import streamlit as st import pandas as pd import as px import plotly.graph_objects as go import numpy as np import as px import plotly.graph_objects as go import pandas as pd import seaborn as sns import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import datetime from utilities import set_header,initialize_data,load_local_css from scipy.optimize import curve_fit import statsmodels.api as sm from plotly.subplots import make_subplots st.set_page_config( page_title="Data Validation", page_icon=":shark:", layout="wide", initial_sidebar_state='collapsed' ) load_local_css('styles.css') set_header() def format_numbers(x): if abs(x) >= 1e6: # Format as millions with one decimal place and commas return f'{x/1e6:,.1f}M' elif abs(x) >= 1e3: # Format as thousands with one decimal place and commas return f'{x/1e3:,.1f}K' else: # Format with one decimal place and commas for values less than 1000 return f'{x:,.1f}' def format_axis(x): if isinstance(x, tuple): x = x[0] # Extract the numeric value from the tuple if abs(x) >= 1e6: return f'{x / 1e6:.0f}M' elif abs(x) >= 1e3: return f'{x / 1e3:.0f}k' else: return f'{x:.0f}' attributred_app_installs=pd.read_csv("attributed_app_installs.csv") attributred_app_installs_tactic=pd.read_excel('attributed_app_installs_tactic.xlsx') data=pd.read_excel('Channel_wise_imp_click_spends.xlsx') data['Date']=pd.to_datetime(data['Date']) st.header('Saturation Curves') # st.dataframe(data.head(2)) st.markdown('Data QC') st.markdown('Channel wise summary') summary_df=data.groupby(data['Date'].dt.strftime('%B %Y')).sum() summary_df=summary_df.sort_index(key=lambda x: pd.to_datetime(x, format='%B %Y')) st.dataframe(summary_df.applymap(format_numbers)) def line_plot_target(df,target,title): df=df df['Date_unix'] = df['Date'].apply(lambda x: x.timestamp()) # Perform polynomial fitting coefficients = np.polyfit(df['Date_unix'], df[target], 1) # st.dataframe(df) coefficients = np.polyfit(df['Date'].view('int64'), df[target], 1) trendline = np.poly1d(coefficients) fig = go.Figure() fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=df['Date'], y=df[target], mode='lines', name=target,line=dict(color='#11B6BD'))) trendline_x = df['Date'] trendline_y = trendline(df['Date'].view('int64')) fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=trendline_x, y=trendline_y, mode='lines', name='Trendline', line=dict(color='#739FAE'))) fig.update_layout( title=title, xaxis=dict(type='date') ) for year in df['Date'].dt.year.unique()[1:]: january_1 = pd.Timestamp(year=year, month=1, day=1) fig.add_shape( go.layout.Shape( type="line", x0=january_1, x1=january_1, y0=0, y1=1, xref="x", yref="paper", line=dict(color="grey", width=1.5, dash="dash"), ) ) return fig channels_d= data.columns[:28] channels=list(set([col.replace('_impressions','').replace('_clicks','').replace('_spend','') for col in channels_d if col.lower()!='date'])) channel= st.selectbox('Select Channel_name',channels) target_column = st.selectbox('Select Channel)',[col for col in data.columns if col.startswith(channel)]) fig=line_plot_target(data, target=str(target_column), title=f'{str(target_column)} Over Time') st.plotly_chart(fig, use_container_width=True) # st.markdown('## Saturation Curve') st.header('Build saturation curve') # Your data # st.write(len(attributred_app_installs)) # st.write(len(data)) # col=st.columns(3) # with col[0]: col=st.columns(2) with col[0]: if st.checkbox('Cap Outliers'): x = data[target_column] x.index=data['Date'] # st.write(x) result = sm.tsa.seasonal_decompose(x, model='additive') x_resid=result.resid # fig = make_subplots(rows=1, cols=1, shared_xaxes=True, vertical_spacing=0.02) # trace_x = go.Scatter(x=data['Date'], y=x, mode='lines', name='x') # fig.add_trace(trace_x) # trace_x_resid = go.Scatter(x=data['Date'], y=x_resid, mode='lines', name='x_resid', yaxis='y2',line=dict(color='orange')) # fig.add_trace(trace_x_resid) # fig.update_layout(title='', # xaxis=dict(title='Date'), # yaxis=dict(title='x', side='left'), # yaxis2=dict(title='x_resid', side='right')) # st.title('') # st.plotly_chart(fig) # x=result.resid # x=x.fillna(0) x_mean = np.mean(x) x_std = np.std(x) x_scaled = (x - x_mean) / x_std lower_threshold = -2.0 upper_threshold = 2.0 x_scaled = np.clip(x_scaled, lower_threshold, upper_threshold) else: x = data[target_column] x_mean = np.mean(x) x_std = np.std(x) x_scaled = (x - x_mean) / x_std with col[1]: if st.checkbox('Attributed'): column=[col for col in attributred_app_installs.columns if col in target_column] data['app_installs_appsflyer']=attributred_app_installs[column] y=data['app_installs_appsflyer'] title='Attributed-App_installs_appsflyer' # st.dataframe(y) # st.dataframe(x) # st.dataframe(x_scaled) else: y=data["app_installs_appsflyer"] title='App_installs_appsflyer' # st.write(len(y)) # Curve fitting function def sigmoid(x, K, a, x0): return K / (1 + np.exp(-a * (x - x0))) initial_K = np.max(y) initial_a = 1 initial_x0 = 0 columns=st.columns(3) with columns[0]: K = st.number_input('K (Amplitude)', min_value=0.01, max_value=2.0 * np.max(y), value=float(initial_K), step=5.0) with columns[1]: a = st.number_input('a (Slope)', min_value=0.01, max_value=5.0, value=float(initial_a), step=0.5) with columns[2]: x0 = st.number_input('x0 (Center)', min_value=float(min(x_scaled)), max_value=float(max(x_scaled)), value=float(initial_x0), step=2.0) params, _ = curve_fit(sigmoid, x_scaled, y, p0=[K, a, x0], maxfev=20000) x_slider = st.slider('X Value', min_value=float(min(x)), max_value=float(max(x))+1, value=float(x_mean), step=1.) # Calculate the corresponding value on the fitted curve x_slider_scaled = (x_slider - x_mean) / x_std y_slider_fit = sigmoid(x_slider_scaled, *params) # Display the corresponding value st.write(f'{target_column}: {format_numbers(x_slider)}') st.write(f'Corresponding App_installs: {format_numbers(y_slider_fit)}') # Scatter plot of your data fig = px.scatter(data_frame=data, x=x_scaled, y=y, labels={'x': f'{target_column}', 'y': 'App Installs'}, title=title) # Add the fitted sigmoid curve to the plot x_fit = np.linspace(min(x_scaled), max(x_scaled), 100) # Generate x values for the curve y_fit = sigmoid(x_fit, *params) fig.add_trace(px.line(x=x_fit, y=y_fit).data[0])[1].update(line=dict(color='orange')) fig.add_vline(x=x_slider_scaled, line_dash='dash', line_color='red', annotation_text=f'{format_numbers(x_slider)}') x_tick_labels = {format_axis(x_scaled[i]): format_axis(x[i]) for i in range(len(x_scaled))} num_points = 30 # Number of points you want to select keys = list(x_tick_labels.keys()) values = list(x_tick_labels.values()) spacing = len(keys) // num_points # Calculate the spacing if spacing==0: spacing=15 selected_keys = keys[::spacing] selected_values = values[::spacing] else: selected_keys = keys[::spacing] selected_values = values[::spacing] # Update the x-axis ticks with the selected keys and values fig.update_xaxes(tickvals=selected_keys, ticktext=selected_values) fig.update_xaxes(tickvals=list(x_tick_labels.keys()), ticktext=list(x_tick_labels.values())) # Show the plot using st.plotly_chart fig.update_xaxes(showgrid=False) fig.update_yaxes(showgrid=False) fig.update_layout( width=600, # Adjust the width as needed height=600 # Adjust the height as needed ) st.plotly_chart(fig) st.markdown('Tactic level') if channel=='paid_social': tactic_data=pd.read_excel("Tatcic_paid.xlsx",sheet_name='paid_social_impressions') else: tactic_data=pd.read_excel("Tatcic_paid.xlsx",sheet_name='digital_app_display_impressions') target_column = st.selectbox('Select Channel)',[col for col in tactic_data.columns if col!