import subprocess import time import re import ast # Start the REPL subprocess python_exe = '/Users/18084/Desktop/CS252R/final_project/rasp-env-py3.9/Scripts/python.exe' #SETUP THING: replace with path to your python environment ''' THE FOLLOWING FUNCTIONS ARE DEPRECATED ''' def clean_carrots(text): pattern = r">>(.*?)>>" match =, text) if match: result = # .strip() is used to remove any leading/trailing whitespace return result def parse_output(out): out = clean_carrots(out) out = ast.literal_eval(out) # can arrive as tuple, list, or dictionary # ultimately want to convert everything to list form if isinstance(out, dict): return list(out.values()) if isinstance(out, tuple): return list(out) if isinstance(out, list): return list raise Exception("Error executing rasp program.") def run_repl(command): ''' Runs the RASP repl in a separate subprocess. ''' process = subprocess.Popen([python_exe, 'RASP/RASP_support/'], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, text=True) # Send commands to the REPL process.stdin.write(f'{command}\nexit()\n') process.stdin.flush() # Check periodically if the subprocess has terminated while True: if process.poll() is not None: # The subprocess has terminated break time.sleep(0.1) # Wait for a short period (e.g., 0.1 seconds) before checking again # Close the subprocess if still running if process.poll() is None: process.terminate() # Read output and error output = process.stdout.readlines() error = process.stderr.readlines() # Print output and error str_output = "" str_error = "" for line in output: str_output += line.strip() + " " for line in error: str_error += line.strip() + " " str_output = parse_output(str_output) return str_output, str_error if __name__ == "__main__": command = "select(tokens, tokens, ==)(\"hi\");" res, _res_err = run_repl(command) print(res) command = "selector_width(select(tokens, tokens, ==))(\"hi\");" res, _res_err = run_repl(command) print(res)