#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Thu May 25 15:16:50 2023 @author: daliagala """ ### LIBRARIES ### import streamlit as st import pandas as pd from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split from utils import assign_labels_by_probabilities, drop_data, train_and_predict ### PAGE CONFIG ### st.set_page_config(page_title='FairTargetSim', page_icon=':robot_face:', layout='wide') hide_st_style = """ """ st.markdown(hide_st_style, unsafe_allow_html=True) ### IMPORT DATA FILES ### dataframe = pd.read_csv('./data/dataframe.csv') dataframe = dataframe.drop(["Unnamed: 0"], axis = 1) dataframe = dataframe.rename(columns={"education_level": "education level"}) ### DICTIONARIES AND CONSTANTS### groups = ["attention", "reasoning", "memory", "behavioural restraint", "information processing speed"] groups_dict = { 'Divided Visual Attention' : 'attention', 'Forward Memory Span': 'memory', 'Arithmetic Reasoning' : 'reasoning', 'Grammatical Reasoning' : 'reasoning', 'Go/No go' : 'behavioural restraint', 'Reverse_Memory_Span' : 'memory', 'Verbal List Learning' : 'memory', 'Delayed Verbal List Learning' : 'memory', 'Digit Symbol Coding' : 'information processing speed', 'Trail Making Part A' : 'information processing speed', 'Trail Making Part B' : 'information processing speed' } education_dict = { 1: 'Some high school', 2: 'High school diploma / GED', 3: 'Some college', 4: 'College degree', 5: 'Professional degree', 6: "Master's degree", 7: 'Ph.D.', 8: "Associate's degree", 99: 'Other' } df_keys_dict = { 'Divided Visual Attention' :'divided_visual_attention', 'Forward Memory Span' :'forward_memory_span', 'Arithmetic Reasoning' : 'arithmetic_problem_solving', 'Grammatical Reasoning' : 'logical_reasoning', 'Go/No go': 'adaptive_behaviour_response_inhibition', 'Reverse_Memory_Span' : 'reverse_memory_span', 'Verbal List Learning': 'episodic_verbal_learning', 'Delayed Verbal List Learning': 'delayed_recall', 'Digit Symbol Coding': 'abstract_symbol_processing_speed', 'Trail Making Part A' :'numerical_info_processing_speed', 'Trail Making Part B': 'numerical_and_lexical_info_processing_speed' } ### CREATE THE "TARGET VARIABLE DEFINITION" PAGE ### st.title('Define Target Variables') st.markdown('''On this page, we invite you to imagine that you are hiring for a certain role. Using the sliders below, you will specify two different notions of a “good" employee for that role—two different target variables. Once you’re done, the simulator will build two models, one for each of your target variable definitions (the simulator will also create two datasets on which each model is trained). You can visualize these models and datasets — and their effects on fairness and overall features of the models and data — in the Visualize the Results page.''') st.markdown('''You specify the notions of different employees by assigning weights of importance to cognitive characteristics that a “good” employee would have for the role. The cognitive test data that you’ll be working with comes from real-world people, mirroring an increasing number of hiring algorithms that are based on cognitive tests ([Wilson, et al. 2021](https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/3442188.3445928)).''') st.markdown('''We have pre-set the weights below to reflect two different conceptions of a “good” employee: one conception that emphasizes attentiveness and numerical skills (A) and another conception that emphasizes interpersonal skills and memory (B). If you want to, you can change the slider values as you see fit.''') st.markdown('''After you’ve set the slider values, click :red[“Assign labels and train your models”]. The simulator will then label certain individuals as "good employees"—in other words it will assign class labels "1" for "good" and "0" for "not good", based on your selections. Then, the simulator will build the two models.''') st.markdown('''To learn more about target variable definition and hiring models based in cognitive tests, :green["See explanation"] below.''') with st.expander("See explanation"): st.markdown('''The models that the simulator builds are of a kind increasingly used in hiring software: companies will have applicants play games that test for different kinds of cognitive ability (like reasoning or memory). Then hiring software will be built to predict which applicants will be "good" based on which cognitive characteristics they have. What cognitive characteristics make for a "good" employee? This will depend on what role is being hired. And it will also depend on how one defines a “good" employee.''') st.markdown('''In the real