from __future__ import annotations from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Callable, Dict, List, Tuple, Type import logging import json import os import datetime from datetime import timezone import hashlib import csv import requests import re import html import sys import subprocess import gradio as gr from pypinyin import lazy_pinyin import tiktoken from markdown import markdown from pygments import highlight from pygments.lexers import get_lexer_by_name from pygments.formatters import HtmlFormatter import pandas as pd from modules.presets import * from . import shared from modules.config import retrieve_proxy, hide_history_when_not_logged_in if TYPE_CHECKING: from typing import TypedDict class DataframeData(TypedDict): headers: List[str] data: List[List[str | int | bool]] def predict(current_model, *args): iter = current_model.predict(*args) for i in iter: yield i def billing_info(current_model): return current_model.billing_info() def set_key(current_model, *args): return current_model.set_key(*args) def load_chat_history(current_model, *args): return current_model.load_chat_history(*args) def delete_chat_history(current_model, *args): return current_model.delete_chat_history(*args) def interrupt(current_model, *args): return current_model.interrupt(*args) def reset(current_model, *args): return current_model.reset(*args) def retry(current_model, *args): iter = current_model.retry(*args) for i in iter: yield i def delete_first_conversation(current_model, *args): return current_model.delete_first_conversation(*args) def delete_last_conversation(current_model, *args): return current_model.delete_last_conversation(*args) def set_system_prompt(current_model, *args): return current_model.set_system_prompt(*args) def save_chat_history(current_model, *args): return current_model.save_chat_history(*args) def export_markdown(current_model, *args): return current_model.export_markdown(*args) def load_chat_history(current_model, *args): return current_model.load_chat_history(*args) def upload_chat_history(current_model, *args): return current_model.load_chat_history(*args) def set_token_upper_limit(current_model, *args): return current_model.set_token_upper_limit(*args) def set_temperature(current_model, *args): current_model.set_temperature(*args) def set_top_p(current_model, *args): current_model.set_top_p(*args) def set_n_choices(current_model, *args): current_model.set_n_choices(*args) def set_stop_sequence(current_model, *args): current_model.set_stop_sequence(*args) def set_max_tokens(current_model, *args): current_model.set_max_tokens(*args) def set_presence_penalty(current_model, *args): current_model.set_presence_penalty(*args) def set_frequency_penalty(current_model, *args): current_model.set_frequency_penalty(*args) def set_logit_bias(current_model, *args): current_model.set_logit_bias(*args) def set_user_identifier(current_model, *args): current_model.set_user_identifier(*args) def set_single_turn(current_model, *args): current_model.set_single_turn(*args) def handle_file_upload(current_model, *args): return current_model.handle_file_upload(*args) def handle_summarize_index(current_model, *args): return current_model.summarize_index(*args) def like(current_model, *args): return*args) def dislike(current_model, *args): return current_model.dislike(*args) def count_token(message): encoding = tiktoken.get_encoding("cl100k_base") input_str = f"role: {message['role']}, content: {message['content']}" length = len(encoding.encode(input_str)) return length def markdown_to_html_with_syntax_highlight(md_str): # deprecated def replacer(match): lang = or "text" code = try: lexer = get_lexer_by_name(lang, stripall=True) except ValueError: lexer = get_lexer_by_name("text", stripall=True) formatter = HtmlFormatter() highlighted_code = highlight(code, lexer, formatter) return f'
' code_block_pattern = r"```(\w+)?\n([\s\S]+?)\n```" md_str = re.sub(code_block_pattern, replacer, md_str, flags=re.MULTILINE) html_str = markdown(md_str) return html_str def normalize_markdown(md_text: str) -> str: # deprecated lines = md_text.split("\n") normalized_lines = [] inside_list = False for i, line in enumerate(lines): if re.match(r"^(\d+\.|-|\*|\+)\s", line.strip()): if not inside_list and i > 0 and lines[i - 1].strip() != "": normalized_lines.append("") inside_list = True normalized_lines.append(line) elif inside_list and line.strip() == "": if i < len(lines) - 1 and not re.match( r"^(\d+\.|-|\*|\+)\s", lines[i + 1].strip() ): normalized_lines.append(line) continue else: inside_list = False normalized_lines.append(line) return "\n".join(normalized_lines) def convert_mdtext(md_text): # deprecated code_block_pattern = re.compile(r"```(.*?)(?:```|$)", re.DOTALL) inline_code_pattern = re.compile(r"`(.*?)`", re.DOTALL) code_blocks = code_block_pattern.findall(md_text) non_code_parts = code_block_pattern.split(md_text)[::2] result = [] raw = f'
