import time import os import random import json import pickle import numpy as np from tqdm import tqdm from termcolor import colored from program_translator import ProgramTranslator # from config import config # Print bold tex def bold(txt): return colored(str(txt), attrs=["bold"]) # Print bold and colored text def bcolored(txt, color): return colored(str(txt), color, attrs=["bold"]) # Write a line to file def writeline(f, line): f.write(str(line) + "\n") # Write a list to file def writelist(f, l): writeline(f, ",".join(map(str, l))) # 2d list to numpy def vectorize2DList(items, minX=0, minY=0, maxX = max(len(items), minX) maxY = max([len(item) for item in items] + [minY]) t = np.zeros((maxX, maxY), dtype=dtype) tLengths = np.zeros((maxX,), for i, item in enumerate(items): t[i, 0:len(item)] = np.array(item, dtype=dtype) tLengths[i] = len(item) return t, tLengths # 3d list to numpy def vectorize3DList(items, minX=0, minY=0, minZ=0, maxX = max(len(items), minX) maxY = max([len(item) for item in items] + [minY]) maxZ = max([len(subitem) for item in items for subitem in item] + [minZ]) t = np.zeros((maxX, maxY, maxZ), dtype=dtype) tLengths = np.zeros((maxX, maxY), for i, item in enumerate(items): for j, subitem in enumerate(item): t[i, j, 0:len(subitem)] = np.array(subitem, dtype=dtype) tLengths[i, j] = len(subitem) return t, tLengths ''' Encodes text into integers. Keeps dictionary between string words (symbols) and their matching integers. Supports encoding and decoding. ''' class SymbolDict(object): def __init__(self, empty=False): self.padding = "" self.unknown = "" self.start = "" self.end = "" self.invalidSymbols = [self.padding, self.unknown, self.start, self.end] if empty: self.sym2id = {} self.id2sym = [] else: self.sym2id = {self.padding: 0, self.unknown: 1, self.start: 2, self.end: 3} self.id2sym = [self.padding, self.unknown, self.start, self.end] self.allSeqs = [] def getNumSymbols(self): return len(self.sym2id) def isPadding(self, enc): return enc == 0 def isUnknown(self, enc): return enc == 1 def isStart(self, enc): return enc == 2 def isEnd(self, enc): return enc == 3 def isValid(self, enc): return enc < self.getNumSymbols() and enc >= len(self.invalidSymbols) def resetSeqs(self): self.allSeqs = [] def addSeq(self, seq): self.allSeqs += seq # Call to create the words-to-integers vocabulary after (reading word sequences with addSeq). def createVocab(self, minCount=0): counter = {} for symbol in self.allSeqs: counter[symbol] = counter.get(symbol, 0) + 1 for symbol in counter: if counter[symbol] > minCount and (symbol not in self.sym2id): self.sym2id[symbol] = self.getNumSymbols() self.id2sym.append(symbol) # Encodes a symbol. Returns the matching integer. def encodeSym(self, symbol): if symbol not in self.sym2id: symbol = self.unknown return self.sym2id[symbol] ''' Encodes a sequence of symbols. Optionally add start, or end symbols. Optionally reverse sequence ''' def encodeSequence(self, decoded, addStart=False, addEnd=False, reverse=False): if reverse: decoded.reverse() if addStart: decoded = [self.start] + decoded if addEnd: decoded = decoded + [self.end] encoded = [self.encodeSym(symbol) for symbol in decoded] return encoded # Decodes an integer into its symbol def decodeId(self, enc): return self.id2sym[enc] if enc < self.getNumSymbols() else self.unknown ''' Decodes a sequence of integers into their symbols. If delim is given, joins the symbols using delim, Optionally reverse the resulted sequence ''' def decodeSequence(self, encoded, delim=None, reverse=False, stopAtInvalid=True): length = 0 for i in range(len(encoded)): if not self.isValid(encoded[i]) and stopAtInvalid: break length += 1 encoded = encoded[:length] decoded = [self.decodeId(enc) for enc in encoded] if reverse: decoded.reverse() if delim is not None: return delim.join(decoded) return decoded ''' Preprocesses a given dataset into numpy arrays. By calling preprocess, the class: 1. Reads the input data files into dictionary. 