An alternative way of reducing the GPU memory usage of models is to use the `DeepSpeed ZeRO-3` optimization. With this, I have been able to load a 6b model (GPT-J 6B) with less than 6GB of VRAM. The speed of text generation is very decent and much better than what would be accomplished with `--auto-devices --gpu-memory 6`. As far as I know, DeepSpeed is only available for Linux at the moment. ### How to use it 1. Install DeepSpeed: ``` conda install -c conda-forge mpi4py mpich pip install -U deepspeed ``` 2. Start the web UI replacing `python` with `deepspeed --num_gpus=1` and adding the `--deepspeed` flag. Example: ``` deepspeed --num_gpus=1 --deepspeed --chat --model gpt-j-6B ``` ### Learn more For more information, check out [this comment]( by 81300, who came up with the DeepSpeed support in this web UI.