# HF space creator starting from an sklearn model import base64 import glob import io import json import os import pickle import re import shutil from pathlib import Path from tempfile import mkdtemp import pandas as pd import sklearn import streamlit as st from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator import skops.io as sio from skops import card, hub_utils st.set_page_config(layout="wide") st.title("Skops space creator for sklearn") PLACEHOLDER = "[More Information Needed]" PLOT_PREFIX = "__plot__:" custom_sections: dict[str, str] = {} tmp_repo = Path(mkdtemp(prefix="skops-")) left_col, right_col = st.columns([1, 2]) # a hacky way to "persist" custom sections CUSTOM_SECTIONS_CACHE_FILE = ".custom-sections.json" def _clear_custom_section_cache(): with open(CUSTOM_SECTIONS_CACHE_FILE, "w") as f: f.write("") def _load_custom_section_cache(): global custom_sections # in case file doesn't exist yet, create it if not os.path.exists(CUSTOM_SECTIONS_CACHE_FILE): Path(CUSTOM_SECTIONS_CACHE_FILE).touch() with open(CUSTOM_SECTIONS_CACHE_FILE, "r") as f: try: custom_sections = json.load(f) except ValueError: pass def _write_custom_section_cache(): with open(CUSTOM_SECTIONS_CACHE_FILE, "w") as f: json.dump(custom_sections, f) def _remove_custom_section(key): del custom_sections[key] _write_custom_section_cache() def _clear_repo(path): for file_path in glob.glob(str(Path(path) / "*")): if os.path.isfile(file_path) or os.path.islink(file_path): os.unlink(file_path) elif os.path.isdir(file_path): shutil.rmtree(file_path) def _write_plot(plot_name, plot_file): with open(plot_name, "wb") as f: f.write(plot_file) def init_repo(): _clear_repo(tmp_repo) try: file_name = Path(mkdtemp(prefix="skops-")) / "model.skops" sio.dump(model, file_name) hub_utils.init( model=file_name, dst=tmp_repo, task=task, data=data, requirements=requirements, ) except Exception as exc: print("Uh oh, something went wrong when initializing the repo:", exc) def load_model(): if model_file is None: return bytes_data = model_file.getvalue() model = pickle.loads(bytes_data) assert isinstance(model, BaseEstimator), "model must be an sklearn model" return model def load_data(): if data_file is None: return bytes_data = io.BytesIO(data_file.getvalue()) df = pd.read_csv(bytes_data) return df def _parse_metrics(metrics): metrics_table = {} for line in metrics.splitlines(): line = line.strip() name, _, val = line.partition("=") try: # try to coerce to float but don't error if it fails val = float(val.strip()) except ValueError: pass metrics_table[name.strip()] = val return metrics_table def _create_model_card(): if model is None or data is None: st.text("*some data is missing to render the model card*") return init_repo() metadata = card.metadata_from_config(tmp_repo) model_card = card.Card(model=model, metadata=metadata) if model_description: model_card.add(**{"Model description": model_description}) if intended_uses: model_card.add( **{"Model description/Intended uses & limitations": intended_uses} ) if metrics: metrics_table = _parse_metrics(metrics) model_card.add_metrics(**metrics_table) if authors: model_card.add(**{"Model Card Authors": authors}) if contact: model_card.add(**{"Model Card Contact": contact}) if citation: model_card.add(**{"Citation": citation}) if custom_sections: for key, val in custom_sections.items(): if not key: continue if key.startswith(PLOT_PREFIX): key = key[len(PLOT_PREFIX):] model_card.add_plot(**{key: val}) else: model_card.add(**{key: val}) return model_card def _process_card_for_rendering(rendered: str) -> tuple[str, str]: idx = rendered[1:].index("\n---") + 1 metadata = rendered[3:idx] rendered = rendered[idx + 4 :] # noqa: E203 # below is a hack to display the images in streamlit # https://discuss.streamlit.io/t/image-in-markdown/13274/10 The problem is # that streamlit does not display images in markdown, so we need to replace # them with html. However, we only want that in the rendered markdown, not # in the card that is produced for the hub def markdown_images(markdown): # example image markdown: # ![Test image](images/test.png "Alternate text") images = re.findall( r'(!\[(?P[^\]]+)\]\((?P[^\)"\s]+)\s*([^\)]*)\))', markdown ) return images def img_to_bytes(img_path): img_bytes = Path(img_path).read_bytes() encoded = base64.b64encode(img_bytes).decode() return encoded def img_to_html(img_path, img_alt): img_format = img_path.split(".")