2. Saves the results jsons in files and loads them instead of parsing input if files exist/ 3. Initializes word embeddings to random / GloVe. 4. Optionally filters data according to given filters. 5. Encodes and vectorize the data into numpy arrays. 6. Buckets the data according to the instances length. ''' class Preprocesser(object): def __init__(self): self.questionDict = SymbolDict() self.answerDict = SymbolDict(empty=True) self.qaDict = SymbolDict() self.specificDatasetDicts = None self.programDict = SymbolDict() self.programTranslator = ProgramTranslator(self.programDict, 2) ''' Tokenizes string into list of symbols. Args: text: raw string to tokenize. ignorePuncts: punctuation to ignore keptPunct: punctuation to keep (as symbol) endPunct: punctuation to remove if appears at the end delim: delimiter between symbols clean: True to replace text in string replacelistPre: dictionary of replacement to perform on the text before tokanization replacelistPost: dictionary of replacement to perform on the text after tokanization ''' # sentence tokenizer allPunct = ["?", "!", "\\", "/", ")", "(", ".", ",", ";", ":"] def tokenize(self, text, ignoredPuncts=["?", "!", "\\", "/", ")", "("], keptPuncts=[".", ",", ";", ":"], endPunct=[">", "<", ":"], delim=" ", clean=False, replacelistPre=dict(), replacelistPost=dict()): if clean: for word in replacelistPre: origText = text text = text.replace(word, replacelistPre[word]) if (origText != text): print(origText) print(text) print("") for punct in endPunct: if text[-1] == punct: print(text) text = text[:-1] print(text) print("") for punct in keptPuncts: text = text.replace(punct, delim + punct + delim) for punct in ignoredPuncts: text = text.replace(punct, "") ret = text.lower().split(delim) if clean: origRet = ret ret = [replacelistPost.get(word, word) for word in ret] if origRet != ret: print(origRet) print(ret) ret = [t for t in ret if t != ""] return ret # Read class' generated files. # files interface def readFiles(self, instancesFilename): with open(instancesFilename, "r") as inFile: instances = json.load(inFile) with open(config.questionDictFile(), "rb") as inFile: self.questionDict = pickle.load(inFile) with open(config.answerDictFile(), "rb") as inFile: self.answerDict = pickle.load(inFile) with open(config.qaDictFile(), "rb") as inFile: self.qaDict = pickle.load(inFile) return instances ''' Generate class' files. Save json representation of instances and symbols-to-integers dictionaries. ''' def writeFiles(self, instances, instancesFilename): with open(instancesFilename, "w") as outFile: json.dump(instances, outFile) with open(config.questionDictFile(), "wb") as outFile: pickle.dump(self.questionDict, outFile) with open(config.answerDictFile(), "wb") as outFile: pickle.dump(self.answerDict, outFile) with open(config.qaDictFile(), "wb") as outFile: pickle.dump(self.qaDict, outFile) # Write prediction json to file and optionally a one-answer-per-line output file def writePreds(self, res, tier, suffix=""): if res is None: return preds = res["preds"] sortedPreds = sorted(preds, key=lambda instance: instance["index"]) with open(config.predsFile(tier + suffix), "w") as outFile: outFile.write(json.dumps(sortedPreds)) with open(config.answersFile(tier + suffix), "w") as outFile: for instance in sortedPreds: writeline(outFile, instance["prediction"]) def readPDF(self, instancesFilename): instances = [] if os.path.exists(instancesFilename): instances = self.readFiles(instancesFilename) return instances def readData(self, datasetFilename, instancesFilename, train): # data extraction datasetReader = { "PDF": self.readPDF } return datasetReader[config.dataset](datasetFilename, instancesFilename, train) def vectorizeData(self, data): # if "SHARED" tie symbol representations in