header_markdown = """## Large Language Models at US Department of Defense 🇺🇸 Hey! I'm a Gradio template made for Large Language Model demos at the United States Department of Defense. **Distrust & Verify**: Large Language Models are prone to generating hallucinated & inaccurate text. The end user of this demo is 100% responsible for verifying the veracity of any text generated. **Responsible AI**: The DoD is committed to the ethical practitioning of any and all Artificial Intelligence. Make sure you're abiding by the tenents of Responsible AI by visiting DoD's Official [Responsible AI Toolkit](https://rai.tradewindai.com). """ import gradio as gr with gr.Blocks(theme=gr.themes.Soft()) as demo: # gr.Image("https://github.com/deptofdefense/LLMs-at-DoD/blob/main/LLM_USGOVT.png?raw=true") gr.Markdown(header_markdown) demo.launch()