' for non_code, code in zip(non_code_parts, code_blocks + [""]): if non_code.strip(): non_code = normalize_markdown(non_code) result.append(markdown(non_code, extensions=["tables"])) if code.strip(): # _, code = detect_language(code) # 暂时去除代码高亮功能,因为在大段代码的情况下会出现问题 # code = code.replace("\n\n", "\n") # 暂时去除代码中的空行,因为在大段代码的情况下会出现问题 code = f"\n```{code}\n\n```" code = markdown_to_html_with_syntax_highlight(code) result.append(code) result = "".join(result) output = f'
' output += raw output += ALREADY_CONVERTED_MARK return output def convert_bot_before_marked(chat_message): """ 注意不能给输出加缩进, 否则会被marked解析成代码块 """ if '
' in chat_message: return chat_message else: code_block_pattern = re.compile(r"```(.*?)(?:```|$)", re.DOTALL) code_blocks = code_block_pattern.findall(chat_message) non_code_parts = code_block_pattern.split(chat_message)[::2] result = [] hr_pattern = r'\n\n
(.*?)' hr_match =, chat_message, re.DOTALL) clip_hr = chat_message[:hr_match.start()] if hr_match else chat_message raw = f'
' for non_code, code in zip(non_code_parts, code_blocks + [""]): if non_code.strip(): result.append(non_code) if code.strip(): code = f"\n```{code}\n```" result.append(code) result = "".join(result) md = f'
' return raw + md def convert_user_before_marked(chat_message): if '
' in chat_message: return chat_message else: return f'
' def escape_markdown(text): """ Escape Markdown special characters to HTML-safe equivalents. """ escape_chars = { ' ': ' ', '_': '_', '*': '*', '[': '[', ']': ']', '(': '(', ')': ')', '{': '{', '}': '}', '#': '#', '+': '+', '-': '-', '.': '.', '!': '!', '`': '`', '>': '>', '<': '<', '|': '|', '$': '$', ':': ':', } return ''.join(escape_chars.get(c, c) for c in text) def convert_asis(userinput): # deprecated return ( f'


' + ALREADY_CONVERTED_MARK ) def detect_converted_mark(userinput): # deprecated try: if userinput.endswith(ALREADY_CONVERTED_MARK): return True else: return False except: return True def detect_language(code): # deprecated if code.startswith("\n"): first_line = "" else: first_line = code.strip().split("\n", 1)[0] language = first_line.lower() if first_line else "" code_without_language = code[len(first_line) :].lstrip() if first_line else code return language, code_without_language def construct_text(role, text): return {"role": role, "content": text} def construct_user(text): return construct_text("user", text) def construct_system(text): return construct_text("system", text) def construct_assistant(text): return construct_text("assistant", text) def save_file(filename, system, history, chatbot, user_name): logging.debug(f"{user_name} Сохранение истории диалога...") os.makedirs(os.path.join(HISTORY_DIR, user_name), exist_ok=True) if filename.endswith(".json"): json_s = {"system": system, "history": history, "chatbot": chatbot} if "/" in filename or "\\" in filename: history_file_path = filename else: history_file_path = os.path.join(HISTORY_DIR, user_name, filename) with open(history_file_path, "w", encoding='utf-8') as f: json.dump(json_s, f, ensure_ascii=False) elif filename.endswith(".md"): md_s = f"system: \n- {system} \n" for data in history: md_s += f"\n{data['role']}: \n- {data['content']} \n" with open(os.path.join(HISTORY_DIR, user_name, filename), "w", encoding="utf8") as f: f.write(md_s) logging.debug(f"{user_name} История диалога сохранена") return os.path.join(HISTORY_DIR, user_name, filename) def sorted_by_pinyin(list): return sorted(list, key=lambda char: lazy_pinyin(char)[0][0]) def get_file_names(dir, plain=False, filetypes=[".json"]): logging.debug(f"Получение списка имен файлов, директория: {dir}, типы файлов: {filetypes}, простой список: {plain}") files = [] try: for type in filetypes: files += [f for f in os.listdir(dir) if f.endswith(type)] except FileNotFoundError: files = [] files = sorted_by_pinyin(files) if files == []: files = [""] logging.debug(f"Файлы: {files}") if plain: return files else: return gr.Dropdown.update(choices=files) def get_history_names(plain=False, user_name=""): logging.debug(f"Получение списка имен