[-1] img_html = ( f'' ) return img_html def markdown_insert_images(markdown): images = markdown_images(markdown) for image in images: image_markdown = image[0] image_alt = image[1] image_path = image[2] markdown = markdown.replace(image_markdown, img_to_html(image_path, image_alt)) return markdown rendered_with_img = markdown_insert_images(rendered) return metadata, rendered_with_img def display_model_card(): model_card = _create_model_card() if not model_card: return rendered = model_card.render() metadata, rendered = _process_card_for_rendering(rendered) # idx = rendered[1:].index("\n---") + 1 # metadata = rendered[3:idx] # rendered = rendered[idx + 4 :] # noqa: E203 with right_col: # strip metadata with st.expander("show metadata"): st.text(metadata) st.markdown(rendered, unsafe_allow_html=True) def download_model_card(): model_card = _create_model_card() if model_card is not None: return model_card.render() return "" def add_custom_section(): # this is required to "refresh" these variables... global section_name, section_content section_name = st.session_state.key_section_name section_content = st.session_state.key_section_content if not section_name or not section_content: return custom_sections[section_name] = section_content _write_custom_section_cache() def add_custom_plot(): # this is required to "refresh" these variables... global section_name, section_content plot_name = st.session_state.key_plot_name plot_file = st.session_state.key_plot_file if not plot_name or not plot_file: return # store plot in temp repo file_name = plot_file.name.replace(" ", "_") file_path = str(tmp_repo / file_name) with open(file_path, "wb") as f: f.write(plot_file.getvalue()) custom_sections[str(PLOT_PREFIX + plot_name)] = file_path _write_custom_section_cache() with left_col: # This contains every element required to edit the model card model = None data = None section_name = None section_content = None model_file = st.file_uploader("Upload a model*", on_change=load_model) data_file = st.file_uploader( "Upload X data (csv)*", type=["csv"], on_change=load_data ) task = st.selectbox( label="Choose the task type*", options=[ "tabular-classification", "tabular-regression", "text-classification", "text-regression", ], on_change=init_repo, ) requirements = st.text_input( label="Requirements*", value=[f"scikit-learn=={sklearn.__version__}\n"], on_change=init_repo, ) if model_file is not None: model = load_model() if data_file is not None: data = load_data() if model is not None and data is not None: init_repo() model_description = st.text_input("Model description", value=PLACEHOLDER) intended_uses = st.text_area( "Intended uses & limitations", height=2, value=PLACEHOLDER ) metrics = st.text_area("Metrics (e.g. 'accuracy = 0.95'), one metric per line") authors = st.text_area( "Authors", value="This model card is written by following authors:\n\n" + PLACEHOLDER, ) contact = st.text_area( "Contact", value="You can contact the model card authors through following channels:\n\n" + PLACEHOLDER, ) citation = st.text_area( "Citation", value="Below you can find information related to citation.\n\nBibTex:\n\n```\n" + PLACEHOLDER + "\n```", height=5, ) with st.form("custom-section", clear_on_submit=True): section_name = st.text_input( "Section name (use '/' for subsections, e.g. 'Model description/My new" " section')", key="key_section_name", ) section_content = st.text_area( "Content of the new section", key="key_section_content" ) submit_new_section = st.form_submit_button( "Create new section", on_click=add_custom_section ) with st.form("custom-plots", clear_on_submit=True): plot_name = st.text_input( "Section name (use '/' for subsections, e.g. 'Model description/My new" " plot')", key="key_plot_name", ) plot_file = st.file_uploader( "Upload a figure*", key="key_plot_file" ) submit_new_plot = st.form_submit_button( "Add plot", on_click=add_custom_plot ) _load_custom_section_cache() for key in custom_sections: if not key: continue if key.startswith(PLOT_PREFIX): st.button( f"Remove plot '{key[len(PLOT_PREFIX):]}'", on_click=_remove_custom_section, args=(key,) ) else: st.button( f"Remove section '{key}'", on_click=_remove_custom_section, args=(key,) ) if custom_sections: st.button( f"Remove all ({len(custom_sections)}) custom elements", on_click=_clear_custom_section_cache, ) with right_col: # this contains the rendered model card st.button(label="Render model card", on_click=display_model_card) rendered = download_model_card() if rendered: st.download_button(label="Download model card (markdown format)", data=rendered)