# Import Library import streamlit as st # Import the created Streamlit Page import eda import prediction # Navigation button navigasi = st.sidebar.selectbox(label='Select Page:', options=['Home Page', 'Exploratory Data Analysis', 'Prediction']) # Looping for navigation if navigasi == 'Home Page': st.image("https://storage.googleapis.com/danacita-website-v3-prd/website_v3/images/biaya_bootcamp__kursus_hacktiv8_6.original.png") st.header('Milestone 2') st.write('') st.write('Name : Salsa Sabitha Hurriyah') st.write('Batch : HCK - 014') st.write('Classification Model for Predicting Mobile Price Range') st.write('') st.caption('Please select another menu in the Select Box on the left of your screen to start!') # Displays the EDA page elif navigasi == 'Exploratory Data Analysis': eda.run() # Displays the Predict page elif navigasi == 'Prediction': prediction.run()