import gradio as gr import torch import yaml import numpy as np from PIL import Image from roboflow import Roboflow from ultralytics import YOLO # Initialize Roboflow rf = Roboflow(api_key="K1TXQnJq7EE7yoCf1g3C") project = rf.workspace().project("bone-fracture-detection-rkuqr") model = project.version("3").model def load_model(): # Load the model from Roboflow yolov8_model = model.deploy() return yolov8_model def predict_fracture(image_path): # Load the model yolov8_model = load_model() # Open the image image = # Perform inference results = yolov8_model.predict(image_path, confidence=40, overlap=30) # Display the results on the image img_with_boxes = image.copy() for box in results["objects"]: label = box["class"] score = box["score"] if label == "fracture": color = "red" xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = box["bbox"] img_with_boxes.rectangle([xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax], outline=color, width=2) img_with_boxes.text((xmin, ymin), f"Fracture: {score:.2f}", font_size=12, color=color) return img_with_boxes # Gradio Interface iface = gr.Interface( predict_fracture, inputs=gr.Image(), outputs=gr.Image(), live=True, #capture_session=True, title="Bone Fracture Detection", description="Upload an X-ray image to detect bone fractures using YOLOv8.", ) iface.launch()