import collections import numpy as np import tensorflow as tf import ops from config import config MACCellTuple = collections.namedtuple("MACCellTuple", ("control", "memory")) ''' The MAC cell. Recurrent cell for multi-step reasoning. Presented in The cell has recurrent control and memory states that interact with the question and knowledge base (image) respectively. The hidden state structure is MACCellTuple(control, memory) At each step the cell performs by calling to three subunits: control, read and write. 1. The Control Unit computes the control state by computing attention over the question words. The control state represents the current reasoning operation the cell performs. 2. The Read Unit retrieves information from the knowledge base, given the control and previous memory values, by computing 2-stages attention over the knowledge base. 3. The Write Unit integrates the retrieved information to the previous hidden memory state, given the value of the control state, to perform the current reasoning operation. ''' class MACCell(tf.nn.rnn_cell.RNNCell): '''Initialize the MAC cell. (Note that in the current version the cell is stateful -- updating its own internals when being called) Args: vecQuestions: the vector representation of the questions. [batchSize, ctrlDim] questionWords: the question words embeddings. [batchSize, questionLength, ctrlDim] questionCntxWords: the encoder outputs -- the "contextual" question words. [batchSize, questionLength, ctrlDim] questionLengths: the length of each question. [batchSize] memoryDropout: dropout on the memory state (Tensor scalar). readDropout: dropout inside the read unit (Tensor scalar). writeDropout: dropout on the new information that gets into the write unit (Tensor scalar). batchSize: batch size (Tensor scalar). train: train or test mod (Tensor boolean). reuse: reuse cell knowledgeBase: ''' def __init__(self, vecQuestions, questionWords, questionCntxWords, questionLengths, knowledgeBase, memoryDropout, readDropout, writeDropout, batchSize, train, reuse = None): self.vecQuestions = vecQuestions self.questionWords = questionWords self.questionCntxWords = questionCntxWords self.questionLengths = questionLengths self.knowledgeBase = knowledgeBase self.dropouts = {} self.dropouts["memory"] = memoryDropout self.dropouts["read"] = readDropout self.dropouts["write"] = writeDropout self.none = tf.zeros((batchSize, 1), dtype = tf.float32) self.batchSize = batchSize self.train = train self.reuse = reuse ''' Cell state size. ''' @property def state_size(self): return MACCellTuple(config.ctrlDim, config.memDim) ''' Cell output size. Currently it doesn't have any outputs. ''' @property def output_size(self): return 1 # pass encoder hidden states to control? ''' The Control Unit: computes the new control state -- the reasoning operation, by summing up the word embeddings according to a computed attention distribution. The unit is recurrent: it receives the whole question and the previous control state, merge them together (resulting in the "continuous control"), and then uses that to compute attentions over the question words. Finally, it combines the words together according to the attention distribution to get the new control state. Args: controlInput: external inputs to control unit (the question vector). [batchSize, ctrlDim] inWords: the representation of the words used to compute the attention. [batchSize, questionLength, ctrlDim] outWords: the representation of the words that are summed up. (by default inWords == outWords) [batchSize, questionLength, ctrlDim] questionLengths: the length of each question. [batchSize] control: the previous control hidden state value. [batchSize, ctrlDim] contControl: optional corresponding continuous control state (before casting the attention over the words). [batchSize, ctrlDim] Returns: the new control state [batchSize, ctrlDim] the continuous (pre-attention) control [batchSize, ctrlDim] ''' def control(self, controlInput, inWords, outWords, questionLengths, control, contControl = None, name = "", reuse = None): with tf.variable_scope("control" + name, reuse = reuse): dim = config.ctrlDim ## Step 1: compute "continuous" control state given previous control and question. # control inputs: question and previous control newContControl = controlInput if config.controlFeedPrev: newContControl = control if config.controlFeedPrevAtt else contControl if config.controlFeedInputs: newContControl = tf.concat([newContControl, controlInput], axis = -1) dim += config.ctrlDim # merge inputs together newContControl = ops.linear(newContControl, dim, config.ctrlDim, act = config.controlContAct, name = "contControl") dim = config.ctrlDim ## Step 2: compute attention distribution over words and sum them up accordingly. # compute interactions with question words interactions = tf.expand_dims(newContControl, axis = 1) * inWords # optionally concatenate words if config.controlConcatWords: interactions = tf.concat([interactions, inWords], axis = -1) dim += config.ctrlDim # optional projection if config.controlProj: interactions = ops.linear(interactions, dim, config.ctrlDim, act = config.controlProjAct) dim = config.ctrlDim # compute attention distribution over words and summarize them accordingly logits = ops.inter2logits(interactions, dim) # self.interL = (interW, interb) # if config.controlCoverage: # logits += coverageBias * coverage attention = tf.nn.softmax(ops.expMask(logits, questionLengths)) self.attentions["question"].append(attention) # if config.controlCoverage: # coverage += attention # Add logits instead? newControl = ops.att2Smry(attention, outWords) # ablation: use continuous control (pre-attention) instead if config.controlContinuous: newControl = newContControl return newControl, newContControl ''' The read unit extracts relevant information from the knowledge base given the cell's memory and control states. It computes attention distribution over the knowledge base by comparing it first to the memory and then to the control. Finally, it uses the attention distribution to sum up the knowledge base accordingly, resulting in an extraction of relevant information. Args: knowledge base: representation of the knowledge base (image). [batchSize, kbSize (Height * Width), memDim] memory: the cell's memory state [batchSize, memDim] control: the cell's control state [batchSize, ctrlDim] Returns the information extracted. [batchSize, memDim] ''' def read(self, knowledgeBase, memory, control, name = "", reuse = None): with tf.variable_scope("read" + name, reuse = reuse): dim = config.memDim ## memory dropout if config.memoryVariationalDropout: memory = ops.applyVarDpMask(memory, self.memDpMask, self.dropouts["memory"]) else: memory = tf.nn.dropout(memory, self.dropouts["memory"]) ## Step 1: knowledge base / memory interactions # parameters for knowledge base and memory projection proj = None if config.readProjInputs: proj = {"dim": config.attDim, "shared": config.readProjShared, "dropout": self.dropouts["read"] } dim = config.attDim # parameters for concatenating knowledge base elements concat = {"x": config.readMemConcatKB, "proj": config.readMemConcatProj} # compute interactions between knowledge base and memory interactions, interDim = ops.mul(x = knowledgeBase, y = memory, dim = config.memDim, proj = proj, concat = concat, interMod = config.readMemAttType, name = "memInter") projectedKB = proj.get("x") if proj else None # project memory interactions back to hidden dimension if config.readMemProj: interactions = ops.linear(interactions, interDim, dim, act = config.readMemAct, name = "memKbProj") else: dim = interDim ## Step 2: compute interactions with control if config.readCtrl: # compute interactions with control if config.ctrlDim != dim: control = ops.linear(control, ctrlDim, dim, name = "ctrlProj") interactions, interDim = ops.mul(interactions, control, dim, interMod = config.readCtrlAttType, concat = {"x": config.readCtrlConcatInter}, name = "ctrlInter") # optionally concatenate knowledge base elements if config.readCtrlConcatKB: if config.readCtrlConcatProj: addedInp, addedDim = projectedKB, config.attDim else: addedInp, addedDim = knowledgeBase, config.memDim interactions = tf.concat([interactions, addedInp], axis = -1) dim += addedDim # optional nonlinearity interactions = ops.activations[config.readCtrlAct](interactions) ## Step 3: sum attentions up over the knowledge base # transform vectors to attention distribution attention = ops.inter2att(interactions, dim, dropout = self.dropouts["read"]) self.attentions["kb"].append(attention) # optionally use projected knowledge base instead of original if config.readSmryKBProj: knowledgeBase = projectedKB # sum up the knowledge base according to the distribution information = ops.att2Smry(attention, knowledgeBase) return information ''' The write unit integrates newly retrieved information (from the read unit), with the cell's previous memory hidden state, resulting in a new memory value. The unit optionally supports: 1. Self-attention to previous control / memory states, in order to consider previous steps in the reasoning process. 2. Gating between the new memory and previous memory states, to allow dynamic adjustment of the reasoning process length. Args: memory: the cell's memory state [batchSize, memDim] info: the information to integrate with the memory [batchSize, memDim] control: the cell's control state [batchSize, ctrlDim] contControl: optional corresponding continuous control state (before casting the attention over the words). [batchSize, ctrlDim] Return the new memory [batchSize, memDim] ''' def write(self, memory, info, control, contControl = None, name = "", reuse = None): with tf.variable_scope("write" + name, reuse = reuse): # optionally project info if config.writeInfoProj: info = ops.linear(info, config.memDim, config.memDim, name = "info") # optional info nonlinearity info = ops.activations[config.writeInfoAct](info) # compute self-attention vector based on previous controls and memories if config.writeSelfAtt: selfControl = control if config.writeSelfAttMod == "CONT": selfControl = contControl # elif config.writeSelfAttMod == "POST": # selfControl = postControl selfControl = ops.linear(selfControl, config.ctrlDim, config.ctrlDim, name = "ctrlProj") interactions = self.controls * tf.expand_dims(selfControl, axis = 1) # if config.selfAttShareInter: # selfAttlogits = self.linearP(selfAttInter, config.encDim, 1, self.interL[0], self.interL[1], name = "modSelfAttInter") attention = ops.inter2att(interactions, config.ctrlDim, name = "selfAttention") self.attentions["self"].append(attention) selfSmry = ops.att2Smry(attention, self.memories) # get write unit inputs: previous memory, the new info, optionally self-attention / control newMemory, dim = memory, config.memDim if config.writeInputs == "INFO": newMemory = info elif config.writeInputs == "SUM": newMemory += info elif config.writeInputs == "BOTH": newMemory, dim = ops.concat(newMemory, info, dim, mul = config.writeConcatMul) # else: MEM if config.writeSelfAtt: newMemory = tf.concat([newMemory, selfSmry], axis = -1) dim += config.memDim if config.writeMergeCtrl: newMemory = tf.concat([newMemory, control], axis = -1) dim += config.memDim # project memory back to memory dimension if config.writeMemProj or (dim != config.memDim): newMemory = ops.linear(newMemory, dim, config.memDim, name = "newMemory") # optional memory nonlinearity newMemory = ops.activations[config.writeMemAct](newMemory) # write unit gate if config.writeGate: gateDim = config.memDim if config.writeGateShared: gateDim = 1 z = tf.sigmoid(ops.linear(control, config.ctrlDim, gateDim, name = "gate", bias = config.writeGateBias)) self.attentions["gate"].append(z) newMemory = newMemory * z + memory * (1 - z) # optional batch normalization if config.memoryBN: newMemory = tf.contrib.layers.batch_norm(newMemory, decay = config.bnDecay, center = config.bnCenter, scale = config.bnScale, is_training = self.train, updates_collections = None) return newMemory def memAutoEnc(newMemory, info, control, name = "", reuse = None): with tf.variable_scope("memAutoEnc" + name, reuse = reuse): # inputs to auto encoder features = info if config.autoEncMemInputs == "INFO" else newMemory features = ops.linear(features, config.memDim, config.ctrlDim, act = config.autoEncMemAct, name = "aeMem") # reconstruct control if config.autoEncMemLoss == "CONT": loss = tf.reduce_mean(tf.squared_difference(control, features)) else: interactions, dim = ops.mul(self.questionCntxWords, features, config.ctrlDim, concat = {"x": config.autoEncMemCnct}, mulBias = config.mulBias, name = "aeMem") logits = ops.inter2logits(interactions, dim) logits = self.expMask(logits, self.questionLengths) # reconstruct word attentions if config.autoEncMemLoss == "PROB": loss = tf.reduce_mean(tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits( labels = self.attentions["question"][-1], logits = logits)) # reconstruct control through words attentions else: attention = tf.nn.softmax(logits) summary = ops.att2Smry(attention, self.questionCntxWords) loss = tf.reduce_mean(tf.squared_difference(control, summary)) return loss ''' Call the cell to get new control and memory states. Args: inputs: in the current implementation the cell don't get recurrent inputs every iteration (argument for comparability with rnn interface). state: the cell current state (control, memory) MACCellTuple([batchSize, ctrlDim],[batchSize, memDim]) Returns the new state -- the new memory and control values. MACCellTuple([batchSize, ctrlDim],[batchSize, memDim]) ''' def __call__(self, inputs, state, scope = None): scope = scope or type(self).__name__ with tf.variable_scope(scope, reuse = self.reuse): # as tfscope control = state.control memory = state.memory # cell sharing inputName = "qInput" inputNameU = "qInputU" inputReuseU = inputReuse = (self.iteration > 0) if config.controlInputUnshared: inputNameU = "qInput%d" % self.iteration inputReuseU = None cellName = "" cellReuse = (self.iteration > 0) if config.unsharedCells: cellName = str(self.iteration) cellReuse = None ## control unit # prepare question input to control controlInput = ops.linear(self.vecQuestions, config.ctrlDim, config.ctrlDim, name = inputName, reuse = inputReuse) controlInput = ops.activations[config.controlInputAct](controlInput) controlInput = ops.linear(controlInput, config.ctrlDim, config.ctrlDim, name = inputNameU, reuse = inputReuseU) newControl, self.contControl = self.control(controlInput, self.inWords, self.outWords, self.questionLengths, control, self.contControl, name = cellName, reuse = cellReuse) # read unit # ablation: use whole question as control if config.controlWholeQ: newControl = self.vecQuestions # ops.linear(self.vecQuestions, config.ctrlDim, projDim, name = "qMod") info =, memory, newControl, name = cellName, reuse = cellReuse) if