файлов истории из пользователя {user_name}") if user_name == "" and hide_history_when_not_logged_in: return "" else: return get_file_names(os.path.join(HISTORY_DIR, user_name), plain) def load_template(filename, mode=0): logging.debug(f"Загрузка шаблонного файла {filename}, режим: {mode} (0 - возвращение словаря и выпадающего списка, 1 - возвращение выпадающего списка, 2 - возвращение словаря)") lines = [] if filename.endswith(".json"): with open(os.path.join(TEMPLATES_DIR, filename), "r", encoding="utf8") as f: lines = json.load(f) lines = [[i["act"], i["prompt"]] for i in lines] else: with open( os.path.join(TEMPLATES_DIR, filename), "r", encoding="utf8" ) as csvfile: reader = csv.reader(csvfile) lines = list(reader) lines = lines[1:] if mode == 1: return sorted_by_pinyin([row[0] for row in lines]) elif mode == 2: return {row[0]: row[1] for row in lines} else: choices = sorted_by_pinyin([row[0] for row in lines]) return {row[0]: row[1] for row in lines}, gr.Dropdown.update( choices=choices ) def get_template_names(plain=False): logging.debug("Получение списка имен файлов шаблонов") return get_file_names(TEMPLATES_DIR, plain, filetypes=[".csv", "json"]) def get_template_content(templates, selection, original_system_prompt): logging.debug(f"Применение шаблона, выбор: {selection}, оригинальный системный запрос: {original_system_prompt}") try: return templates[selection] except: return original_system_prompt def reset_textbox(): logging.debug("Сброс текстового поля") return gr.update(value="") def reset_default(): default_host = shared.state.reset_api_host() retrieve_proxy("") return gr.update(value=default_host), gr.update(value=""), "API-Host и прокси сброшены" def change_api_host(host): shared.state.set_api_host(host) msg = f"API-Host изменен на {host}" return msg def change_proxy(proxy): retrieve_proxy(proxy) os.environ["HTTPS_PROXY"] = proxy msg = f"Прокси изменен на {proxy}" return msg def hide_middle_chars(s): if s is None: return "" if len(s) <= 8: return s else: head = s[:4] tail = s[-4:] hidden = "*" * (len(s) - 8) return head + hidden + tail def submit_key(key): key = key.strip() msg = f"API-ключ изменен на {hide_middle_chars(key)}" return key, msg def replace_today(prompt): today ="%Y-%m-%d") return prompt.replace("{current_date}", today) def get_geoip(): try: with retrieve_proxy(): response = requests.get("", timeout=5) data = response.json() except: data = {"error": True, "reason": "Не удалось подключиться к ipapi"} if "error" in data.keys(): logging.warning(f"Не удалось получить информацию об IP-адресе.\n{data}") if data["reason"] == "RateLimited": return ( "Ваша IP-зона: неизвестна." ) else: return "Не удалось получить географическое положение IP-адреса. Причина: " + f"{data['reason']}" + ". Вы все равно можете использовать функцию чата." else: country = data["country_name"] if country == "China": text = "**Ваша IP-зона: Китай. Пожалуйста, проверьте настройки прокси, использование API в неподдерживаемых регионах может привести к блокировке учетной записи.**" else: text = "Ваша IP-зона: " + f"{country}." return text def find_n(lst, max_num): n = len(lst) total = sum(lst) if total < max_num: return n for i in range(len(lst)): if total - lst[i] < max_num: return n - i - 1 total = total - lst[i] return 1 def start_outputing(): logging.debug("Показать кнопку отмены, скрыть кнопку отправки") return gr.Button.update(visible=False), gr.Button.update(visible=True) def end_outputing(): return ( gr.Button.update(visible=True), gr.Button.update(visible=False), ) def cancel_outputing():"Прерывание вывода...") shared.state.interrupt() def transfer_input(inputs): # Возвращаем все сразу, чтобы снизить задержку textbox = reset_textbox() outputing = start_outputing() return ( inputs, gr.update(value=""), gr.Button.update(visible=False), gr.Button.update(visible=True), ) def run(command, desc=None, errdesc=None, custom_env=None, live=False): if desc is not None: print(desc) if live: result =, shell=True, env=os.environ if custom_env is None else custom_env) if result.returncode != 0: raise RuntimeError(f"""{errdesc or 'Ошибка при выполнении команды'}. Команда: {command} Код ошибки: {result.returncode}""") return "" result =, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True, env=os.environ if custom_env is None else custom_env) if result.returncode != 0: message = f"""{errdesc or 'Ошибка при выполнении команды'}. Команда: {command} Код ошибки: {result.returncode} stdout: {result.stdout.decode(encoding="utf8", errors="ignore") if