import datetime as dt import logging import reprlib import sqlite3 import uuid from fastapi import FastAPI from fastapi.responses import FileResponse from gistillery.base import EntriesResult, JobStatus, JobStatusResult, RequestInput from gistillery.db import TABLES, get_db_connection, get_db_cursor logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) app = FastAPI() aRepr = reprlib.Repr() aRepr.maxstring = 140 # status @app.get("/status/") def status() -> str: return "OK""/submit/") def submit_job(input: RequestInput) -> str: # submit a new job, poor man's job queue _id = uuid.uuid4().hex"Submitting job for (_id={_id[:8]})") with get_db_cursor() as cursor: # create a job query = "INSERT INTO jobs (entry_id, status) VALUES (?, ?)" cursor.execute(query, (_id, "pending")) # create an entry source_snippet = aRepr.repr(input.content).strip("'") query = ( "INSERT INTO entries (id, author, source, source_snippet) VALUES " "(?, ?, ?, ?)" ) cursor.execute(query, (_id,, input.content, source_snippet)) return f"Submitted job {_id}" @app.get("/check_job_status/") def check_job_status() -> str: with get_db_cursor() as cursor: cursor.execute( "SELECT entry_id " "FROM jobs WHERE status = 'pending' " "ORDER BY last_updated ASC" ) result = cursor.fetchall() if not result: return "No pending jobs found" entry_ids = [r.entry_id for r in result] num_entries = len(entry_ids) if len(entry_ids) > 3: entry_ids = entry_ids[:3] + ["..."] return f"Found {num_entries} pending job(s): {', '.join(entry_ids)}" @app.get("/check_job_status/{_id}") def check_job_status_id(_id: str) -> JobStatusResult: with get_db_cursor() as cursor: cursor.execute( "SELECT status, last_updated FROM jobs WHERE entry_id = ?", (_id,) ) result = cursor.fetchone() if result is None: return JobStatusResult(id=_id, status=JobStatus.not_found, last_updated=None) status, last_updated = result return JobStatusResult(id=_id, status=status, last_updated=last_updated) @app.get("/recent/") def recent() -> list[EntriesResult]: with get_db_cursor() as cursor: # get the last 10 entries, join summary and tag, where each tag is # joined to a comma separated str cursor.execute(""" SELECT,, e.created_at, e.source_snippet, s.summary, GROUP_CONCAT(t.tag, ",") tags FROM entries e JOIN summaries s ON = s.entry_id JOIN tags t ON = t.entry_id GROUP BY ORDER BY e.created_at DESC LIMIT 100 """) results = cursor.fetchall() entries = [] for row in results: entry = EntriesResult(,, summary=row.summary, source_snippet=row.source_snippet, tags=row.tags.split(","), date=row.created_at, ) entries.append(entry) return entries @app.get("/recent/{tag}") def recent_tag(tag: str) -> list[EntriesResult]: tags = tag.split(",") tags = ["#" + tag for tag in tags if not tag.startswith("#")] # same as recent, but filter by tags, where at least one tag matches with get_db_cursor() as cursor: cursor.execute( """ SELECT,, e.source_snippet, e.created_at, s.summary, GROUP_CONCAT(t.tag, ",") tags FROM entries e JOIN summaries s ON = s.entry_id JOIN tags t ON = t.entry_id WHERE IN ( SELECT entry_id FROM tags WHERE tag IN ({}) ) GROUP BY ORDER BY e.created_at DESC LIMIT 100 """.format(",".join("?" * len(tags))), tags, ) results = cursor.fetchall() entries = [] for row in results: entry = EntriesResult(,, summary=row.summary, source_snippet=row.source_snippet, tags=row.tags.split(","), date=row.created_at, ) entries.append(entry) return entries @app.get("/tag_counts/") def tag_counts() -> dict[str, int]: with get_db_cursor() as cursor: cursor.execute(""" SELECT tag, COUNT(*) count FROM tags GROUP BY tag ORDER BY count DESC """) results = cursor.fetchall() return {tag: count for tag, count in results} @app.get("/clear/") def clear() -> str: # clear all tables logger.warning("Clearing all tables") with get_db_cursor() as cursor: for table_name in TABLES: cursor.execute(f"DELETE FROM {table_name}") return "OK" @app.get("/backup/") def backup() -> FileResponse: # create a backup and return it def progress(status: int, remaining: int, total: int) -> None: logger.debug(f"DB: Copied {total-remaining} of {total} pages...") now = fname = f"sqlite-data_backup_{now.strftime('%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S')}.db" try: conn = get_db_connection() backup_db = sqlite3.connect(fname) with backup_db: conn.backup(backup_db, pages=1, progress=progress) except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Error creating backup: {e}") conn.close() backup_db.close() raise e return FileResponse(fname, media_type="application/octet-stream", filename=fname)