import gradio as gr import numpy as np from audioldm import text_to_audio, seed_everything, build_model audioldm = build_model() def text2audio(text, duration, guidance_scale): # print(text, length, guidance_scale) waveform = text_to_audio(audioldm, text, duration=duration, guidance_scale=guidance_scale, n_candidate_gen_per_text=1) # [bs, 1, samples] waveform = [(16000, wave[0]) for wave in waveform] # waveform = [(16000, np.random.randn(16000)), (16000, np.random.randn(16000))] return waveform iface = gr.Interface(fn=text2audio, inputs=[ gr.Textbox(value="A man is speaking in a huge room", max_lines=1), gr.Slider(2, 15, value=5, step=0.1), gr.Slider(0, 5, value=2.5, step=0.5), ], outputs=[gr.Audio(label="Output", type="numpy"), gr.Audio(label="Output", type="numpy")] ) iface.launch(share=True) # block = gr.Blocks() # with block: # gr.HTML( # """ #

# Text-to-Audio Generation with AudioLDM #


# [Paper] [Project page] #

# """ # ) # with gr.Group(): # with gr.Box(): # textbox = gr.Textbox(value="A man is speaking in a huge room") # length = gr.Slider(1.0, 30.0, value=5.0, step=0.5, label="Audio length in seconds") # # model = gr.Dropdown(choices=["harmonai/maestro-150k"], value="harmonai/maestro-150k",type="value", label="Model") # out = [gr.Audio(label="Output", type="numpy"), gr.Audio(label="Output", type="numpy")] # btn = gr.Button("Submit").style(full_width=True) #, inputs=[textbox, length], outputs=out) # gr.HTML(''' # # ''') # block.launch(debug=True)