# Dump your knowledge, let AI refine it ## Installation Create a Python environment with Python 3.10+. Install the requirements and the package: ``` sh python -m pip install -r requirements.txt python -m pip install . ``` For development, instead do: ``` sh python -m pip install -r requirements.txt python -m pip install -r requirements-dev.txt python -m pip install -e . ``` ## Starting ### Preparing environemnt Set an environemnt variable called "HF_HUB_TOKEN" with your Hugging Face token or create a `.env` file with that env var. ### Running the app Run the `start.sh` script. This may require a `chmod +x start.sh` if not already executable. ```sh ./start.sh ``` Instead, you can also run each part individually. For this, in one terminal, start the background worker: ```sh python src/gistillery/worker.py ``` In another terminal, start the web server: ```sh uvicorn src.gistillery.webservice:app --reload --port 8080 ``` For example requests, check `requests.org`. A very simple web interface is available via gradio. To start it, run: ```sh python demo.py ``` and navigate to the indicated URL (usually ## Docker To run everything with Docker, first build the image: ```sh docker build -t gistillery:latest . ``` Next run the container: ```sh docker run -p 7860:7860 -e GRADIO_SERVER_NAME= -v $HOME/.cache/huggingface/hub:/data gistillery:latest ``` Note that the Hugging Face cache folder is mounted as a docker volume to make use of potentially available local model cache instead of downloading the transformers models each time the container is started. To prevent that, remove the `-v ...` parameter. The database used for storing the results is ephemeral and will be deleted when the docker container is stopped. ### Backup To download a backup of the backend DB, visit `localhost:8080/backup`. If you wish to start the app based on a backup, set the `DB_FILE_NAME` environment variable to the name of the backup. ## Checks ### Running tests ```sh python -m pytest tests/ ``` ### Other ```sh mypy src/ black src/ && black tests/ ruff src/ && ruff tests/ ``` ## TODOs ### Tools i. Reading pdf in general i. Reading arxiv i. Generating text from youtube videos using whisper ### Deployment i. Make DB location configurable, mountable when running in docker (otherwise, it will be deleted each time the container is stopped).