world, "good" employee is defined for these kinds of hiring models in the following way. Managers select a group of current employees that they consider to be "good"; this group of employees plays the cognitive test games. A model is then trained to identify applicants who share cognitive characteristics with the current employees that are considered "good". The target variable of "good" employee is thus defined in terms of comparison to certain people who are deemed "good". ''') st.markdown('''One will get different target variables if one deems different current employees as the "good" ones. And, as we discussed in the Home page (and as we explain more in the Putting the Idea into Practice page), there will likely be disagreement between managers about which employees are "good". For instance, a manager who values attentiveness and numerical skills will deem different employees “good” than a manager who values interpersonal skills and memory. Even when different managers roughly share their sensibilities in what characteristics make for a "good" employee, there may still be different, equally good ways to “weight” the importance of the various characteristics.''') st.markdown('''In the real world, the cognitive characteristics shared by those considered "good" employees are implicit. Companies do not first identify the cognitive characteristics that make for a "good" employee; rather, they identify employees who they consider "good", and then the hiring model works backwards to identify what characteristics these employees share.''') st.markdown('''In our simulator, the cognitive characteristics shared by “good” employees are explicit. You assign different weights—using the sliders—to the cognitive characteristics you think are more or less important in a "good" employee (for the role you’re considering). To illustrate how different target variables have different effects on fairness and overall model attributes, you’ll define “good” employee in two ways. (We’ve made the cognitive characteristics explicit both so you can see the point of different target variable definitions more clearly, and because of limitations of the data that we’re working with.)''') st.markdown('''The cognitive characteristics that the simulator works with are from one of the datasets of the [NeuroCognitive Performance Test](https://www.nature.com/articles/s41597-022-01872-8). This dataset has eleven different tests which we have grouped into five categories: ''') st.markdown( """ - **Memory**: Forward Memory Span, Reverse Memory Span, Verbal List Learning, Delayed Verbal List Learning - **Information Processing Speed**: Digit Symbol Coding, Trail Making Part A, Trail Making Part B - **Reasoning**: Arithmetic Reasoning, Grammatical Reasoning - **Attention**: Divided Visual Attention - **Behavioral Restraint**: Go/No go """) st.markdown('''After you’ve set the weights to these five characteristics using the sliders, you can see which weights are assigned to each test (e.g. Forward Memory Span or Digit Symbol Coding) by ticking the checkbox beneath the sliders.''') col1, col2 = st.columns(2) #Initialise slider values list_values_A = (9, 10, 2, 1, 5) list_values_B = (1, 2, 10, 9, 3) selectionsA = {} selectionsB = {} results_dict_A = groups_dict results_dict_B = groups_dict with col1: st.subheader("Define target variable for model A ") if "slider_values_A" not in st.session_state: for count, value in enumerate(groups): selectionsA[value] = list_values_A[count] st.session_state["slider_values_A"] = selectionsA else: selectionsA = st.session_state["slider_values_A"] for i in groups: nameA = f"{i} importance, model A" value = selectionsA[i] slider = st.slider(nameA, min_value=0, max_value=10, value = value) selectionsA[i] = slider results_dict_A = {k: selectionsA.get(v, v) for k, v in results_dict_A.items()} total = sum(results_dict_A.values()) for (key, u) in results_dict_A.items(): if total != 0: w = (u/total) results_dict_A[key] = w if st.checkbox("Show target variable A weights per subtest", key="A"): for (key, u) in results_dict_A.items(): txt = key.replace("_", " ") st.markdown("- " + txt + " : " + f":green[{str(round((u*100), 2))}]") st.session_state["slider_values_A"] = selectionsA with col2: st.subheader("Define target variable for model B ") if "slider_values_B" not in st.session_state: for count, value in enumerate(groups): selectionsB[value] = list_values_B[count] st.session_state["slider_values_B"] = selectionsB else: selectionsB = st.session_state["slider_values_B"] for i in groups: nameB = f"{i} importance, model B" value = selectionsB[i] slider = st.slider(nameB, min_value=0, max_value=10, value = value) selectionsB[i] = slider results_dict_B = {k: selectionsB.get(v, v) for k, v in results_dict_B.items()} total = sum(results_dict_B.values()) for (key, u) in results_dict_B.items(): if total != 0: w = ((u/total)) results_dict_B[key] = w if st.checkbox("Show target variable B weights per subtest", key = "B"): for (key, u) in results_dict_B.items(): txt = key.replace("_", " ") st.markdown("- " + txt + " : " + f":green[{str(round((u*100), 2))}]") st.session_state["slider_values_B"] = selectionsB if st.button("Assign labels and train your models", type = "primary", use_container_width = True): if 'complete_df' in st.session_state: del st.session_state['complete_df'] if 'clean_df' in st.session_state: del st.session_state['clean_df'] if 'cm_A' in st.session_state: del st.session_state['cm_A'] if 'cm_B' in st.session_state: del st.session_state['cm_B'] scoreA = pd.DataFrame() scoreB = pd.DataFrame() test1 = all(value == 0 for value in results_dict_A.values()) test2 = all(value == 0 for value in results_dict_B.values()) if test1 == True or test2 == True: st.error('Cannot train the models if you do not define the target variables. Make your selections for both models first!', icon="🚨") else: for (key, u) in results_dict_A.items(): scoreA[df_keys_dict[key]] = u * dataframe[df_keys_dict[key]] scoresA = scoreA.sum(axis=1) dataframe['model_A_scores'] = scoresA for (key, u) in results_dict_B.items(): scoreB[df_keys_dict[key]] = u * dataframe[df_keys_dict[key]] scoresB = scoreB.sum(axis=1) dataframe['model_B_scores'] = scoresB new_annotated = assign_labels_by_probabilities(dataframe, "model_A_scores", "Model_A_label", "Model_A_probabilities", quantile=0.85, num_samples=100) new_annotated = assign_labels_by_probabilities(new_annotated, "model_B_scores", "Model_B_label", "Model_B_probabilities", quantile=0.85, num_samples=100) new_annotated = new_annotated.reset_index() clean_data = drop_data(new_annotated) # specify the columns of interest selected_cols = ['Model_A_label', 'Model_B_label'] # count the number of rows where all three selected columns have a value of 1 num_rows_with_all_flags_1 = len(new_annotated[new_annotated[selected_cols].sum(axis=1) == len(selected_cols)]) # print the result st.write(f"Shared candidates between your target variables: :green[{num_rows_with_all_flags_1}] (among 100 total candidates per each target variable).") with st.spinner('Please wait... The models will be trained now.'): X_data, Y_data_A, Y_data_B = clean_data.iloc[:, :-2], clean_data.iloc[:, [-2]], clean_data.iloc[:, [-1]] X_data = X_data.drop(["index"], axis = 1) Y_data_B = Y_data_B.reset_index() X_train, X_test, y_train_A, y_test_A = train_test_split(X_data, Y_data_A, test_size=0.2) y_train_A = y_train_A.reset_index() y_test_A = y_test_A.reset_index() y_train_B = pd.merge(y_train_A,Y_data_B[['index', 'Model_B_label']],on='index', how='left') y_test_B = pd.merge(y_test_A,Y_data_B[['index', 'Model_B_label']],on='index', how='left') y_train_B = y_train_B.drop(labels='Model_A_label', axis = 1) y_test_B = y_test_B.drop(labels='Model_A_label', axis = 1) y_train_A = y_train_A.set_index("index") y_train_B = y_train_B.set_index("index") y_test_A = y_test_A.set_index("index") y_test_B = y_test_B.set_index("index") accuracy_A, precision_A, recall_A, X_full_A, cm_A, baseline_accuracy_A = train_and_predict("A", X_train, X_test, y_train_A, y_test_A) accuracy_B, precision_B, recall_B, X_full_B, cm_B, baseline_accuracy_B = train_and_predict("B", X_train, X_test, y_train_B, y_test_B) full = pd.merge(X_full_A,X_full_B[['index','Predicted_B', 'Prob_0_B', "Prob_1_B"]],on='index', how='left') complete = pd.merge(full,new_annotated[['index', 'age', 'gender', 'education level', 'country', 'Model_A_label', 'Model_B_label', 'model_A_scores', 'model_B_scores']],on='index', how='left') complete=complete.replace({"education level": education_dict}) complete = complete.rename(columns={"index": "Candidate ID"}) if 'complete_df' not in st.session_state: st.session_state['complete_df'] = complete if 'clean_df' not in st.session_state: st.session_state['clean_df'] = clean_data if 'cm_A' not in st.session_state: st.session_state['cm_A'] = cm_A if 'cm_B' not in st.session_state: st.session_state['cm_B'] = cm_B row1_space1, row1_1, row1_space2, row1_2, row1_space3 = st.columns((0.1, 3, 0.1, 3, 0.1)) with row1_1: st.write(f"Model A accuracy: :green[{baseline_accuracy_A}].") with row1_2: st.write(f"Model B accuracy: :green[{baseline_accuracy_B}].") st.success('''Success! You have defined the target variables and trained your models. Head to "Visualise the Results" in the sidebar.''')