import gradio as gr import torch from dual_regression_model import DualRegressionModel import transformers from transformers import pipeline from functools import partial # load the models # CLF: A-pt-bs16-dbmdz-bert-base-italian-cased clf_model_tag = "clf_model/" clf_tokenizer = transformers.AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(clf_model_tag) clf_model = transformers.AutoModelForSequenceClassification.from_pretrained(clf_model_tag) clf_pipeline = pipeline("text-classification", model=clf_model, tokenizer=clf_tokenizer) # REG reg_model_tag = "distilbert-base-multilingual-cased" reg_model_folder = "reg_model/" reg_model = DualRegressionModel(model_name_or_path=reg_model_tag) reg_model.load_model(reg_model_folder, map_location=torch.device('cpu')) # define the function to be used for prediction def predict(text): # predict the class clf_prediction = clf_pipeline(text)[0] # predict the coordinates reg_input = reg_model.tokenizer(text, return_tensors="pt") reg_prediction = reg_model(reg_input) latitude, longitude = reg_prediction["latitude"].item(), reg_prediction["longitude"].item() lat_min = 38 lat_max = 46 long_min = 8 long_max = 18 # return the results html_output = f"

The identified region is: {clf_prediction['label']}

" # plot points on the map of Italy html_output += f'

Predicted point on map:

Latitude: {latitude}

Longitude: {longitude}

' html_output += f'
Visualizza mappa ingrandita' return html_output # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Gradio interface # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # define the interface iface = gr.Interface( fn=predict, inputs=gr.Textbox(lines=2, placeholder="Insert the text here..."), outputs=gr.HTML(), title="DANTE: Dialect ANalysis TEam", description="This is a demo of a classification and regression model for locating the italian dialect of a given text.", examples=[ ["Bisognerebbe saperli materializzare .... !! Ma ovviamente .. belin .... NO SE PEU SCIUSCIA' E SCIORBI'"], ["Guaglio' Buongiorno! Azz! Vir te si scurdat puparuol e mulignane pero '!! E che se fa😑"], ["Il massimo...ghe ne minga par nisun"], ["Che poi a me la tuta piace na cifra da vede. Subisco un po' lo stigma sociale che noi con la fregna dovemo stà sempre apposto.",] ] ) # launch the interface iface.launch()