import streamlit as st from crewai import Crew, Process from pydantic import BaseModel from agents import News_Researcher, News_Writer from tasks import Research_task, Write_task from tools import tool import os st.set_page_config(page_title="CrewAI Article Generator", page_icon="📝", layout="wide") st.markdown(""" """, unsafe_allow_html=True) st.sidebar.title("📊 API Configuration") st.sidebar.markdown("Enter your API keys below:") serper_api_key = st.sidebar.text_input("Serper API Key", type="password") groq_api_key = st.sidebar.text_input("Groq API Key", type="password") if st.sidebar.button("Save API Keys"): if serper_api_key and groq_api_key: os.environ['SERPER_API_KEY'] = serper_api_key # Installed the SERPER_API_KEY in the environment os.environ['GROQ_API_KEY'] = groq_api_key # Installed the GROQ_API_KEY in the environment st.sidebar.success("API keys saved successfully!") else: st.sidebar.error("Please enter both API keys.") st.title("📝 Culprit ") st.markdown("This is an Agent which can write articles for your blog on any Topic - Have a Try") topic = st.text_input("Enter a topic for your article:", placeholder="e.g., Space exploration, Climate change, Artificial intelligence") if st.button("Generate Article"): if not serper_api_key or not groq_api_key: st.error("Please enter both API keys in the sidebar before generating an article.") elif not topic: st.warning("Please enter a topic before generating the article.") else: progress_bar = st.progress(0) crew = Crew( agents=[News_Researcher, News_Writer], tasks=[Research_task, Write_task], process=Process.sequential, ) with st.spinner(f"Researching and writing the article about '{topic}'..."): progress_bar.progress(50) result = crew.kickoff(inputs={'topic': topic}) progress_bar.progress(100) st.subheader("Generated Article:") if isinstance(result, str): article_text = result elif isinstance(result, dict) and 'article' in result: article_text = result['article'] else: article_text = str(result) st.markdown(article_text) st.download_button( label="Download Article", data=article_text, file_name=f"{topic.replace(' ', '_').lower()}_article.txt", mime="text/plain" ) st.markdown("---------") st.markdown("Created using CrewAI with ❤️ by BLJP ")