import requests import json import time class whisper_api(): def __init__(self, HF_Token) -> None: self.API_URL = "" self.Headers = {"Authorization": f"Bearer {HF_Token}"} def transcribe(self, audio_file_path: str): print('whisper working...') with open(audio_file_path, 'rb') as audio: data = res =, headers=self.Headers, data=data) # Verificar si el modelo está cargado completamente while res.status_code == 503 and "estimated_time" in res.json(): estimated_time = res.json()["estimated_time"] print( f"El modelo está cargando. Esperando {estimated_time} segundos...") time.sleep((estimated_time+10)) res =, headers=self.Headers, data=data) response_data = json.loads(res.text) return response_data.get('text', '')