import ast import torch import pandas as pd import as torch_data from random import randrange from augmentations import * from normalization.body_normalization import BODY_IDENTIFIERS from normalization.hand_normalization import HAND_IDENTIFIERS from normalization.body_normalization import normalize_single_dict as normalize_single_body_dict from normalization.hand_normalization import normalize_single_dict as normalize_single_hand_dict HAND_IDENTIFIERS = [id + "_0" for id in HAND_IDENTIFIERS] + [id + "_1" for id in HAND_IDENTIFIERS] DEFAULT_AUGMENTATIONS_CONFIG = { "rotate-angle": 13, "perspective-transform-ratio": 0.1, "squeeze-ratio": 0.15, "arm-joint-rotate-angle": 4, "arm-joint-rotate-probability": 0.3 } def load_dataset(file_location: str): # Load the datset csv file df = pd.read_csv(file_location, encoding="utf-8") # TO BE DELETED df.columns = [item.replace("_Left_", "_0_").replace("_Right_", "_1_") for item in list(df.columns)] if "neck_X" not in df.columns: df["neck_X"] = [0 for _ in range(df.shape[0])] df["neck_Y"] = [0 for _ in range(df.shape[0])] # TEMP labels = df["labels"].to_list() labels = [label + 1 for label in df["labels"].to_list()] data = [] for row_index, row in df.iterrows(): current_row = np.empty(shape=(len(ast.literal_eval(row["leftEar_X"])), len(BODY_IDENTIFIERS + HAND_IDENTIFIERS), 2)) for index, identifier in enumerate(BODY_IDENTIFIERS + HAND_IDENTIFIERS): current_row[:, index, 0] = ast.literal_eval(row[identifier + "_X"]) current_row[:, index, 1] = ast.literal_eval(row[identifier + "_Y"]) data.append(current_row) return data, labels def tensor_to_dictionary(landmarks_tensor: torch.Tensor) -> dict: data_array = landmarks_tensor.numpy() output = {} for landmark_index, identifier in enumerate(BODY_IDENTIFIERS + HAND_IDENTIFIERS): output[identifier] = data_array[:, landmark_index] return output def dictionary_to_tensor(landmarks_dict: dict) -> torch.Tensor: output = np.empty(shape=(len(landmarks_dict["leftEar"]), len(BODY_IDENTIFIERS + HAND_IDENTIFIERS), 2)) for landmark_index, identifier in enumerate(BODY_IDENTIFIERS + HAND_IDENTIFIERS): output[:, landmark_index, 0] = [frame[0] for frame in landmarks_dict[identifier]] output[:, landmark_index, 1] = [frame[1] for frame in landmarks_dict[identifier]] return torch.from_numpy(output) class CzechSLRDataset(torch_data.Dataset): """Advanced object representation of the HPOES dataset for loading hand joints landmarks utilizing the Torch's built-in Dataset properties""" data: [np.ndarray] labels: [np.ndarray] def __init__(self, dataset_filename: str, num_labels=5, transform=None, augmentations=False, augmentations_prob=0.5, normalize=True, augmentations_config: dict = DEFAULT_AUGMENTATIONS_CONFIG): """ Initiates the HPOESDataset with the pre-loaded data from the h5 file. :param dataset_filename: Path to the h5 file :param transform: Any data transformation to be applied (default: None) """ loaded_data = load_dataset(dataset_filename) data, labels = loaded_data[0], loaded_data[1] = data self.labels = labels self.targets = list(labels) self.num_labels = num_labels self.transform = transform self.augmentations = augmentations self.augmentations_prob = augmentations_prob self.augmentations_config = augmentations_config self.normalize = normalize def __getitem__(self, idx): """ Allocates, potentially transforms and returns the item at the desired index. :param idx: Index of the item :return: Tuple containing both the depth map and the label """ depth_map = torch.from_numpy(np.copy([idx])) label = torch.Tensor([self.labels[idx] - 1]) depth_map = tensor_to_dictionary(depth_map) # Apply potential augmentations if self.augmentations and random.random() < self.augmentations_prob: selected_aug = randrange(4) if selected_aug == 0: depth_map = augment_rotate(depth_map, (-self.augmentations_config["rotate-angle"], self.augmentations_config["rotate-angle"])) if selected_aug == 1: depth_map = augment_shear(depth_map, "perspective", (0, self.augmentations_config["perspective-transform-ratio"])) if selected_aug == 2: depth_map = augment_shear(depth_map, "squeeze", (0, self.augmentations_config["squeeze-ratio"])) if selected_aug == 3: depth_map = augment_arm_joint_rotate(depth_map, self.augmentations_config["arm-joint-rotate-probability"], (-self.augmentations_config["arm-joint-rotate-angle"], self.augmentations_config["arm-joint-rotate-angle"])) if self.normalize: depth_map = normalize_single_body_dict(depth_map) depth_map = normalize_single_hand_dict(depth_map) depth_map = dictionary_to_tensor(depth_map) # Move the landmark position interval to improve performance depth_map = depth_map - 0.5 if self.transform: depth_map = self.transform(depth_map) return depth_map, label def __len__(self): return len(self.labels) if __name__ == "__main__": pass