import streamlit as st import pandas as pd import as px import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import plotly.graph_objects as go def plot_top_n(df, target_column, n=10): top_n = df.nlargest(n, target_column) # Initialize the bar plot fig, ax1 = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 5)) # Set width for each bar and their positions width = 0.28 ind = np.arange(len(top_n)) # Plot target_column and MMLU_average on the primary y-axis with adjusted positions - width, top_n[target_column], width=width, color='blue', label=target_column), top_n['MMLU_average'], width=width, color='orange', label='MMLU_average') # Set the primary y-axis labels and title ax1.set_title(f'Top {n} performing models on {target_column}') ax1.set_xlabel('Model') ax1.set_ylabel('Score') # Create a secondary y-axis for Parameters ax2 = ax1.twinx() # Plot Parameters as bars on the secondary y-axis with adjusted position + width, top_n['Parameters'], width=width, color='red', label='Parameters') # Set the secondary y-axis labels ax2.set_ylabel('Parameters', color='red') ax2.tick_params(axis='y', labelcolor='red') # Set the x-ticks and their labels ax1.set_xticks(ind) ax1.set_xticklabels(top_n.index, rotation=45, ha="right") # Adjust the legend fig.tight_layout() fig.legend(loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.5)) # Show the plot st.pyplot(fig) # Function to create an unfilled radar chart def create_radar_chart_unfilled(df, model_names, metrics): fig = go.Figure() min_value = df.loc[model_names, metrics].min().min() max_value = df.loc[model_names, metrics].max().max() for model_name in model_names: values_model = df.loc[model_name, metrics] fig.add_trace(go.Scatterpolar( r=values_model, theta=metrics, name=model_name )) fig.update_layout( polar=dict( radialaxis=dict( visible=True, range=[min_value, max_value] )), showlegend=True, width=800, # Change the width as needed height=600 # Change the height as needed ) return fig # Function to create a line chart def create_line_chart(df, model_names, metrics): line_data = [] for model_name in model_names: values_model = df.loc[model_name, metrics] for metric, value in zip(metrics, values_model): line_data.append({'Model': model_name, 'Metric': metric, 'Value': value}) line_df = pd.DataFrame(line_data) fig = px.line(line_df, x='Metric', y='Value', color='Model', title='Comparison of Models', line_dash_sequence=['solid']) fig.update_layout(showlegend=True) return fig def create_plot(df, x_values, y_values, models=None, title=None): if models is not None: df = df[df.index.isin(models)] # remove rows with NaN values df = df.dropna(subset=[x_values, y_values]) plot_data = pd.DataFrame({ 'Model': df.index, x_values: df[x_values], y_values: df[y_values], }) plot_data['color'] = 'purple' fig = px.scatter(plot_data, x=x_values, y=y_values, color='color', hover_data=['Model'], trendline="ols") # If title is not provided, use x_values vs. y_values as the default title if title is None: title = x_values + " vs. " + y_values layout_args = dict( showlegend=False, xaxis_title=x_values, yaxis_title=y_values, xaxis=dict(), yaxis=dict(), title=title, height=500, width=1000, ) fig.update_layout(**layout_args) # Add a dashed line at 0.25 for the y_values x_min = df[x_values].min() x_max = df[x_values].max() y_min = df[y_values].min() y_max = df[y_values].max() if x_values.startswith('MMLU'): fig.add_shape( type='line', x0=0.25, x1=0.25, y0=y_min, y1=y_max, line=dict( color='red', width=2, dash='dash' ) ) if y_values.startswith('MMLU'): fig.add_shape( type='line', x0=x_min, x1=x_max, y0=0.25, y1=0.25, line=dict( color='red', width=2, dash='dash' ) ) return fig