len(result.stdout)>0 else '<пусто>'} stderr: {result.stderr.decode(encoding="utf8", errors="ignore") if len(result.stderr)>0 else '<пусто>'} """ raise RuntimeError(message) return result.stdout.decode(encoding="utf8", errors="ignore") def commit_html(): git = os.environ.get('GIT', "git") try: commit_hash = run(f"{git} rev-parse HEAD").strip() except Exception: commit_hash = "<неизвестно>" if commit_hash != "<неизвестно>": short_commit = commit_hash[0:7] commit_info = f'{short_commit}' else: commit_info = "неизвестно \U0001F615" return commit_info def tag_html(): git = os.environ.get('GIT', "git") try: tag = run(f"{git} describe --tags --exact-match").strip() except Exception: tag = "" if tag != "": tag_info = f'{tag}' else: tag_info = "unknown \U0001F615" return tag_info def repo_html(): commit_version = commit_html() tag_version = tag_html() return tag_version if tag_version != "unknown \U0001F615" else commit_version def versions_html(): python_version = ".".join([str(x) for x in sys.version_info[0:3]]) repo_version = repo_html() return f""" Python: {python_version}  •  Gradio: {gr.__version__}  •  ChuanhuChat: {repo_version} """ def version_time(): git = os.environ.get('GIT', "git") try: commit_time = run(f"TZ=UTC {git} log -1 --format=%cd --date='format-local:%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ'").strip() except Exception: commit_time = "unknown" return commit_time def get_html(filename): path = os.path.join(shared.chuanhu_path, "assets", "html", filename) if os.path.exists(path): with open(path, encoding="utf8") as file: return return "" def add_source_numbers(lst, source_name = "Source", use_source = True): if use_source: return [f'[{idx+1}]\t "{item[0]}"\n{source_name}: {item[1]}' for idx, item in enumerate(lst)] else: return [f'[{idx+1}]\t "{item}"' for idx, item in enumerate(lst)] def add_details(lst): nodes = [] for index, txt in enumerate(lst): brief = txt[:25].replace("\n", "") nodes.append( f"


" ) return nodes def sheet_to_string(sheet, sheet_name = None): result = [] for index, row in sheet.iterrows(): row_string = "" for column in sheet.columns: row_string += f"{column}: {row[column]}, " row_string = row_string.rstrip(", ") row_string += "." result.append(row_string) return result def excel_to_string(file_path): # 读取Excel文件中的所有工作表 excel_file = pd.read_excel(file_path, engine='openpyxl', sheet_name=None) # 初始化结果字符串 result = [] # 遍历每一个工作表 for sheet_name, sheet_data in excel_file.items(): # 处理当前工作表并添加到结果字符串 result += sheet_to_string(sheet_data, sheet_name=sheet_name) return result def get_last_day_of_month(any_day): # The day 28 exists in every month. 4 days later, it's always next month next_month = any_day.replace(day=28) + datetime.timedelta(days=4) # subtracting the number of the current day brings us back one month return next_month - datetime.timedelta( def get_model_source(model_name, alternative_source): if model_name == "gpt2-medium": return "" def refresh_ui_elements_on_load(current_model, selected_model_name, user_name): current_model.set_user_identifier(user_name) return toggle_like_btn_visibility(selected_model_name), *current_model.auto_load() def toggle_like_btn_visibility(selected_model_name): if selected_model_name == "xmchat": return gr.update(visible=True) else: return gr.update(visible=False) def new_auto_history_filename(dirname): latest_file = get_latest_filepath(dirname) if latest_file: with open(os.path.join(dirname, latest_file), 'r', encoding="utf-8") as f: if len( == 0: return latest_file now ='%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S') return f'{now}.json' def get_latest_filepath(dirname): pattern = re.compile(r'\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}_\d{2}-\d{2}-\d{2}') latest_time = None latest_file = None for filename in os.listdir(dirname): if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(dirname, filename)): match = if match and == filename[:19]: time_str = filename[:19] filetime = datetime.datetime.strptime(time_str, '%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S') if not latest_time or filetime > latest_time: latest_time = filetime latest_file = filename return latest_file def get_history_filepath(username): dirname = os.path.join(HISTORY_DIR, username) os.makedirs(dirname, exist_ok=True) latest_file = get_latest_filepath(dirname) if not latest_file: latest_file = new_auto_history_filename(dirname) latest_file = os.path.join(dirname, latest_file) return latest_file