questions and answers if config.ansEmbMod == "SHARED": qDict = self.qaDict else: qDict = self.questionDict encodedQuestion = [qDict.encodeSequence(d["questionSeq"]) for d in data] question, questionL = vectorize2DList(encodedQuestion) # pass the whole instances? if heavy then not good imageId = [d["imageId"] for d in data] instance = data return {"question": question, "questionLength": questionL, "imageId": imageId } # Separates data based on a field length def lseparator(self, key, lims): maxI = len(lims) def separatorFn(x): v = x[key] for i, lim in enumerate(lims): if len(v) < lim: return i return maxI return {"separate": separatorFn, "groupsNum": maxI + 1} # Buckets data to groups using a separator def bucket(self, instances, separator): buckets = [[] for i in range(separator["groupsNum"])] for instance in instances: bucketI = separator["separate"](instance) buckets[bucketI].append(instance) return [bucket for bucket in buckets if len(bucket) > 0] # Re-buckets bucket list given a seperator def rebucket(self, buckets, separator): res = [] for bucket in buckets: res += self.bucket(bucket, separator) return res # Buckets data based on question / program length def bucketData(self, data, noBucket=False): if noBucket: buckets = [data] else: if config.noBucket: buckets = [data] elif config.noRebucket: questionSep = self.lseparator("questionSeq", config.questionLims) buckets = self.bucket(data, questionSep) else: programSep = self.lseparator("programSeq", config.programLims) questionSep = self.lseparator("questionSeq", config.questionLims) buckets = self.bucket(data, programSep) buckets = self.rebucket(buckets, questionSep) return buckets ''' Prepares data: 1. Filters data according to above arguments. 2. Takes only a subset of the data based on config.trainedNum / config.testedNum 3. Buckets data according to question / program length 4. Vectorizes data into numpy arrays ''' def prepareData(self, data, train, filterKey=None, noBucket=False): filterDefault = {"maxQLength": 0, "maxPLength": 0, "onlyChain": False, "filterOp": 0} filterTrain = {"maxQLength": config.tMaxQ, "maxPLength": config.tMaxP, "onlyChain": config.tOnlyChain, "filterOp": config.tFilterOp} filterVal = {"maxQLength": config.vMaxQ, "maxPLength": config.vMaxP, "onlyChain": config.vOnlyChain, "filterOp": config.vFilterOp} filters = {"train": filterTrain, "evalTrain": filterTrain, "val": filterVal, "test": filterDefault} if filterKey is None: fltr = filterDefault else: fltr = filters[filterKey] # split data when finetuning on validation set if config.trainExtra and config.extraVal and (config.finetuneNum > 0): if train: data = data[:config.finetuneNum] else: data = data[config.finetuneNum:] typeFilter = config.typeFilters[fltr["filterOp"]] # filter specific settings if fltr["onlyChain"]: data = [d for d in data if all((len(inputNum) < 2) for inputNum in d["programInputs"])] if fltr["maxQLength"] > 0: data = [d for d in data if len(d["questionSeq"]) <= fltr["maxQLength"]] if fltr["maxPLength"] > 0: data = [d for d in data if len(d["programSeq"]) <= fltr["maxPLength"]] if len(typeFilter) > 0: data = [d for d in data if d["programSeq"][-1] not in typeFilter] # run on subset of the data. If 0 then use all data num = config.trainedNum if train else config.testedNum # retainVal = True to retain same clevr_sample of validation across runs if (not train) and (not config.retainVal): random.shuffle(data) if num > 0: data = data[:num] # set number to match dataset size if train: config.trainedNum = len(data) else: config.testedNum = len(data) # bucket buckets = self.bucketData(data, noBucket=noBucket) # vectorize return [self.vectorizeData(bucket) for bucket in buckets] # Prepares all the tiers of a dataset. See prepareData method for further details. def prepareDataset(self, dataset, noBucket=False): if dataset is None: return None for tier in dataset: if