import logging import os import random import sys import time from shutil import get_terminal_size import numpy as np import torch logger = logging.getLogger('base') def make_exp_dirs(opt): """Make dirs for experiments.""" path_opt = opt['path'].copy() if opt['is_train']: overwrite = True if 'debug' in opt['name'] else False os.makedirs(path_opt.pop('experiments_root'), exist_ok=overwrite) os.makedirs(path_opt.pop('models'), exist_ok=overwrite) else: os.makedirs(path_opt.pop('results_root')) def set_random_seed(seed): """Set random seeds.""" random.seed(seed) np.random.seed(seed) torch.manual_seed(seed) torch.cuda.manual_seed(seed) torch.cuda.manual_seed_all(seed) class ProgressBar(object): """A progress bar which can print the progress. Modified from: """ def __init__(self, task_num=0, bar_width=50, start=True): self.task_num = task_num max_bar_width = self._get_max_bar_width() self.bar_width = ( bar_width if bar_width <= max_bar_width else max_bar_width) self.completed = 0 if start: self.start() def _get_max_bar_width(self): terminal_width, _ = get_terminal_size() max_bar_width = min(int(terminal_width * 0.6), terminal_width - 50) if max_bar_width < 10: print(f'terminal width is too small ({terminal_width}), ' 'please consider widen the terminal for better ' 'progressbar visualization') max_bar_width = 10 return max_bar_width def start(self): if self.task_num > 0: sys.stdout.write(f"[{' ' * self.bar_width}] 0/{self.task_num}, " f'elapsed: 0s, ETA:\nStart...\n') else: sys.stdout.write('completed: 0, elapsed: 0s') sys.stdout.flush() self.start_time = time.time() def update(self, msg='In progress...'): self.completed += 1 elapsed = time.time() - self.start_time fps = self.completed / elapsed if self.task_num > 0: percentage = self.completed / float(self.task_num) eta = int(elapsed * (1 - percentage) / percentage + 0.5) mark_width = int(self.bar_width * percentage) bar_chars = '>' * mark_width + '-' * (self.bar_width - mark_width) sys.stdout.write('\033[2F') # cursor up 2 lines sys.stdout.write( '\033[J' ) # clean the output (remove extra chars since last display) sys.stdout.write( f'[{bar_chars}] {self.completed}/{self.task_num}, ' f'{fps:.1f} task/s, elapsed: {int(elapsed + 0.5)}s, ' f'ETA: {eta:5}s\n{msg}\n') else: sys.stdout.write( f'completed: {self.completed}, elapsed: {int(elapsed + 0.5)}s, ' f'{fps:.1f} tasks/s') sys.stdout.flush() class AverageMeter(object): """ Computes and stores the average and current value Imported from """ def __init__(self): self.reset() def reset(self): self.val = 0 self.avg = 0 # running average = running sum / running count self.sum = 0 # running sum self.count = 0 # running count def update(self, val, n=1): # n = batch_size # val = batch accuracy for an attribute # self.val = val # sum = 100 * accumulative correct predictions for this attribute self.sum += val * n # count = total samples so far self.count += n # avg = 100 * avg accuracy for this attribute # for all the batches so far self.avg = self.sum / self.count