_frac, ResampleFrac