from collections import OrderedDict from flask import Flask, render_template, request import pandas as pd import geopandas as gpd import folium import json app = Flask(__name__) route_id_to_stops = pd.read_csv('data/route_id_to_stops.csv') stops_delay_count = pd.read_csv('data/stops_delay_count.csv') gdf_stops_delay_count = gpd.GeoDataFrame(stops_delay_count, geometry=gpd.points_from_xy(stops_delay_count['GTFS Longitude'], stops_delay_count['GTFS Latitude']), crs='EPSG:4326') gdf_subway = gpd.read_file('data/my_subway_lines.geojson') gdf_avg_inc = gpd.read_file('data/average_income_2021.geojson') total_delays_by_line = pd.read_csv('data/total_delay_time_by_lines.csv') total_delays_by_stop = pd.read_csv('data/total_delay_time_by_stops.csv') race = gpd.read_file('data/nyc-race.geojson') on_time = pd.read_csv("data/avg_terminal_on_time_performance.csv") def make_map(line, default_map): rt_id_to_stops = route_id_to_stops.set_index('route_id').T.to_dict('list') rt_id_to_stops = {k: v[0].split(', ') for k, v in rt_id_to_stops.items()} if line: zoom = 12 center = gdf_stops_delay_count[gdf_stops_delay_count['stop_id'].isin(rt_id_to_stops[line])][['GTFS Latitude', 'GTFS Longitude']].mean().tolist() else: center = [40.7128, -74.0060] zoom = 11 base_map = 'CartoDB Voyager' m = folium.Map(location=center, zoom_start=zoom, control_scale=True, prefer_canvas=True, tiles=base_map) income_choropleth = folium.Choropleth( geo_data=gdf_avg_inc, name='Income by Zip Code', data=gdf_avg_inc, columns=['ZipCode', 'B19013001'], key_on='', fill_color='YlGnBu', fill_opacity=0.7, line_opacity=0.2, legend_name='Average Income', highlight=True, smooth_factor=0 ) income_tooltip = folium.GeoJsonTooltip( fields=['ZipCode', 'B19013001', 'Neighborhood', 'Borough'], aliases=['Zip Code:', 'Average Income:', 'Neighborhood:', 'Borough:'], sticky=True, opacity=0.9, direction='top', style="font-size: 12px; max-width: 300px;", ) income_choropleth.geojson.add_child(income_tooltip) race_choropleth = folium.Choropleth( geo_data=race, name='NYC Race Map', data=race, columns=['name', 'Total Population'], key_on='', fill_color='YlOrBr', fill_opacity=0.7, line_opacity=0.2, legend_name='Total Population', highlight=True, smooth_factor=1.0 ) fields = ['Total Population', 'White alone', 'Black or African American Alone', 'American Indian and Alaska Native alone', 'Asian alone', 'Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander Alone', 'Some other race alone', 'Two or more races','Hispanic or Latino (Total)'] aliases = [field + ':' for field in fields] race_tooltip = folium.GeoJsonTooltip( fields=['name', *fields], aliases=['Zip Code:', *aliases], sticky=True, opacity=0.9, direction='top', style="font-size: 12px; width: 100 vw;", ) if default_map == "income": m.add_child(income_choropleth) else: m.add_child(race_choropleth) race_choropleth.geojson.add_child(race_tooltip) if line: gdf_line = gdf_subway[gdf_subway['name'].str.contains(line)] else: gdf_line = gdf_subway folium.GeoJson(data=gdf_line, name='Subway Lines', style_function=lambda feature: { 'color': feature['properties']['RGB Hex'], 'weight': 7, 'opacity': 1, }, tooltip=folium.GeoJsonTooltip( fields=['Line/Branch'], aliases=['Subway Line:'], sticky=True, opacity=0.9, direction='top', style="font-size: 12px;", labels=True ) ).add_to(m) if line: stops = rt_id_to_stops[line] gdf_stops = gdf_stops_delay_count[gdf_stops_delay_count['stop_id'].isin(stops)] else: gdf_stops = gdf_stops_delay_count markers = folium.FeatureGroup(name='Stops') m.add_child(markers) marker_tooltip = 'Click for more info.' for _, row in gdf_stops.iterrows(): delay = row['Average Delay per Line'] if delay <= 0: color = 'blue' elif delay <= 60: color = 'green' else: color = 'red' # remove '[' and ']' from the list of branches branch = row['branch'].replace('[', '').replace(']', '') pop_up = f"""