config.writeDropout < 1.0: # write unit info = tf.nn.dropout(info, self.dropouts["write"]) newMemory = self.write(memory, info, newControl, self.contControl, name = cellName, reuse = cellReuse) # add auto encoder loss for memory # if config.autoEncMem: # self.autoEncLosses["memory"] += memAutoEnc(newMemory, info, newControl) # append as standard list? self.controls = tf.concat([self.controls, tf.expand_dims(newControl, axis = 1)], axis = 1) self.memories = tf.concat([self.memories, tf.expand_dims(newMemory, axis = 1)], axis = 1) self.infos = tf.concat([self.infos, tf.expand_dims(info, axis = 1)], axis = 1) # self.contControls = tf.concat([self.contControls, tf.expand_dims(contControl, axis = 1)], axis = 1) # self.postControls = tf.concat([self.controls, tf.expand_dims(postControls, axis = 1)], axis = 1) newState = MACCellTuple(newControl, newMemory) return self.none, newState ''' Initializes the a hidden state to based on the value of the initType: "PRM" for parametric initialization "ZERO" for zero initialization "Q" to initialize to question vectors. Args: name: the state variable name. dim: the dimension of the state. initType: the type of the initialization batchSize: the batch size Returns the initialized hidden state. ''' def initState(self, name, dim, initType, batchSize): if initType == "PRM": prm = tf.get_variable(name, shape = (dim, ), initializer = tf.random_normal_initializer()) initState = tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(prm, axis = 0), [batchSize, 1]) elif initType == "ZERO": initState = tf.zeros((batchSize, dim), dtype = tf.float32) else: # "Q" initState = self.vecQuestions return initState ''' Add a parametric null word to the questions. Args: words: the words to add a null word to. [batchSize, questionLentgth] lengths: question lengths. [batchSize] Returns the updated word sequence and lengths. ''' def addNullWord(words, lengths): nullWord = tf.get_variable("zeroWord", shape = (1 , config.ctrlDim), initializer = tf.random_normal_initializer()) nullWord = tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(nullWord, axis = 0), [self.batchSize, 1, 1]) words = tf.concat([nullWord, words], axis = 1) lengths += 1 return words, lengths ''' Initializes the cell internal state (currently it's stateful). In particular, 1. Data-structures (lists of attention maps and accumulated losses). 2. The memory and control states. 3. The knowledge base (optionally merging it with the question vectors) 4. The question words used by the cell (either the original word embeddings, or the encoder outputs, with optional projection). Args: batchSize: the batch size Returns the initial cell state. ''' def zero_state(self, batchSize, dtype = tf.float32): ## initialize data-structures self.attentions = {"kb": [], "question": [], "self": [], "gate": []} self.autoEncLosses = {"control": tf.constant(0.0), "memory": tf.constant(0.0)} ## initialize state initialControl = self.initState("initCtrl", config.ctrlDim, config.initCtrl, batchSize) initialMemory = self.initState("initMem", config.memDim, config.initMem, batchSize) self.controls = tf.expand_dims(initialControl, axis = 1) self.memories = tf.expand_dims(initialMemory, axis = 1) self.infos = tf.expand_dims(initialMemory, axis = 1) self.contControl = initialControl # self.contControls = tf.expand_dims(initialControl, axis = 1) # self.postControls = tf.expand_dims(initialControl, axis = 1) ## initialize knowledge base # optionally merge question into knowledge base representation if config.initKBwithQ != "NON": iVecQuestions = ops.linear(self.vecQuestions, config.ctrlDim, config.memDim, name = "questions") concatMul = (config.initKBwithQ == "MUL") cnct, dim = ops.concat(self.knowledgeBase, iVecQuestions, config.memDim, mul = concatMul, expandY = True) self.knowledgeBase = ops.linear(cnct, dim, config.memDim, name = "initKB") ## initialize question words # choose question words to work with (original embeddings or encoder outputs) words = self.questionCntxWords if config.controlContextual else self.questionWords # optionally add parametric "null" word in the to all questions if config.addNullWord: words, questionLengths = self.addNullWord(words, questionLengths) # project words self.inWords = self.outWords = words if config.controlInWordsProj or config.controlOutWordsProj: pWords = ops.linear(words, config.ctrlDim, config.ctrlDim, name = "wordsProj") self.inWords = pWords if config.controlInWordsProj else words self.outWords = pWords if config.controlOutWordsProj else words # if config.controlCoverage: # self.coverage = tf.zeros((batchSize, tf.shape(words)[1]), dtype = tf.float32) # self.coverageBias = tf.get_variable("coverageBias", shape = (), # initializer = config.controlCoverageBias) ## initialize memory variational dropout mask if config.memoryVariationalDropout: self.memDpMask = ops.generateVarDpMask((batchSize, config.memDim), self.dropouts["memory"]) return MACCellTuple(initialControl, initialMemory)