='Date' and col!='app_installs_appsflyer']) fig=line_plot_target(tactic_data, target=str(target_column), title=f'{str(target_column)} Over Time') st.plotly_chart(fig, use_container_width=True) if st.checkbox('Cap Outliers',key='tactic1'): x = tactic_data[target_column] x_mean = np.mean(x) x_std = np.std(x) x_scaled = (x - x_mean) / x_std lower_threshold = -2.0 upper_threshold = 2.0 x_scaled = np.clip(x_scaled, lower_threshold, upper_threshold) else: x = tactic_data[target_column] x_mean = np.mean(x) x_std = np.std(x) x_scaled = (x - x_mean) / x_std if st.checkbox('Attributed',key='tactic2'): column=[col for col in attributred_app_installs_tactic.columns if col in target_column] tactic_data['app_installs_appsflyer']=attributred_app_installs_tactic[column] y=tactic_data['app_installs_appsflyer'] title='Attributed-App_installs_appsflyer' # st.dataframe(y) # st.dataframe(x) # st.dataframe(x_scaled) else: y=data["app_installs_appsflyer"] title='App_installs_appsflyer' # st.write(len(y)) # Curve fitting function def sigmoid(x, K, a, x0): return K / (1 + np.exp(-a * (x - x0))) # Curve fitting # st.dataframe(x_scaled.head(3)) # # y=y.astype(float) # st.dataframe(y.head(3)) initial_K = np.max(y) initial_a = 1 initial_x0 = 0 K = st.number_input('K (Amplitude)', min_value=0.01, max_value=2.0 * np.max(y), value=float(initial_K), step=5.0,key='tactic3') a = st.number_input('a (Slope)', min_value=0.01, max_value=5.0, value=float(initial_a), step=2.0,key='tactic41') x0 = st.number_input('x0 (Center)', min_value=float(min(x_scaled)), max_value=float(max(x_scaled)), value=float(initial_x0), step=2.0,key='tactic4') params, _ = curve_fit(sigmoid, x_scaled, y, p0=[K, a, x0], maxfev=20000) # Slider to vary x x_slider = st.slider('X Value', min_value=float(min(x)), max_value=float(max(x)), value=float(x_mean), step=1.,key='tactic7') # Calculate the corresponding value on the fitted curve x_slider_scaled = (x_slider - x_mean) / x_std y_slider_fit = sigmoid(x_slider_scaled, *params) # Display the corresponding value st.write(f'{target_column}: {format_axis(x_slider)}') st.write(f'Corresponding App_installs: {format_axis(y_slider_fit)}') # Scatter plot of your data fig = px.scatter(data_frame=data, x=x_scaled, y=y, labels={'x': f'{target_column}', 'y': 'App Installs'}, title=title) # Add the fitted sigmoid curve to the plot x_fit = np.linspace(min(x_scaled), max(x_scaled), 100) # Generate x values for the curve y_fit = sigmoid(x_fit, *params) fig.add_trace(px.line(x=x_fit, y=y_fit).data[0])[1].update(line=dict(color='orange')) fig.add_vline(x=x_slider_scaled, line_dash='dash', line_color='red', annotation_text=f'{format_numbers(x_slider)}') x_tick_labels = {format_axis((x_scaled[i],0)): format_axis(x[i]) for i in range(len(x_scaled))} num_points = 50 # Number of points you want to select keys = list(x_tick_labels.keys()) values = list(x_tick_labels.values()) spacing = len(keys) // num_points # Calculate the spacing if spacing==0: spacing=2 selected_keys = keys[::spacing] selected_values = values[::spacing] else: selected_keys = keys[::spacing] selected_values = values[::spacing] # Update the x-axis ticks with the selected keys and values fig.update_xaxes(tickvals=selected_keys, ticktext=selected_values) # Round the x-axis and y-axis tick values to zero decimal places fig.update_xaxes(tickformat=".f") # Format x-axis ticks to zero decimal places fig.update_yaxes(tickformat=".f") # Format y-axis ticks to zero decimal places # Show the plot using st.plotly_chart fig.update_xaxes(showgrid=False) fig.update_yaxes(showgrid=False) fig.update_layout( width=600, # Adjust the width as needed height=600 # Adjust the height as needed ) st.plotly_chart(fig)