Stop: {row['Stop Name']}

Borough: {row['Borough']}

Train Lines: {branch}

Average Delay per Line: {row['Average Delay per Line (mins)']}

Delays: {row['Delay Count']}

""" marker = folium.Marker( location=[row['GTFS Latitude'], row['GTFS Longitude']], popup=folium.Popup(pop_up, max_width=300), icon=folium.Icon(color=color, icon='info-sign'), tooltip=marker_tooltip ).add_to(m) marker.add_to(markers) # explain the colors of the subway lines legend_html = '''
  Subway Lines
  1 2 3  
  4 5 6  
''' mp = m.get_name() mrk = markers.get_name() js_callback = f''' function show_hide_markers() {{ var map = {mp}; var markers = {mrk}; function show_markers() {{ var zoomlevel = map.getZoom(); if (zoomlevel < 13) {{ markers.removeFrom(map); }} else {{ markers.addTo(map); }} }} map.on('zoomend', show_markers); show_markers(); }} window.onload = show_hide_markers; ''' m.get_root().html.add_child(folium.Element(legend_html)) m.get_root().script.add_child(folium.Element(js_callback)) m.get_root().header.add_child(folium.Element('')) m.get_root().header.add_child(folium.Element('')) folium.LayerControl().add_to(m) return m @app.route('/') def index(): return render_template('index.html') @app.route('/map', methods=['GET', 'POST']) def map(): # Define your project title project_title = "Is The Mta Racist?" # Pass the project title to the template if request.method == 'POST': selected_line = request.form.get('train_line') default = request.form.get('map_type') print(default) else: selected_line = 'default' default = 'race' context = { 'title': project_title, 'default_map': default, 'train_lines': get_train_lines(), 'selected_train_line': selected_line } line = get_train_lines().get(selected_line) m = make_map(line, default) context['map'] = m.get_root().render() return render_template("map.html", **context) @app.route('/delay_list') def get_delay_list(): delay_lines = total_delays_by_line.set_index('Line')['Total Delay Time'].to_dict() # convert the values to seconds timedelta delay_lines = {k: pd.to_timedelta(v) for k, v in delay_lines.items()} # sort the dictionary by the values sorted_delay_lines = {k: v for k, v in sorted(delay_lines.items(), key=lambda item: item[1].total_seconds())} # convert the values back to string sorted_delay_lines = {k: str(v) for k, v in sorted_delay_lines.items()} return json.dumps(sorted_delay_lines) @app.route('/performance_list') def get_performance_list(): performance_lines = on_time.set_index('Line')['Average Terminal On-Time Performance'].to_dict() return json.dumps(performance_lines) @app.route('/fun-facts') def fun_facts(): return render_template('fun_facts.html') @app.route('/about-us') def about_us(): return render_template('about-us.html') def get_train_lines(): return { "1 train (Broadway-7 Avenue local)" : "1", "2 train (7 Avenue express)" : "2", "3 train (7 Avenue express)" : "3", "4 train (Lexington Avenue express)" : "4", "5 train (Lexington Avenue express)" : "5", "6 train (Lexington Avenue local/Pelham express)" : "6", "7 train (Flushing local and Flushing express)" : "7", "A train (8 Avenue express)" : "A", "B train (Central Park West local/6 Avenue express)" : "B", "C train (8 Avenue local)" : "C", "D train (6 Avenue express)" : "D", "E train (8 Avenue local)" : "E", "F train (6 Avenue local)" : "F", "G train (Brooklyn-Queens crosstown local)" : "G", "J train (Nassau Street express)" : "J", "L train (14 Street-Canarsie local)" : "L", "M train (Queens Boulevard local/6 Avenue local/Myrtle Avenue local)" : "M", "N train (Broadway express)" : "N", "Q train (2 Avenue/Broadway express)" : "Q", "R train (Queens Boulevard/Broadway/4 Avenue local)" : "R", "S 42 St Shuttle, Franklin Av Shuttle, and Rockaway Park Shuttle trains (shuttle service)" : "S", "W train (Broadway local)" : "W", "Z train (Nassau Street express) " : "Z", "Select Train Line": None } @app.route('/about') def about(): return render_template('about-us.html') if __name__ == '__main__':