# esym\_py This package exposes python bindings for ESIM which can be used within a training loop. To test out if the installation was successful you can run ```bash python tests/test.py ``` which should print a message if completed sucessfully. The currently supported functions are listed in the example below: ```python import esim_py # constructor esim = esim_py.EventSimulator( contrast_threshold_pos, # contrast thesholds for positive contrast_threshold_neg, # and negative events refractory_period, # minimum waiting period (in sec) before a pixel can trigger a new event log_eps, # epsilon that is used to numerical stability within the logarithm use_log, # wether or not to use log intensity ) # setter, useful within a training loop esim.setParameters(contrast_threshold_pos, contrast_threshold_neg, refractory_period, log_eps, use_log) # generate events from a sequence of images events_from_images = esim.generateFromFolder( path_to_image_folder, # absolute path to folder that stores images in numbered order path_to_timestamps # absolute path to timestamps file containing one timestamp (in secs) for each ) # generate events from a video events_from_video = esim.generateFromVideo( path_to_video_file, # absolute path to video storing images path_to_timestamps # absolute path to timestamps file ) # generate events from list of images and timestamps events_list_of_images = esim.generateFromStampedImageSequence( list_of_image_files, # list of absolute paths to images list_of_timestamps # list of timestamps in ascending order ) ``` The example script `tests/plot_virtual_events.py` plots virtual events that are generated from images in `tests/data/images` with varying positive and negative contrast thresholds. To call it you need some additional pip packages: ```bash pip install numpy matplotlib python tests/plot_virtual_events.py ```