pretrained_model_path: checkpoints/stable-diffusion-v1-4 output_dir: "outputs/car-turn" input_data: video_path: "data/car-turn.mp4" prompt: "a jeep car is moving on the road" n_sample_frames: 8 width: 512 height: 512 sample_start_idx: 0 sample_frame_rate: 6 validation_data: prompts: - "a jeep car is moving on the beach" - "a jeep car is moving on the snow" - "a Porsche car is moving on the desert" video_length: 8 width: 512 height: 512 num_inference_steps: 50 guidance_scale: 7.5 num_inv_steps: 50 # args for null-text inv use_null_inv: True null_inner_steps: 1 null_base_lr: 1e-2 null_uncond_ratio: -0.5 null_normal_infer: True input_batch_size: 1 seed: 33 mixed_precision: "no" gradient_checkpointing: True enable_xformers_memory_efficient_attention: True # test-time adaptation use_sc_attn: True use_st_attn: True st_attn_idx: 0