[project] name = "dify-api" requires-python = ">=3.11,<3.13" dynamic = [ "dependencies" ] [build-system] requires = ["poetry-core>=2.0.0"] build-backend = "poetry.core.masonry.api" [tool.poetry] package-mode = false ############################################################ # [ Main ] Dependency group ############################################################ [tool.poetry.dependencies] anthropic = "~0.23.1" authlib = "1.3.1" azure-ai-inference = "~1.0.0b8" azure-ai-ml = "~1.20.0" azure-identity = "1.16.1" beautifulsoup4 = "4.12.2" boto3 = "1.36.12" bs4 = "~0.0.1" cachetools = "~5.3.0" celery = "~5.4.0" chardet = "~5.1.0" cohere = "~5.2.4" dashscope = { version = "~1.17.0", extras = ["tokenizer"] } fal-client = "0.5.6" flask = "~3.1.0" flask-compress = "~1.17" flask-cors = "~4.0.0" flask-login = "~0.6.3" flask-migrate = "~4.0.7" flask-restful = "~0.3.10" flask-sqlalchemy = "~3.1.1" gevent = "~24.11.1" gmpy2 = "~2.2.1" google-ai-generativelanguage = "0.6.9" google-api-core = "2.18.0" google-api-python-client = "2.90.0" google-auth = "2.29.0" google-auth-httplib2 = "0.2.0" google-cloud-aiplatform = "1.49.0" google-generativeai = "0.8.1" googleapis-common-protos = "1.63.0" gunicorn = "~23.0.0" httpx = { version = "~0.27.0", extras = ["socks"] } huggingface-hub = "~0.16.4" jieba = "0.42.1" langfuse = "~2.51.3" langsmith = "~0.1.77" mailchimp-transactional = "~1.0.50" markdown = "~3.5.1" nomic = "~3.1.2" novita-client = "~0.5.7" numpy = "~1.26.4" oci = "~2.135.1" openai = "~1.61.0" openpyxl = "~3.1.5" opik = "~1.3.4" pandas = { version = "~2.2.2", extras = ["performance", "excel"] } pandas-stubs = "~" psycogreen = "~1.0.2" psycopg2-binary = "~2.9.6" pycryptodome = "3.19.1" pydantic = "~2.9.2" pydantic-settings = "~2.6.0" pydantic_extra_types = "~2.9.0" pyjwt = "~2.8.0" pypdfium2 = "~4.30.0" python = ">=3.11,<3.13" python-docx = "~1.1.0" python-dotenv = "1.0.1" pyyaml = "~6.0.1" readabilipy = "0.2.0" redis = { version = "~5.0.3", extras = ["hiredis"] } replicate = "~0.22.0" resend = "~0.7.0" sagemaker = "~2.231.0" scikit-learn = "~1.5.1" sentry-sdk = { version = "~1.44.1", extras = ["flask"] } sqlalchemy = "~2.0.29" starlette = "0.41.0" tencentcloud-sdk-python-hunyuan = "~3.0.1294" tiktoken = "~0.8.0" tokenizers = "~0.15.0" transformers = "~4.35.0" unstructured = { version = "~0.16.1", extras = ["docx", "epub", "md", "msg", "ppt", "pptx"] } validators = "0.21.0" volcengine-python-sdk = {extras = ["ark"], version = "~1.0.98"} websocket-client = "~1.7.0" xinference-client = "0.15.2" yarl = "~1.18.3" youtube-transcript-api = "~0.6.2" zhipuai = "~2.1.5" # Before adding new dependency, consider place it in alphabet order (a-z) and suitable group. ############################################################ # [ Indirect ] dependency group # Related transparent dependencies with pinned version # required by main implementations ############################################################ [tool.poetry.group.indirect.dependencies] kaleido = "0.2.1" rank-bm25 = "~0.2.2" safetensors = "~0.4.3" ############################################################ # [ Tools ] dependency group ############################################################ [tool.poetry.group.tools.dependencies] arxiv = "2.1.0" cloudscraper = "1.2.71" duckduckgo-search = "~6.3.0" jsonpath-ng = "1.6.1" matplotlib = "~3.8.2" mplfonts = "~0.0.8" newspaper3k = "0.2.8" nltk = "3.9.1" numexpr = "~2.9.0" pydub = "~0.25.1" qrcode = "~7.4.2" twilio = "~9.0.4" vanna = { version = "0.7.5", extras = ["postgres", "mysql", "clickhouse", "duckdb", "oracle"] } wikipedia = "1.4.0" yfinance = "~0.2.40" ############################################################ # [ Storage ] dependency group # Required for storage clients ############################################################ [tool.poetry.group.storage.dependencies] azure-storage-blob = "12.13.0" bce-python-sdk = "~0.9.23" cos-python-sdk-v5 = "1.9.30" esdk-obs-python = "" google-cloud-storage = "2.16.0" opendal = "~0.45.12" oss2 = "2.18.5" supabase = "~2.8.1" tos = "~2.7.1" ############################################################ # [ VDB ] dependency group # Required by vector store clients ############################################################ [tool.poetry.group.vdb.dependencies] alibabacloud_gpdb20160503 = "~3.8.0" alibabacloud_tea_openapi = "~0.3.9" chromadb = "0.5.20" clickhouse-connect = "~0.7.16" couchbase = "~4.3.0" elasticsearch = "8.14.0" opensearch-py = "2.4.0" oracledb = "~2.2.1" pgvecto-rs = { version = "~0.2.1", extras = ['sqlalchemy'] } pgvector = "0.2.5" pymilvus = "~2.5.0" pymochow = "1.3.1" pyobvector = "~0.1.6" qdrant-client = "1.7.3" tcvectordb = "1.3.2" tidb-vector = "0.0.9" upstash-vector = "0.6.0" volcengine-compat = "~1.0.156" weaviate-client = "~3.21.0" ############################################################ # [ Dev ] dependency group # Required for development and running tests ############################################################ [tool.poetry.group.dev] optional = true [tool.poetry.group.dev.dependencies] coverage = "~7.2.4" faker = "~32.1.0" mypy = "~1.13.0" pytest = "~8.3.2" pytest-benchmark = "~4.0.0" pytest-env = "~1.1.3" pytest-mock = "~3.14.0" types-beautifulsoup4 = "~" types-flask-cors = "~" types-flask-migrate = "~" types-html5lib = "~" types-openpyxl = "~" types-protobuf = "~" types-psutil = "~" types-psycopg2 = "~" types-python-dateutil = "~" types-pytz = "~2024.2.0.20241221" types-pyyaml = "~" types-regex = "~2024.11.6.20241221" types-requests = "~" types-six = "~" types-tqdm = "~" ############################################################ # [ Lint ] dependency group # Required for code style linting ############################################################ [tool.poetry.group.lint] optional = true [tool.poetry.group.lint.dependencies] dotenv-linter = "~0.5.0" ruff = "~0.9.2"