# Use .env.local to change these variables # DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE WITH SENSITIVE DATA MONGODB_URL=${MONGODB_URL} MONGODB_DB_NAME=chat-ui MONGODB_DIRECT_CONNECTION=false COOKIE_NAME=chat-ui HF_ACCESS_TOKEN=#hf_ from from https://huggingface.co/settings/token # used to activate search with web functionality. disabled if not defined SERPAPI_KEY=#your serpapi key here # Parameters to enable "Sign in with HF" OPENID_CLIENT_ID= OPENID_CLIENT_SECRET= OPENID_SCOPES="openid profile" # Add "email" for some providers like Google that do not provide preferred_username OPENID_PROVIDER_URL=https://huggingface.co # for Google, use https://accounts.google.com # 'name', 'userMessageToken', 'assistantMessageToken' are required MODELS=`[ { "name": "${MODEL_NAME}", "chatPromptTemplate": "${MODEL_PROMPT_TEMPLATE}", "preprompt": "", "promptExamples": [ { "title": "Clinical case", "prompt": "Generate a detailed clinical case for a patient presenting with atypical symptoms of Parkinson's disease, including medical history, presented symptoms, results of specific examinations, and a personalized treatment plan." }, { "title": "Diabete", "prompt": "Describe the symptoms, causes, and treatment options for type 2 diabetes." }, { "title": "Biopsy", "prompt": "What is a biopsy?" } ], "endpoints": [ { "type": "tgi", "url": "" } ], "parameters": ${MODEL_PARAMS} } ]` OLD_MODELS=`[]`# any removed models, `{ name: string, displayName?: string, id?: string }` PUBLIC_ORIGIN=https://huggingfaceh4-biomistral-chat.hf.space PUBLIC_SHARE_PREFIX=https://huggingfaceh4-biomistral-chat.hf.space PUBLIC_GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_ID=#G-XXXXXXXX / Leave empty to disable PUBLIC_DEPRECATED_GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_ID=#UA-XXXXXXXX-X / Leave empty to disable PUBLIC_ANNOUNCEMENT_BANNERS=`[ { "title": "Chat with BioMistral", "linkTitle": "Space", "linkHref": "https://huggingface.co/spaces/BioMistral/BioMistral-Chat" } ]` PARQUET_EXPORT_DATASET= PARQUET_EXPORT_HF_TOKEN= PARQUET_EXPORT_SECRET= PUBLIC_APP_NAME=${APP_NAME} # name used as title throughout the app PUBLIC_APP_ASSETS=chatui # used to find logos & favicons in static/$PUBLIC_APP_ASSETS PUBLIC_APP_COLOR=${APP_COLOR} # can be any of tailwind colors: https://tailwindcss.com/docs/customizing-colors#default-color-palette PUBLIC_APP_DATA_SHARING=#set to 1 to enable disclaimers & options about data sharing PUBLIC_APP_DATA_DISCLAIMER=#set to 1 to enable disclaimers about model outputs