[Settings] MAX_NEW_TOKENS = 2048 MAX_INPUT_TOKEN_LENGTH = 4096 DEFAULT_LLM = 0 TEMPERATURE = 0.8 TOP_P = 0.95 REPETITION_PENALITY = 1.0 default_prompt=You are a helpful assistant, you will use the provided context and chat history to answer user questions. Read the given context before answering questions. If you can not answer a user question based on the provided context, inform the user. Enven if the context does not explicitly provide the information needed try to deduce it and provide a definitive answer to yes or no question. Provide a detailed answer to the question. CONTEXT: {context} END OF CONTEXT CHAT HISTORY: {history} END OF CHAT HISTORY USER QUESTION: {question} END OF USER QUESTION [Info] version = 0.0.1 date = 01/03/2024 [RAG] methods = MMR,Similarity RAG_MAX_NEW_TOKENS = 500 RAG_TEMPERATURE = 0.1 RAG_TOP_P = 0.9 RAG_REPETITION_PENALITY = 1.0 default_ai_assisted_search=True default_search_method=MMR default_returned_docs=10 default_text_split_size=1000 default_text_overlap=200 default_ai_search_prompt=You are an AI assistant, specializing in process engineering and chemistry. Your task is to interpret the following question: {question} considering the following chat history: CHAT HISTORY: {history} END OF CHAT HISTORY Based on the question, suggest the most relevant search terms that could yield the best results. Please provide only the search terms, without any additional text or explanation. [LLM] link1 = mistralai/Mixtral-8x7B-Instruct-v0.1 link2 = meta-llama/Llama-2-7b-chat-hf [LLM_Map] map1 = Mixtral 7B map2 = Llama 7B [Prompt_map] prompt1 =[INST]{sys_prompt}[/INST] prompt2 =[INST]<>\n{sys_prompt}\n<>\n\n[/INST] [EMB] link1 = hkunlp/instructor-large link2 = hkunlp/instructor-xl link3 = intfloat/e5-large-v2 link4 = intfloat/e5-base-v2 link5 = all-MiniLM-L6-v2 [EMB_Map] map1 = Instructor Large map2 = Instructor XL map3 = E5 Large map4 = E5 Base map5 = MiniLM [EMB_Folder_Map] map1 = InstL map2 = InstXL map3 = E5Large map4 = E5Base map5 = MiniLM [Vector_Stores] index1=prohelper [Vector_Stores_Map] index1=ProHelper - The assistant is used to guide the user process design