from transformers import pipeline import gradio as gr import moviepy.editor as mp from pytube import YouTube import math pipe = pipeline(model="Campfireman/whisper-small-hi") # change to "your-username/the-name-you-picked" segment_length = 25 # 25s per segment def download_video(url): print("Downloading...") local_file = ( YouTube(url) .streams.filter(progressive=True, file_extension="mp4") .first() .download() ) print("Downloaded") global my_clip global original_wav my_clip = mp.VideoFileClip(local_file)"AUDIO_ORIGINAL.wav") original_wav = mp.AudioFileClip("AUDIO_ORIGINAL.wav") global audio_length audio_length = original_wav.duration print("Overall audio time elapsed: "+str(audio_length)) return local_file def validate_youtube(url): #This creates a youtube object try: yt = YouTube(url) except Exception: print("Hi the URL seems not a valid YouTube video link") return True #This will return the length of the video in sec as an int video_length = yt.length if video_length > 600: print("Your video is longer than 10 minutes") return False else: print("Your video is less than 10 minutes") return True def validate_url(url): import validators if not validators.url(url): return True else: return False def audio_clipper(index, seg_total): my_audio = "audio_out"+str(index)+".wav" audio_clipped_obj = mp.AudioFileClip.copy(original_wav) print("Segment "+str(index)+":") # Clipping if (index > 0): print("Clipped: 0 ~ " + str(segment_length * (index)) + "sec") audio_clipped_obj = mp.AudioFileClip.cutout(audio_clipped_obj, 0, segment_length * (index)) if (index < seg_total - 1): print("Clipped: " + str(segment_length * (index + 1)) + "~ " + str(audio_length) +" sec") audio_clipped_obj = mp.AudioFileClip.cutout(audio_clipped_obj, segment_length * (index + 1), audio_length) # Write out the temporary segment data mp.AudioFileClip.write_audiofile(audio_clipped_obj, my_audio) return my_audio def transcribe(video_url): text = "" if validate_url(video_url): if not validate_youtube(video_url): return "The URL seems not for Youtube videos or the video is too long. Check out the errors in the log. " else: download_video(video_url) else: return "Invalid URL. Please check the format of your link. " segment_count = math.ceil(audio_length / segment_length) print("Total segments: "+str(segment_count)) if segment_count <= 0: return "Corrupted Video Data! Invalid length of "+str(segment_count * 25)+" second(s)." else: for x in range(segment_count): audio = audio_clipper(x, segment_count) seg_text = pipe(audio, batch_size=512, truncation=True)["text"] print("Segtext: ") print(seg_text) text = text + seg_text return text def transcribe2(audio): text = pipe(audio)["text"] return text iface = gr.Interface( fn=transcribe, inputs=gr.Textbox(label = "Enter the URL of the Youtube video clip here (without prefixes like http://):"), outputs="text", title="Whisper Small SE", description="Video Swedish Transcriptior", ) iface2 = gr.Interface( fn=transcribe2, inputs=gr.Audio(source="microphone", type="filepath"), outputs="text", title="Whisper Small Swedish", description="Realtime demo for Swedish speech recognition using a fine-tuned Whisper small model.", ) demo = gr.TabbedInterface([iface, iface2],["Swedish YouTube Video to Text", "Swedish Audio to Text"]) demo.launch()