dataset[tier] is not None: dataset[tier]["data"] = self.prepareData(dataset[tier]["instances"], train=dataset[tier]["train"], filterKey=tier, noBucket=noBucket) for tier in dataset: if dataset[tier] is not None: del dataset[tier]["instances"] return dataset # Initializes word embeddings to random uniform / random normal / GloVe. def initializeWordEmbeddings(self, wordsDict=None, noPadding=False): # default dictionary to use for embeddings if wordsDict is None: wordsDict = self.questionDict # uniform initialization if config.wrdEmbUniform: lowInit = -1.0 * config.wrdEmbScale highInit = 1.0 * config.wrdEmbScale embeddings = np.random.uniform(low=lowInit, high=highInit, size=(wordsDict.getNumSymbols(), config.wrdEmbDim)) # normal initialization else: embeddings = config.wrdEmbScale * np.random.randn(wordsDict.getNumSymbols(), config.wrdEmbDim) # if wrdEmbRandom = False, use GloVE counter = 0 if (not config.wrdEmbRandom): with open(config.wordVectorsFile, 'r') as inFile: for line in inFile: line = line.strip().split() word = line[0].lower() vector = [float(x) for x in line[1:]] index = wordsDict.sym2id.get(word) if index is not None: embeddings[index] = vector counter += 1 print(counter) print(self.questionDict.sym2id) print(len(self.questionDict.sym2id)) print(self.answerDict.sym2id) print(len(self.answerDict.sym2id)) print(self.qaDict.sym2id) print(len(self.qaDict.sym2id)) if noPadding: return embeddings # no embedding for padding symbol else: return embeddings[1:] ''' Initializes words embeddings for question words and optionally for answer words (when config.ansEmbMod == "BOTH"). If config.ansEmbMod == "SHARED", tie embeddings for question and answer same symbols. ''' def initializeQAEmbeddings(self): # use same embeddings for questions and answers if config.ansEmbMod == "SHARED": qaEmbeddings = self.initializeWordEmbeddings(self.qaDict) ansMap = np.array([self.qaDict.sym2id[sym] for sym in self.answerDict.id2sym]) embeddings = {"qa": qaEmbeddings, "ansMap": ansMap} # use different embeddings for questions and answers else: qEmbeddings = self.initializeWordEmbeddings(self.questionDict) aEmbeddings = None if config.ansEmbMod == "BOTH": aEmbeddings = self.initializeWordEmbeddings(self.answerDict, noPadding=True) embeddings = {"q": qEmbeddings, "a": aEmbeddings} return embeddings ''' Preprocesses a given dataset into numpy arrays: 1. Reads the input data files into dictionary. 2. Saves the results jsons in files and loads them instead of parsing input if files exist/ 3. Initializes word embeddings to random / GloVe. 4. Optionally filters data according to given filters. 5. Encodes and vectorize the data into numpy arrays. 5. Buckets the data according to the instances length. ''' def preprocessData(self, question, debug=False): # Read data into json and symbols' dictionaries print(bold("Loading data...")) start = time.time() with open(config.questionDictFile(), "rb") as inFile: self.questionDict = pickle.load(inFile) with open(config.qaDictFile(), "rb") as inFile: self.qaDict = pickle.load(inFile) with open(config.answerDictFile(), "rb") as inFile: self.answerDict = pickle.load(inFile) question = question.replace('?', '').replace(', ', '').lower().split() encodedQuestion = self.questionDict.encodeSequence(question) data = {'question': np.array([encodedQuestion]), 'questionLength': np.array([len(encodedQuestion)])} print("took {:.2f} seconds".format(time.time() - start)) # Initialize word embeddings (random / glove) print(bold("Loading word vectors...")) start = time.time() embeddings = self.initializeQAEmbeddings() print("took {:.2f} seconds".format(time.time() - start)) answer = 'yes' # DUMMY_ANSWER self.answerDict.addSeq([answer]) self.qaDict.addSeq([answer]) config.questionWordsNum = self.questionDict.getNumSymbols() config.answerWordsNum = self.answerDict.getNumSymbols() return data, embeddings, self.answerDict