import gradio as gr import pandas as pd from io import BytesIO def upload_files(workshop_file, participants_file): # Save and display workshop itinerary workshop_path = f"workshop_itinerary.pdf" with open(workshop_path, "wb") as f: f.write(workshop_file) workshop_itinerary = f"Workshop Itinerary uploaded as {workshop_path}" # Load participant information participants_df = pd.read_csv(BytesIO(participants_file)) # Calculate profit share participants = len(participants_df) rate_per_participant = 75 # Example rate, adjust based on your workshop details total_earnings = participants * rate_per_participant earnings_info = f"Total Earnings for the Workshop: ${total_earnings}" # Provide links to MovNat skills and videos skills_videos = { "Supine Lying": "", "Side Roll": "", "Prone Lying": "", "Sit to Backward Roll": "", "Knee Hand Crawl": "", # Add more skills and videos as needed } video_links = "\n".join([f"{skill}: {url}" for skill, url in skills_videos.items()]) return workshop_itinerary, participants_df, earnings_info, video_links # Set up the Gradio interface interface = gr.Interface( fn=upload_files, inputs=[ gr.File(label="Upload MovNat INTRO Workshop Itinerary PDF", type="binary"), gr.File(label="Upload Participants CSV File", type="binary"), ], outputs=[ gr.Textbox(label="Workshop Itinerary"), gr.Dataframe(label="Participant Information"), gr.Textbox(label="Total Earnings"), gr.Textbox(label="Links to MovNat Skills and Videos"), ], title="MovNat Workshop Manager", description="Upload your MovNat workshop itinerary and participant information to manage your workshop efficiently." ) # Launch the Gradio interface interface.launch()