import os import subprocess from gtts import gTTS import datetime import speech_recognition as sr from fuzzywuzzy import fuzz # Install mpg123 for playing audio["apt-get", "update"])["apt-get", "install", "-y", "mpg123"]) # Menu with Indian dishes and prices menu = { "Starters": { "Paneer Tikka": 150.0, "Samosa": 20.0, "Pakora": 50.0 }, "Main Course": { "Butter Chicken": 350.0, "Paneer Butter Masala": 300.0, "Dal Makhani": 200.0, "Veg Biryani": 180.0, "Chicken Biryani": 220.0 }, "Breads": { "Tandoori Roti": 20.0, "Butter Naan": 30.0, "Stuffed Paratha": 50.0 }, "Desserts": { "Gulab Jamun": 40.0, "Rasgulla": 35.0, "Kheer": 60.0 }, "Drinks": { "Masala Chai": 15.0, "Lassi": 50.0, "Buttermilk": 20.0 } } recognizer = sr.Recognizer() # Function to play text as speech def speak(text): tts = gTTS(text=text, lang='en')"output.mp3") os.system("mpg123 output.mp3") # Function to wish the user def wishMe(): hour = int( if hour >= 0 and hour < 12: speak("Good Morning! How can I help you today?") elif hour >= 12 and hour < 18: speak("Good Afternoon! What would you like to order?") else: speak("Good Evening! Hope you're doing well!") # Function to listen to user input def listen(): with sr.Microphone() as source: print("Listening for your command...") recognizer.adjust_for_ambient_noise(source, duration=1) try: audio = recognizer.listen(source, timeout=5) command = recognizer.recognize_google(audio, language="en-IN") print(f"You said: {command}") return command.lower() except sr.UnknownValueError: print("Sorry, I couldn't understand that. Could you please repeat?") return None except sr.RequestError: print("Sorry, there was an issue with the speech recognition service.") return None except sr.WaitTimeoutError: print("Sorry, I couldn't hear anything.") return None # Function to recognize commands def recognize_command(command): if not command: speak("Sorry, I couldn't process your request. Please try again.") return False for category, items in menu.items(): for item in items: if isinstance(item, str) and fuzz.partial_ratio(command, item.lower()) > 80: speak(f"Got it! {item} has been added to your order.") return True if "menu" in command: speak("Here is the menu for the restaurant. Take your time to decide!") for category, items in menu.items(): speak(f"{category}:") for item in items: speak(f" - {item}") return True if "price" in command: speak("Which item would you like to know the price for?") item = listen() if item: provide_price(item) return True if "exit" in command or "bye" in command: speak("Thank you for visiting! Have a great day!") return False speak("Sorry, I didn't understand that. Could you please repeat?") return True # Function to provide the price of an item def provide_price(item): for category, items in menu.items(): if item in items: price = items[item] speak(f"The price for {item} is ₹{price}.") return speak(f"Sorry, {item} is not available in the menu.") # Main function def run_voice_assistant(): wishMe() speak("Welcome to the restaurant! How can I assist you today?") while True: command = listen() if command: print(f"Recognized Command: {command}") continue_listening = recognize_command(command) if not continue_listening: break if __name__ == "__main__": run_voice_assistant()