# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. import copy import io import logging import numpy as np from typing import List import onnx import torch from caffe2.proto import caffe2_pb2 from caffe2.python import core from caffe2.python.onnx.backend import Caffe2Backend from tabulate import tabulate from termcolor import colored from torch.onnx import OperatorExportTypes from .shared import ( ScopedWS, construct_init_net_from_params, fuse_alias_placeholder, fuse_copy_between_cpu_and_gpu, get_params_from_init_net, group_norm_replace_aten_with_caffe2, infer_device_type, remove_dead_end_ops, remove_reshape_for_fc, save_graph, ) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def export_onnx_model(model, inputs): """ Trace and export a model to onnx format. Args: model (nn.Module): inputs (tuple[args]): the model will be called by `model(*inputs)` Returns: an onnx model """ assert isinstance(model, torch.nn.Module) # make sure all modules are in eval mode, onnx may change the training state # of the module if the states are not consistent def _check_eval(module): assert not module.training model.apply(_check_eval) # Export the model to ONNX with torch.no_grad(): with io.BytesIO() as f: torch.onnx.export( model, inputs, f, operator_export_type=OperatorExportTypes.ONNX_ATEN_FALLBACK, # verbose=True, # NOTE: uncomment this for debugging # export_params=True, ) onnx_model = onnx.load_from_string(f.getvalue()) # Apply ONNX's Optimization all_passes = onnx.optimizer.get_available_passes() passes = ["fuse_bn_into_conv"] assert all(p in all_passes for p in passes) onnx_model = onnx.optimizer.optimize(onnx_model, passes) return onnx_model def _op_stats(net_def): type_count = {} for t in [op.type for op in net_def.op]: type_count[t] = type_count.get(t, 0) + 1 type_count_list = sorted(type_count.items(), key=lambda kv: kv[0]) # alphabet type_count_list = sorted(type_count_list, key=lambda kv: -kv[1]) # count return "\n".join("{:>4}x {}".format(count, name) for name, count in type_count_list) def _assign_device_option( predict_net: caffe2_pb2.NetDef, init_net: caffe2_pb2.NetDef, tensor_inputs: List[torch.Tensor] ): """ ONNX exported network doesn't have concept of device, assign necessary device option for each op in order to make it runable on GPU runtime. """ def _get_device_type(torch_tensor): assert torch_tensor.device.type in ["cpu", "cuda"] assert torch_tensor.device.index == 0 return torch_tensor.device.type def _assign_op_device_option(net_proto, net_ssa, blob_device_types): for op, ssa_i in zip(net_proto.op, net_ssa): if op.type in ["CopyCPUToGPU", "CopyGPUToCPU"]: op.device_option.CopyFrom(core.DeviceOption(caffe2_pb2.CUDA, 0)) else: devices = [blob_device_types[b] for b in ssa_i[0] + ssa_i[1]] assert all(d == devices[0] for d in devices) if devices[0] == "cuda": op.device_option.CopyFrom(core.DeviceOption(caffe2_pb2.CUDA, 0)) # update ops in predict_net predict_net_input_device_types = { (name, 0): _get_device_type(tensor) for name, tensor in zip(predict_net.external_input, tensor_inputs) } predict_net_device_types = infer_device_type( predict_net, known_status=predict_net_input_device_types, device_name_style="pytorch" ) predict_net_ssa, _ = core.get_ssa(predict_net) _assign_op_device_option(predict_net, predict_net_ssa, predict_net_device_types) # update ops in init_net init_net_ssa, versions = core.get_ssa(init_net) init_net_output_device_types = { (name, versions[name]): predict_net_device_types[(name, 0)] for name in init_net.external_output } init_net_device_types = infer_device_type( init_net, known_status=init_net_output_device_types, device_name_style="pytorch" ) _assign_op_device_option(init_net, init_net_ssa, init_net_device_types) def export_caffe2_detection_model(model: torch.nn.Module, tensor_inputs: List[torch.Tensor]): """ Export a caffe2-compatible Detectron2 model to caffe2 format via ONNX. Arg: model: a caffe2-compatible version of detectron2 model, defined in caffe2_modeling.py tensor_inputs: a list of tensors that caffe2 model takes as input. """ model = copy.deepcopy(model) assert isinstance(model, torch.nn.Module) assert hasattr(model, "encode_additional_info") # Export via ONNX logger.info( "Exporting a {} model via ONNX ...".format(type(model).__name__) + " Some warnings from ONNX are expected and are usually not to worry about." ) onnx_model = export_onnx_model(model, (tensor_inputs,)) # Convert ONNX model to Caffe2 protobuf init_net, predict_net = Caffe2Backend.onnx_graph_to_caffe2_net(onnx_model) ops_table = [[op.type, op.input, op.output] for op in predict_net.op] table = tabulate(ops_table, headers=["type", "input", "output"], tablefmt="pipe") logger.info( "ONNX export Done. Exported predict_net (before optimizations):\n" + colored(table, "cyan") ) # Apply protobuf optimization fuse_alias_placeholder(predict_net, init_net) if any(t.device.type != "cpu" for t in tensor_inputs): fuse_copy_between_cpu_and_gpu(predict_net) remove_dead_end_ops(init_net) _assign_device_option(predict_net, init_net, tensor_inputs) params, device_options = get_params_from_init_net(init_net) predict_net, params = remove_reshape_for_fc(predict_net, params) init_net = construct_init_net_from_params(params, device_options) group_norm_replace_aten_with_caffe2(predict_net) # Record necessary information for running the pb model in Detectron2 system. model.encode_additional_info(predict_net, init_net) logger.info("Operators used in predict_net: \n{}".format(_op_stats(predict_net))) logger.info("Operators used in init_net: \n{}".format(_op_stats(init_net))) return predict_net, init_net def run_and_save_graph(predict_net, init_net, tensor_inputs, graph_save_path): """ Run the caffe2 model on given inputs, recording the shape and draw the graph. predict_net/init_net: caffe2 model. tensor_inputs: a list of tensors that caffe2 model takes as input. graph_save_path: path for saving graph of exported model. """ logger.info("Saving graph of ONNX exported model to {} ...".format(graph_save_path)) save_graph(predict_net, graph_save_path, op_only=False) # Run the exported Caffe2 net logger.info("Running ONNX exported model ...") with ScopedWS("__ws_tmp__", True) as ws: ws.RunNetOnce(init_net) initialized_blobs = set(ws.Blobs()) uninitialized = [inp for inp in predict_net.external_input if inp not in initialized_blobs] for name, blob in zip(uninitialized, tensor_inputs): ws.FeedBlob(name, blob) try: ws.RunNetOnce(predict_net) except RuntimeError as e: logger.warning("Encountered RuntimeError: \n{}".format(str(e))) ws_blobs = {b: ws.FetchBlob(b) for b in ws.Blobs()} blob_sizes = {b: ws_blobs[b].shape for b in ws_blobs if isinstance(ws_blobs[b], np.ndarray)} logger.info("Saving graph with blob shapes to {} ...".format(graph_save_path)) save_graph(predict_net, graph_save_path, op_only=False, blob_sizes=blob_sizes) return ws_blobs